Everything posted by chris6507
- Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I'd like to know what the usual place is too. Used to be legoleaks on instagram, but it now only shows the top posts and if their not in the top 12-15 posts then I can't see it. Lol. I have eventually found them, but the "usual place" would be nice to know.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
That's why i'm waiting to see what it's all like before I decide. :-D Jumped into the previous system too quickly. Not making the same mistake again.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Previous system was awful. Thing I hated the most was how broken up the larger sets felt being forced into those stupid modules. There's a significant difference in the build experience between a $20 set and a $200 set. When I rebuilt all the sets from the previous iteration last year I was so bored. So, so bored! It was like building 20 or so $10-$20 sets rather than building $80, $100 or even $200 sets. I still have them all built in what's a pretty good rendition of Hogwarts Castle. But I just look at it without feeling disgusted by the awful, awful build experience.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Is anyone else like me and waiting to see how the sets are all coming together before jumping in? If it looks amazing as a minifig scale castle all together i'll consider getting it. Otherwise I might pass. Still regretting purchasing the last itteration. Looks so square and ugly. Did buy the owlery already as I reckon that'd go well with the 2018 sets.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Just saw in my sons Book Club catalogue from school the "LEGO Harry Potter Ideas" book which i'd never heard of before. Just wondering if anyone has bought this and what it's like?
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
If I had to have one pick it would be Bill and Fleur's wedding. I'd imagine the wedding tent done in a similiar style to Avatar's Metkyana Reef set (however it's spelt) with minifigures of Bill, Fleur, Trio, Luna and Xenophilius. If I had a second (more unrealistic choice) it would be a Bourgin and Burke's set to connect to the back of the Diagon Alley Weasley Wizard Wheezes. I could imagine this one with Lucius, Draco, Narcissa, Hagrid and Harry. For a smaller set I wouldn't mind as people have suggested before a camping set from Deathly Hallows with the trio and Doe patronus. Personally though, after Gringott's and Rita Skeeter this year I am feeling actually pretty satisfied with my LEGO Harry Potter collection. I do have some past regrets such as buying the whole modular castle and the book playsets as I really, really don't like them. At least I wisened up with the Hogwarts banners. Getting really over Hogwarts castle at the minute. I would love in general to see a wave without any castle scenes and a whole bunch of random other sets. And please keep up the gimmicks such as buildable creatures, micro scale Hogwarts and such so I can keep saving a bit of money! :-D
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Does anyone know who players B and E are in this picture? I think E is Katie Bell, but no idea who the other is supposed to be?
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I started building Gringott's with the Mrs last night and after a random draw I ended up with the box building the Gringott's itself. My first thought having starting with book 3 page 1 was... Well this kind of makes the whole Silencio thing from the Diagon Alley irrelevant now. Not sure if anyone else had a similiar thought, but seriously, the exact same Hagrid and Harry? Why bother putting them in Diagon Alley at all if they were just going to be her fulfilling the same role again?
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Well you're lucky! Mine spent all day saying "out for delivery" only for them to decide at 4:30pm they weren't going to bother! People complain here about Australia Post, but it's the bloody courier companies i can't stand!
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Amidst all this talk about Gringott's, slight subject change. Has anyone either themselves or seen somewhere else online any MOCs combining the 2023 Weasley Wizard Weezes and the original Diagon alley into one? The mrs is trying to find a fathers day present for me for tomorrow, and considering suggesting it if it's any use to upgrading Diagon Alley, but have no interest in it as it's own set. Had a google myself, but coming up short so far.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Successfully ordered here in Eastern Australia. So happy, been a long time coming!!! Set showed up at 11:59 and was showing old gift with purchases. Waited 1 more minute for 12:00 and it changed to the Quidditch Polybag and Gringotts vault. Hope this helps anyone that's wondering after it apparently didn't appear on time for New Zealand.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Well that sucks. Not sure how things normally are in NZ, but the couple of sets i've waited on relase for have always been midnight. What gives? Why would this be any different? So weird. Thanks for reporting.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I really hope they aren't done with Hogsmeade sets. The Hogsmeade station i suppose is supposed to be this years one I guess, but a bit bland and boring compared to the previous two.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I'm in the same boat as you. Except it Was Grintoss and Rita Skeeter that were the last things I was missing. Only thing left that isn't necessary to me, but would be the icing on the cake is the wedding dress Hermione. I made a MOC with Decals and I love it, but a genuine one would be even better.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Gringott's releases in 5 days, how do we seriously still not have any official confirmation of the GWP release date? For anyone who has a good memory, is this normal?
