VOTE PIRATES for the 90th Anniversary Set - ROUND #2 - then tell us why you voted
I had already expressed myself on the other subject, but as it has been closed, I develop here. I specified on the voting page my wish for a set of non-warlike navigators (explorers or merchants), like the little ship that accompanied the 6277 Imperial Trading Post, to change a bit from the binary antagonism Pirates / Soldiers... or a real little treasure island, with a brickbuilt relief ground and a chest to "dig up", that would be cool! As a reminder, however, this second phase of the survey has only an advisory value: it's the first round that was important, since LEGO never committed itself to choose the theme that would emerge at the end of the second round, but only one of the three selected in the first round (hence the fact that it was announced in advance that the final results would not be published). At first glance, I would have bet on Classic Space (even if I would love the Pirates of course), but since they did a lot to get Castle back in the balance, there is little doubt that it will be Castle (depending on the sales of the Medieval Blacksmith maybe). Moreover, it's surprising to have used the Castle vote splitting as an excuse to put them back in the ranking, when the Space theme, also divided into 7 lines, had no trouble to get one of them in the Top 3... In any case, with another historical theme in the equation, it leaves even less chance to the Pirates unfortunately.
Vote for the LEGO 90th Anniversary set - VOTE Pirate / Imperial!
Ship ahoy! The second voting phase is open: all hands on deck! Gunners to their stations and hard to port, lads! ( My answers : Select the theme, you would like the 90th Anniversary Set to be based on: Pirates Why did you pick that theme? And is there anything in particular in that theme you'd like to see in an official set? Historical themes have always been my favorites, with a slight preference for the 17th and 18th century rather than the Middle Ages, and thus the Pirates rather than Castle theme. To vary a bit from the binary Pirates vs Imperials antagonism, I'd love a set featuring non-combatant seafarers, such as explorers or the merchant ship from the 6277 Imperial Trading Post for example. )
Vote for the LEGO 90th Anniversary set - VOTE Pirate / Imperial!
I know, but it was still more feasible than basing myself on the 3000 and some comments of the LEGO Ideas post! And it's very likely that these people didn't just share their vote on the blog, but also went to cast it on the platform... As for the 58,628 votes, they must have been greatly exceeded, since the counter has been stuck on this exact number for at least 5 days (either that, or this data was erroneous from the beginning...)
Vote for the LEGO 90th Anniversary set - VOTE Pirate / Imperial!
If you want to know how the French public positions itself on this vote (or at least the readers of Hoth Bricks, the best-known French LEGO blog ), I had fun counting the 85 votes expressed in the comments under the article promoting this poll, between January 17 and 21: CASTLE: 65 votes – Forestmen: 18 – Classic Castle: 11 – Wolfpack: 9 – Dragon Masters: 9 – Lion Knights: 7 – Black Falcons: 6 – Black Knights: 5 SPACE: 49 votes – Classic Space: 27 – M-Tron: 7 – Blacktron: 6 – Ice Planet: 4 – Space Police: 3 – Exploriens: 1 – Spyrius: 1 PIRATES: 31 votes – Pirates: 20 – Imperials: 11 TOWN: 2 votes – Classic Town: 1 – Paradisa: 1 – Arctic, Xtreme Team, and Divers: 0 (but maybe some people misunderstood "Divers", since it means "Miscellaneous" in French?) – Adventurers: 17 – Trains: 11 – Model Team: 9 – Aquazone: 6 – Studios: 2 – Time Cruisers: 2 – Alpha Team: 1 – Rock Raiders: 1 – Bionicle: 1 Applied to this sample of 85 French-speaking people, the LEGO Ideas poll would therefore put the Classic Space theme well ahead (27 votes), then the Pirates (20 votes), closely followed by the Forestmen (18 votes) and, at the foot of the podium, the Adventurers with their 17 votes. Personally and unsurprisingly, I voted for the Imperials , the Pirates , and... the Forestmen (after an hesitation for the Wolfpack and the Adventurers).
