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Everything posted by customlegostuidos

  1. Sorry about that everyone but I just re-sized my pics so it looks like I'm good to go.
  2. Hello everyone I just picked up general Grievous starfighter and I decided to post a review here on the forums also here is a link to my reviews on YouTube, so here goes. Okay first off I do think that this is a great set although it is a little over priced at $50 but not terribly so. It is very easy to build, and there are only a few stickers. I personally think it is a very good looking ship, that has a fair amount of detailing and a lot of playability because of its fold out missiles, its large missile/bomb that it has on the bottom and the fact that it is a very sturdy set. I will start out with a pic of the box nothing special just a normal Lego box. As you can see it does have a fair amount of detailing from the side with the stickers on the engine, the printed cockpit and the engine exhaust detailing (which is also where the fold out flick fire missiles are.) One of the nicest features of this set is that it has a slide able cockpit instead of one that you just pop off. The detailing carries on the the front of the ship with the brown and beige stripes, the top of the engines and the cannons. the ship also has very good rear detailing including multiple engines. Okay on to my favorite part the mini-figs the mini-figs in the set are some of the best and they only come in this set. Grievous is by far the best mini-figure in this set if any of you have seen the old grievous then you will see how much better this one is. He is a very detailed he has all four arms and his light sabers are easy to position and his feet are really cool. This mini-figure is a Jedi from star wars the clone wars his name is nadar veeb he has a very cool head its the same as admiral ackbars and lego has only realesad this hed in two sets. And lastly for the mini-figs we have A4-D he is general Grievous personal medical droid he is not the best minifigure in the set but he is still a very cool droid. and his face is a sticker and it is slightly challenging to get on properly. Also here is the vary last piece of the set, general grievous medical chair and light saber holder. okay well it looks like its time to rate this set so..... looks/detailing: 8/10 Price: 7/10 Mini-figs: 9/10 Playability: 8/10 Pieces: 8/10 Over all:40/50 Thanks for checking out my review and remember please check out this review and others on my YouTube channel (link).
  3. Oohh sorry I did realize how big those pics where I'm resizing them now.
  4. Thanks, but I have already looked at some of those, and I was just wondering if people knew of any other interesting MOCs. Also if you like those MOCs then check out my YouTube page i have a few more there and I am always adding more MOCs and even some Lego star wars set reviews.
  5. Hi every one I'm just posting because I want to see some of your lego star wars MOCs so please post pics, videos or links to your MOCs or just any cool Lego star wars MOC that you have found. Also I want to to see what you guys think of my new Lego star wars gunship MOC, it doesn't have quite the star wars feel that my other MOCs do but its still cool. Also here is a link to my gunship on Flickr and a link to my YouTube page if you want to check out the videos of some more of my mocs. Also Here are some pics of the gunship to see more check the Flickr or YouTube link above. And here is one of my bigger gunship. And remember to see more of these ships and others check out my YouTube channel link (don't forget to subscribe I'm always adding new stuff).
  6. Nice base I really like it. Lego just keeps making little parts of the hoth base but you managed to put them all together and add tons of new stuff.
  7. I think that you did a very nice job on that fighter bravo, also nice minifigs to go with it
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