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Eurobricks Knights
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  1. Another update: Braked differential steering taken out of the differential frame has the problem that the whole thing has a lot of friction and in a model of this weight it matters. Maybe I could figure out how to print a custom frame for such differential, but then I'd also need to implement different type of breaks on the sides of the differential, and I doubt it would be much smaller width-wise than in the huge implementation of this kind of steering inside a frame between two turntables that I did some time ago.
  2. Really cool build. The pneumatic extension is really weird but a cool idea. Good luck :)
  3. I'm not a fan of the knob actuated mechanisms right where they are because it doesn't make sense anymore apart from worm gears holding the angle, but this truck looks great. Another clean design. I need to dig myself out of current projects and start building some of your trucks.
  4. Amazing build, the trick with hands is really cool. Great work. Now I want to see full race of such go-kart builds :D
  5. Looks really good, but there's something wrong with some of the photos where the red looks to be pink - would be good if you'd fix that. Also I feel like either windshield is one stud too far back, it should stick out a bit more, or the cab is one stud to short, or just the angle in the photo is just a bit weird - with that said, some more photos with different angles would be nice. Finally - shouldn't the topic show some progress on the project as well ?
  6. Interesting project. Just that double fender makes me think about the rest of the shape back there.
  7. Shameless plug for reference on the doors: You can do fairly compact door mechanism fitting within 3 studs and then incorporate the motor into the roof where a lot of modern busses have some HVAC units. You will most likely not make photos showing the ceiling of the bus from the inside, but most of the photos will show the messy floor, that's why it'd make more sense to make clean floor with mechanisms moved under the roof. I remember Sariel has also figured out some clever door system for his tram recently, so you could look that up as well. I like the trick with one-rings on the steering rack. I was wondering if the size is actually useful for things like that.
  8. Figured out how to do the ammo rack in curve with this 15x15 girder (still not in white, so 3d printed for now) reference photo (with ammo racks empty):
  9. The rules state it's supposed to be a non-branded vehicle.
  10. @Jim Two questions: Does wheels needing to drive the vehicle means they need to be douching the floor for driving or can they be used in the drive system in some other rotary action to propel the vehicle? For example used as clutch in drive system, used as drive sprocket in a tank, used to transfer rotation input to some walking system? Will taking out springs out of shock absorbers be treated as part modifying?
  11. Update on the progress. Improved the chassis thanks to some new parts. Still waiting for some DBG panels to be available from Lego:
  12. That's also why I'm asking about rims like that. But we're talking about toys/models and we're having problems with how this affects wheel arches. Also you may be right when it comes to something that is loose, but here we have a wheel that the vehicle's weight is pressing onto the ground. And I don't remember experiencing any problematic wobbliness with my wheel rims, while I often do have some wobbliness with standard Lego pieces while steering anyway due to some leeway in the parts themselves, so I'd say in this case sitting right in the center might be helping against the problem at slow speeds for more static manual model, while you might be right at it causing some issues at the higher speeds.
  13. Yeah, I know about those issues, but this is still doable if you don't expect to have independent suspension on this wheel. I've made a prototype of this ages ago here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcUp4VzLXqs so it can be done if Lego would want to do it. Creator expert mustang rim is letting the pivot point inside, but it's still offset from the centre by half stud so the pivot is not perfect. Also it doesn't fit the look of a truck wheel. For a licensed truck, they could've try to add new piece types, but I guess it wasn't critical issue for the set.
  14. I feel like this was another good opportunity to introduce proper wheel rims with pivot inside the wheel for better steering and correct wheel arches which was wasted again with faking of the front wheel rim looks with 4185 pieces.
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