Joza Bezeg started following CyregO
[WIP] 6255 Golden Medallion Comic - Colorization and DTP
Yes, and thanks also to this restoration project of the 2nd comic, without which I might never have bothered to create an account and therefore thank you! Speaking of names in the French version, I forgot to specify that "Forfait" (Blackheart cousins) means a serious dereliction of duty, a crime; and "Martinet" is either a bird resembling a swallow, or more probably here, a small whip used in the past to correct children (not to be confused with "Martinez", which is a Spanish-sounding name). "Le faucon" is just The hawk's literal translation. I checked and indeed, except for the flags and patched sails, these ships are modelled on others in the comic. Strange that the German audio drama didn't kept Seefalke for the name of the Golden Loot: as the comic is a by-product of the sets, I guess even though it lacks the striped sails, it was supposed to represent and promote its brick equivalent...? Little wink only permitted by time: even if they are not named in the original version (rightly so since they were drawn long before their adaptation to LEGO), I made the names Amaritza and Quexil appear in my translation for Kothu's parents (I kept your spelling for Amaritza: to my knowledge, her minifig was unnamed in French).
CyregO started following RedbeardsCove
[WIP] 6255 Golden Medallion Comic - Colorization and DTP
Hello RedbeardsCove, hello Runamuck, hello everyone! First of all, I apologize for my absence: from the little I saw of the colouring, which is worthy of a professional work, I thought the text had to be up to scratch, and it took longer than expected. Runamuck, a few years ago, I discovered your work transcribing and translating all the Pirates audio dramas and more (on this forum), and The Island of Mist (which TalonCard had shared on the dedicated topic on the rru forum). You can't imagine how precious your titanic work has been for a "shadow" fan like me, who doesn't speak German nor Danish. I'm happy to finally have the opportunity to thank you and tell you all my admiration for that. And yeah, I'm curious about any snippets of information you'd like to share about your work on the original version. Indeed, I hope that our work to restore this untapped LEGO heritage will not backfire on Per Sanderhage, who was kind enough to share these archives. It's been at least 30 years now that LEGO hasn't done anything about it: there should be a statute of limitations! :-) While scouring the web in search of all possible information on the French version of the LEGO Pirates theme, I had indeed stumbled a few years ago upon this interview by Sadie Mewsalot, which had rekindled my interest in the Brickfactory magazines Runamuck mentioned previously. The two references concerning LEGO Pirates are promotional publications for the theme launch in 1989. AS LEGO #3 is a partnership between LEGO and Bayard Presse Publishing, and a supplement to Astrapi magazine; while Les Pirates et la malle au trésor (the little photo comics on wich Michèle Lecreux worked) is a partnership between LEGO and Disney Publishing, and a supplement to P'tit Loup (Li'l Bad Wolf) magazine. I am not aware of any other product placement of this type for France. None of the names appearing in those pages is new: they all come from the first comic book 6255 Le Médaillon d'Or (translated into French by Yasmine Haddad, under the coordination of Marie Tenaille). I don't know what freedom this translator had towards LEGO : did she choose the names of the characters, or were there any instructions from