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Well this whole change to LEGO Insider came out the perfect time. Managed to rack up another $60 worth of discount towards my Diagon Alley by scanning all our families LEGO instructions.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Anyone else feel quite dissapointed after the GWP leak? Was really expecting a more detailed vault along the lines of how the eiffel office felt like a zoomed in part of the Eiffel tower. Instead we got a small box with a minecart parked out front? At least we are getting Gringotts though. Thats all that matters really!
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
While I completely understand that none of the previous Harry Potter GWPs came out at the same time as the D2C's, to be honest not a single one of them really goes along with the sets. They were just random Harry Potter GWPs. This is the first time the GWP has directly related to the D2C and it reminds me more than anything of the Eiffel's Apartment GWP that was released alongside the Eiffel tower. So i'm with Brickbob. I'm holding out hope that the GWP is releasing in two weeks to coincide with Gringott's. Also, looking back at news articles on it, i'm not sure about the leaks, but the Eiffel Apartment was revealed approximately 10 days before the release of the Eiffel tower. So hopefully early next week at the latest.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Yeah, personally I think the figures in that set were terrible. Well, nothing new and exciting to me anyway. I was 100% not getting that set initially. The ONLY reason I bought it was to complete the "modular Hogwarts". Needed something to make that horrible modular system look like something decent. In saying that though, I do completely agree with brickbride in that I also strongly disagree with HP having strong builds in every set. Personally I only feel like there's been a half dozen "good" sets in the last 3 years.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Personally, considering all the other Diagon Alley shops we have are all from the same side of the street i'm going to display mine all in a line with Gringotts on the Left hand end. Makes sense in terms of the layout in the movies, fits on a straight shelf and helps excuse the Magical Menagerie as it'll probably be right on the edge of the shelf and will just look like it's cut off due to the shelf width. Lol. My only question if anyone knows... What's with the white wall on the right hand side of the set? From all the videos I can see from the movies there is no wall there, it's just another alleyway. That wall is the only thing that's baffling me. In movie stills from Philosophers stone there's an alley with a skybridge further down and some images have shops tucked further back. But nothing with a wall that matches the colour and architecture of Gringotts.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I read that after Brickbob posted that link and had a wave of relief wash over me! So excited! I was definitely one of those doubters. But in my defence, LEGO has very much enjoyed subverting expectations lately and not in a good way (personal opinion).
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
What stands out to make you say that?
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
So what sort of time are these things revealed? When people keep saying tomorrow is that USA time? Just wondering if we're talking today is Aus? :-)
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Does anyone know of any decent instructions on how this Hogwarts Castle (2021-2023) all combines together? Watched some youtube videos and I think it's all together right, but surely it's not as s*** as it looks. Lol. Does the bridge not connect at all? Thought i'd saved some colour codes instructions a few months ago, but can't find it now. On another subject, is anyone else feeling apprehensive about this Diagon Alley set reveal? Being the most desired set ever since I bought Diagon Alley, I'm feeling really nervous now about what the quality of it is going to be like. May just be my personal opinion, but is seriously feels like the quality of LEGO Harry Potter has absolutely tanked in recent years and i'm just so hoping that by some miracle it's not as bad as the last few years releases, but at the same time super nervous that i'm going to see it and get that same sinking feeling I've gotten with the last few waves (most recent moreso) reveals.
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