Everything posted by chris6507
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Feels like nobody learnt anything from this year. The wish list have already started with very desirable sets. The speculations are way too good. Think we should tone down the expectations, instead of preparing our disappointment a year in advance. Lol.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I had Mighty Max sets which were for boys and were awesome. So the appeal for that sort of thing was there for boys too. There were also micro machine playsets and ninja turtle playsets all in similiar style. I think boys actually had more of these things in the 90s than girls. I would have loved moments sets as a child ( not so much now).
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
As much as I don't love the anniversary wave, I would be happy if it were a few extensions to it to make it feel a little more complete. Especially the remaining tasks from Philosophers (Sorcerer's) Stone. I would greatly prefer these to more moments sets personally.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Guess i'll have something to look forward to in the morning. Not waiting up until 2am. Lol. Fingers crossed its good news.
Jurassic World 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Probably not. You can buy them on Bricklink, but they are very expensive. Normally like 50% of the set cost. I got the last Baryonyx that came out. Its enough for me. Bit too much money to spend on obtaining a different colour dinosaur when i dont want the set. Just got the 4+ set. Its pretty rubbish, but my son loves it and i got the people i needed. So i guess its a win! 😁
Jurassic World 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I got the same ones as you, but not allowed to open them til fathers day tomorrow. Kmart kept saying online tgat the sets are online only, but i found them in store when buying my son some track suit pants. Also like you might go and get the juniors set if they have it today, but might go halves with my 4 year old! 😀 Then just going to have to wait for Yasmin to show up on Bricklink. My major problem with the Baryonyx set is there is nothing to build. Its 90% a solid boat toy with a couple of bits of LEGO attached. Trying to downsize my LEGO purchases a bit, and that boat is just a definite no. Managed to find a copy of the bootleg figure (some anime character) with Nya's hair from ninjago in Brooklynn's pink. Cant wait to try it on her. I think it will be perfect.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I'm quite surprised by how positive people are about this year advent calendar. I'm not going to be negative or anything, but it was actually the first one I was strongly considering skipping. There's only one real new minifigure of any interest and I thought all the builds were pretty much useless. Very happy for you all that love it. Just really, really surprised!
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
What did it end up costing you for the lot?
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Thanks to Micmac helping me with trading, we both completed our sets with a couple of dollars of postage stamps. Thats one of the ones I had to trade for! No wonder he was so ellusive! You have them all!
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Wouldn't be head over heels for it personally. Don't have the same attachment to those movies for the exact reason you stated. Also not a huge fan of brick built creatures which is become quite prominent in the current line up. In saying that though I would 100% be more interested in your suggestion than that thing they are putting out this year. I did really like the Newts suitcase part of the set, so i'd be more interested in the build moreso than the creatures.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Wizarding World Accessory Pack is finally available in Australia if any Aussies were wanting to know.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Great... Wizarding World Accessory Pack is apparently retiring at the end of the year and it still hasn't been released here yet!
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Are there many other countries other than Australia that are still waiting for the Wizarding World Minifigure Accessory Set to come available?
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Hypothetically if the Harry Potter line was ending and there was to be ONE more set to be produced, what would you want it to be? It can be big, small, accessory pack or D2C, but the minifigures have to be relevant to the scene. So getting a set you might like, could mean you miss out on figures you want for example. I think I would have to stick with Gringotts myself as my street does not feel complete. But Its hard not to imagine a 2nd Task D2C and all the exclusive minifigures that could come in that.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I reckon if or whenever the do it, they'll just keep it modular so it can sit alone, or connect to anything else modular. Between the Modulars, Ninjago City, Diagon Alley and now the Marvel Daily Bugle every single set stands alone, can connect to each other across themes and all (except Diagon Alley & Daily Bugle so far) have sets that have come and gone before and are no longer available on the shelf. As long as they keep it modular it works on its own it is compatible with the current style and can connect to anything else modular available past, present or future. Basically if it's done within the modular scale it can come out anytime and it will fit regardless of what is on the shelf.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I was going to be lazy as I didn't want to get off my megablocks right now, but I decided to anyways. Lol. As I said, it's just been sitting there completely random, so not really posed or anything, but gives you an idea: Just realised there is a limo dumped on the next roof over too! I've been making some changes!