LEGO France (we're indeed the only country where the main character isn't called Roger or Red-Beard in the target language, but Fortune...). I've already listed all the names in this Brickipedia article, which takes up and continues the huge compilation work done on this forum by Runamuck, TalonCard and others, but for more readability, I repeat them here: Captain Roger / Redbeard: Capitaine Fortune (sometimes called Capitaine Barbe-Rouge from 2004) Boatswain / Bo'sun Will Cavendish: Bill le moussaillon First Mate Rummy: La Barrique (The Barrel) Flashfork: Tranchant (Sharp) Jimbo: Moustic (simplified spelling for "mosquito" in French) Bessie: Bessie Popsy: Couac (parrot call in French) Spinoza: Filou (Trickster) Captain Foul: Capitaine Faucheton (pun with "faux jeton": bad penny in French) First Mate Culverin: Hippolyte (homophony with "hypocrite") John and Brian Blackheart: ? et Benoît Forfait (the cousin who disappeared in the jungle is apparently unnamed) Governor Broadside: Gouverneur Travers (Broadside) Lt. de Martinet: Lieutenant de Martinet Aunt Prudence: Tante Prudence Miss Camilla: Camille Chief Quextil / King Kahuka: Grand Chef Quexil Dark Shark / Black Seas Barracuda: Requin Noir (Black Shark) Black Skull / Skull's Eye Schooner: Requin Noir II (how original!) Sea Vulture / Renegade Runner: Étoile des Mers (Starfish / Seas Star) Sea Hawk / Caribbean Clipper: Faucon Sea Lion / Imperial Flagship: Lion de la Mer (Lion of the Sea / Sea Lion) Armada Flagship: Santa Cruz Pirates' Nest / Port Jamaica / Rock Island Refuge: Nid des Pirates The Keg and Cutlass: Au Fût du Forban (The Bandit Barrel) Port Royal: Port Royal Governor’s Fort Sabre / Eldorado Fortress: Fort des Sabres Fenzance / Port Royal (the set) / Imperial Trading Post: Port Fenzance Island of Fogs / Indigo Island / Enchanted Island: Île des Émeraudes (Emerald Island) For my translation, I reused as many of those names as possible, when the plot allowed it. I would like to thank TOOL, from the French forum, who owns the comic book Le Médaillon d'Or, and was able to complete the names I couldn't find online. Once again, a fantastic job! As a cover illustration, I would recommend page 10, panel 5: the proportions are close to those of a comics cover, this is the first time the title is mentioned in the story, and by removing the speech bubbles, there would be enough space at the top to display all the necessary information. Someone (Sanderhage himself?) indicated on the original scans that the first page introducing the characters was also missing. The one from the first volume could be taken up again by erasing the missing characters (Aunt Prudence, Camilla, Bessie, Foul and Culverin), and evoking a mysterious Island of Mist instead of the sentence about Foul and Culverin... For me, this is one of the disappointments of volume 2 by the way: there's only one female character in the comics: Kothu's mother, with only one line of dialogue. The positive points being in my opinion that the drawing is richer, the characters more stable and consistent in their lines from one panel to another, and Captain Roger finally has a real beard (red? you'll tell us...)! I was skeptical so I checked, and you're absolutely right: what an eagle eye! Since all four Ladybird books were published in 1990, if the illustration of the comic inspired the books and not the other way round, this means that it was written and drawn before 1990, like the first volume (bearing in mind that the sets had been ready since 1986 but postponed due to the insufficient production capacity to launch a new theme, and that Per Sanderhage was tasked with giving a background to the characters and writing the comics from the second half of 1987). Funny anecdote: missing the little flag in my Carribean Clipper, I had replaced it with the closest one I had: a soldiers' flag from the Wild West theme, ignoring that it was much closer to the Ladybird version than the traditional Bluecoats' flag!! And last but not least, the most interesting part for French speakers (if others are curious to discover the few liberties of adaptation, I suggest copy-pasting the text in, to my knowledge the least imperfect of online translators). This translation is mainly based on the English translation by Runamuck, and sometimes, when I had doubts about an interpretation, on the original Danish version via Google Translate. I apologize for the excessive length of this post, but the PDF file was a bit heavier than the allowed limit. Enjoy reading it, folks! Les PIRATES II : La Terre de brume © LEGO Group 1989 — Scénario : Per Sanderhage — Dessin : Vicente Vañó Ibarra — Couleur : RedbeardsCove Archive : Sadie Meowsalot — Traduction anglaise : Runamuck et son frère — Adaptation française : CyregO, 2020 Page 3, case 1 : Tranchant : Pas frais, mon poisson ? Qu'il vienne me le dire en face, s'il l'ose ! Case 2 : Bill : Vous savez pas comment on pourrait se ravitailler, plutôt ? Tranchant : Si : à la nage !! Case 3 : Fortune : J'ai une meilleure idée... Tu vas passer par-dessus bord, et tu vas aller appâter les requins !! Pirates : Bien dit ! Ouais ! Page 4, case 1 : Tranchant : Alors là, vous êtes injuste Capitaine Fortune... C'est pas à moi qu'il faut en vouloir... Fortune : Tiens donc ? Case 2 : Fortune : Hier, au menu : hareng bouilli, biscuit poivré. La veille : biscuit et hareng sauce au poivre. L'avant-veille... Case 3 : Pirate : Demandez voir ce qu'on mange aujourd'hui, Capitaine ! Tranchant : Ben... Fortune : Crache la, ta chique !! Case 4 : Tranchant : Ragoût de hareng et sa mâchemoure de biscuit... au poivre ? Fortune : Sortez la planche ! Case 5 : Tranchant : De grâce... Est-ce ma faute si nos dernières prises se limitaient à un harenguier et un cargo d'épices ? Fortune : Ah parce que c'est la mienne, peut-être ?!! Case 6 : Fortune : Dis-le tout de suite si c'est la corde que tu cherches ?! Case 7 : Vigie : Voile à tribord ! Tranchant : Fiou... Ça picote ! Page 5, case 1 : Bill : Quelque chose d'intéressant, Capitaine ? Fortune : Un peu, mon neveu... C'est bon ça... Très, très bon... Case 2 : Fortune : Fais souquer les artimuses, Bill... On va les cueillir comme des fleurs ! Bill : "Les" ?!... Prêtez-moi ça... Case 3 : Bill : Dites-moi pas que c'est pas vrai. Case 4 : Fortune : Drissez-moi ces escabèches, bande de rats de cale, et mirsoufflez les artibans : on a du pain sur la planche ! Bill : Vous êtes sérieux, là ?! Couac : Surrr la planche ! Scrrrouac ! Case 5 : Fortune : Mollo Bill Cavendish... Si une certaine liberté de ton est tolérée à bord, prends garde à ne pas en abuser... Bill : Mais il y en a toute une escadre ! On court au suicide !!! Page 6, case 1 : Fortune : Ne fais pas ta sibylle, Bill. Tu ne te laisserais pas impressionner par un tout petit convoi de rien du tout, si ? Bill : "Tout petit convoi"... escorté par rien de moins que le vaisseau amiral du gouverneur Travers ! Case 2 : Fortune : Tu es le fils du plus redoutable écumeur des Mers Tropicales, non ? Ton père n'eût pas fait grand cas de c... Case 3 : Bill : Exact, et c'est aussi pour ça qu'il n'est plus parmi nous aujourd'hui. Case 4 : Fortune : Jamais je n'oublierai ses dernières paroles sur l'échafaud... Bill : Et moi donc. Il a