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
It's just kind of randomly sitting there, but we have my wife's LEGO Smaug sitting on top of of Weasley Wizard Wheezes and I can say that scale wise, it looks pretty good. I can take a picture tomorrow if you'd like to see. But just wanted to let you know if it's a similiar scale it would look pretty good.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Are you being serious or sarcastic? Just from what I've learnt of you on the forum, I thought you would have hated the current D2C! Lol. I'm genuinely surprised that you like it! I suppose it wouldn't really need to come with spectators as it's not as if it couldn't be populated with figures from elsewhere. I suppose one of the easiest ways to sell a set such as this with a limited selection of characters could be something like "Gryffindor Quidditch Training". Could either just be the complete Gryffindor team or something like when Ron and others were trying out for the Quidditch team. Could include Cormac McClaggen and a few other applicants. If something like this happened though it would have to be followed closely by the much desired quidditch accessory pack. As for scale and build, not really my cup of tea. But i'm sure given that most sets aren't true minifigure scale anyway, there's a way that someone with much more talent than I could make it work. Just to be clear, this is not a set i'm hanging out for. I'm sure i'd enjoy it, I just originally suggested it as something I could see happening as a D2C. Besides we know from this year LEGO likes making giant D2C versions of previous sets!
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
It's interesting, because last year when we were having a discussion on what potential sets could be made into a D2C set, I suggested a D2C Quidditch set and everyone seemed to think it was a terrible/boring idea. Not sure if people have changed their minds or that it just seems much more desirable than the awful D2C set that is coming out this year?
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I was thinking the exact same thing. The way it is designed is identical to the other 2021 sets. Don't honestly know how there is any confusion.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
While I agree that combination of the two great hall sets into one looks amazing!!! There is one problem. Without significant MOCing and the associated parts. It wont connect too well with the previous 2018-2020 sets. Not sure if anyone has had any genius revelations, but don't think it would go together too well. Otherwise I would have bought the instructions in a heartbeat.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I know some people like this set But everytime i see it it feel like its just a real bad dream i need to wake up from. It just doesnt feel real for some reason! If it wasnt for the damn gold figures i started collecting, i would have just pretended it didnt exist.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I'm just surprised how easily people seemed to be swayed by this set. Everyone hated the idea and now everyone loves it. Personally It's exactly the sort of thing I was easily going to pass on and find it even easier still. Only thing that really annoys me about it, is that I was expecting one golden figure (which i've been collecting so far), not 3! Now I just have to try and figure out how to either convince myself that my golden figure collection is complete without these 3 or whether i'm actually comfortable paying the extortionate prices these will likely go for. Absolutely hate LEGO for doing this. It's made anyone's golden figure collection 66% complete in one foul swoop! Happy some people like this thing, but I personally rank this thing well below the chess set which is pretty sad (and yes, my personal opinion).
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
That's a good question... I have wracked my brains and honestly for myself, I can't think of any object that could possibly be exciting enough to make me buy the set. I'm open to being surprised, but personally I don't think i've bought anything that isn't minifigure scale.
Jurassic World 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Thanks! Feels like forever away with this Daily Bugle sitting on my bedroom floor staring at me. Have a newborn, so the place is a mess and finding a place for that set is the last thing on our mind. :-D May have been a discussion in the past. Sorry if it was, but what's everyone planning on buying from the September wave? I'm thinking Fossil Exhibition and Carno Chase. They're all pretty mediocre, but I do like the ute (truck) from Camp Cretaceous in the Carno set and it at least has two of the campers and the fossil set is cheap, nice and has another camper. Would mean I only need to bricklink another 3 figures for hopefully less than $30, rather than spending another $140 on sets that do nothing for me. Those boat pieces are pretty big to store too. So that's my thoughts. What are the rest of you thinking? Getting any at all?
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