gueulé : (idéogrammes variés) Case 5 : Fortune : Oh c'est vrai... Mais avant, il fit jurer à tout ses vieux amis de s'assurer qu'son fils marcherait dans ses pas ! Case 6 : Fortune : Et ne t'ai-je pas élevé comme mon fils ? Combien, à ton âge, ont déjà un contrat de 200 ducats sur la tête ? Bill : J'imagine que je dois vous remercier ?? Case 7 : Fortune : Alors pourquoi refuser d'égayer les vieux jours de ton papounet en attaquant ce convoi ridicule ? Bill : Parce que je tiens à ma vie, voilà pourquoi !!! Page 7, case 1 : La Barrique : Oui, alors à ce sujet... Pendant que vous discutailliez, l'escadre a viré de bord direction Port Fenzance... Fortune : Quoi ?! Bill : Ouf... Case 2 : Fortune : Ah bravo, tu es fier de toi ? Maintenant, on est obligés d'assiéger Port Fenzance ! La Barrique : Impossible ! La rade est fortifiée !!! Case 3 : Fortune : M'en tape ! Je veux un de ces navires ! Marre de bouffer du hareng ! Bill : Attendez... J'ai peut-être une idée... Case 4 : Fortune : Vide ta sébile, Bill. Bill : Les navires marchands manquent toujours d'équipage... Si quelques hommes à nous pouvaient y être enrôlés... Case 5 : Bill : ... la nuit venue, ils éloigneraient un navire du convoi, et nous aurions alors tout le temps de le mettre à sac ! Fortune : Habile, Bill ! Bill : Oumpf ! Merci... Case 6 : Fortune : Et pour te prouver à quel point j'apprécie ton idée, je t'accompagne personnellement à Port Fenzance ! Case 7 : Bill : Moi ? Mais j'imaginais que quelqu'un d'autre... Fortune : Boh, ne me remercie pas ! Mettez une chaloupe à la mer, vous autres... Page 8, case 1 : Fortune : Une fois ravitaillé, le convoi devrait cingler vers Fort-des-Sabres. On se retrouvera à la Crique aux requins. Case 2 : Fortune : Souque ferme, Bill... De nouvelles aventures nous attendent... Bill : C'est la corde qui nous attend, oui... Case 3 : Couac : Scrrrouac ! Tout le monde à son poste ! Fortune : Profite... À ce niveau, c'est presque une promenade de santé. Bill : Peut-être, mais je persiste : vous auriez dû laisser Couac sur le Requin Noir ! Case 4 : Fortune : Pourquoi donc ?? Bill : Elle va finir par nous faire repérer ! Case 5 : Couac : Pas de quarrrtier ! Sorrrtez la planche ! Fortune : Hmm... Je vois ce que tu veux dire... Case 6 : Fortune : Et voilà... Plus qu'à choisir la cible idéale, maintenant... Page 9, case 1 : Bill : Hmm... Que diriez-vous du Dauphin Volant ? Fortune : Trop de tirant d'eau... La Crique aux requins est pleine de récifs ! Case 2 : Fortune : Le Flétan Aventureux en revanche... Bill : Trop lent, il... Attention ! Case 3 : Bill : C'est le gouverneur Travers et le lieutenant de Martinet ! S'ils nous voient... Case 4 : Travers : ... et veillez à ce que le Lion de Mer ne s'écarte pas des vaisseaux d'escorte ! Martinet : À vos ordres, Gouverneur. Case 5 : Bill : Attendez, vous ne songez pas à... ?! Case 6 : Bill : Pas question de s'embarquer sur le Lion de Mer, autant se jeter directement dans la gueule du loup : c'est niet ! Case 7 : Fortune : C'est bien ici pour s'embarquer sur le Lion de Mer ? Page 10, case 1 : Bill : Ras le bandana de vos coups de tête ! Et je parle pas qu'au figuré !.. Case 2 : Fortune : Tranquille, Bill... Si Travers tient tant à ce navire, c'est qu'il doit convoyer quelque chose de très précieux. Case 3 : Bill : On n'arrivera jamais à détourner un navire si près du vaisseau amiral. Et vous pourriez m'aider à la manœuvre ! Fortune : Moi ? Un capitaine ne s'abaisse pas à ce genre de besognes, Bill ! Case 4 : Bill : C'est vous qui nous avez fait engager comme gabiers ! Et si on déferle pas ce hunier, le bosco va se méfier. Fortune : La dignité d'un capitaine vaut plus que l'aménité d'un bosco ! Désolé Bill, mais tu devras bosser pour deux ! Case 5 : Bill : Oh, là-bas... Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Fortune : Ça ? C'est la Terre de brume. Toujours noyée dans un épais brouillard, personne n'y a jamais posé le pied... Case 6 : Bill : Eh, on dirait... ? Quelqu'un se noie là-bas ! Un homme à la mer ! Page 11, case 1 : Capitaine : Hm... Juste un petit indigène. Pas de quoi immobiliser... Case 2 : Capitaine : ... le nav... Hey ? Fortune : Bill ?!? Case 3 : Capitaine : Jeune homme, je vous demande de vous arrêter... Case 4 : Second : On maintient l'allure, Capitaine ? Capitaine : Je n'ai hélas pas loisir de gaspiller des hommes. Faites jeter l'ancre... Case 5 : Second : C'est perdu d'avance. Nous ferions mieux de poursuivre... Capitaine : Que voulez-vous dire ? Fortune : Non, attendez... Case 6 : Second : Un requin sera sur eux d'une seconde à l'autre ! Case 7 : Capitaine : Quel gâchis ! Passez-moi la longue-vue : c'est pas tous les jours qu'on voit ça... Fortune : Ta pipe, vite ! Page 12, case 1 : Fortune : Un poil plus bas... un chouia à gauche... Case 2 : Capitaine : Mais que faites-vous ? Les boulets sont comptés... Fortune : Oh, bouclez-la, vous !!! Case 3 : Fortune : Dans le mille, Émile !!! Case 5 : Capitaine : Joli tir, matelot. Avez-vous servi dans la Marine du Roy ? Fortune : Disons que... j'ai pu me retrouver sur une galère royale à l'occasion, moussaill... euh, mon Capitaine... Page 13, case 1 : Capitaine : Bien, conduisez ces enfants à la sainte-barbe, et reprenez votre quart avant que la nuit tombe. Fortune : À vos ordres, mon Capitaine. Case 2 : Bill : Je me demande d'où il vient... Fortune : Qui sait... ? Ah, au fait, je suis très déçu de ton comportement ! Case 3 : Bill : Pardon ?? Fortune : Où t'avais la tête en plongeant comme ça ? Tu te faisais becter et c'est tout notre plan qui tombait à l'eau ! Case 4 : Bill : Oh, je vois... Désolé de sauver des vies !!! Fortune : Apprends à réfléchir avant d'agir, un peu... Bon, au boulot maintenant... Case 5 : Fortune : La plupart des hommes ont rejoint leur hamac. Je me charge du timonier, toi du second, et après on... Bill : Un instant... Kothu : Bou-hou-hou... Case 6 : Kothu : Veux rentrer voir, snif, ma Maman... Île des Émeraudes... Canoë tombé... Bill : Ça va aller, camarade... Fortune : Tu es un flibustier, Billy, pas une nounou ! Case 7 : Fortune : Chhht ! Bill : Oh ça va, j'ai pas invité une fanfare, non plus... Page 14, panel 1 : Second : Ah, belle soirée en perspective... Timonier : Oui, pas une ride... Case 3 : Fortune : Bien ! Souque les écoutilles... Bill : Comme si c'était fait... Case 5 : Bill : Et voilà ! Plus qu'à s'éclipser discrètement du convoi... Case 6 : Fortune : Laisse faire le professionnel : tout dans le feutré et la délicatesse !!! Case 7 : Martinet : Désolé de vous réveiller, Gouverneur Travers... Mais le Lion de Mer a quitté l'escadre. Travers : Quoi ?! Mais qu'est-ce qui leur prend ? Suivez-les !!! Page 15, case 1 : Bill : C'est bizarre, Capitaine : on se traîne... Fortune : Pas grave... la Crique aux requins est déjà en vue... Case 2 : La Barrique : Voilà le capitaine Fortune !! Fortune : ... et on saura vite ce que ce Lion a dans le ventre... Case 3 : Pirate : Qu'est-ce que vous nous rapportez de beau, Capitaine ? De l'or ? Des bijoux ? La Barrique : Des gigots, du jambon, des saucisses ou du rhum ? Fortune : À vrai dire, j'en sais rien... Mais si Travers y tenait personnellement, le jeu doit en valoir la chandelle, non ? Case 4 : Fortune : Alors, Tranchant... ce butin ? Tranchant : Gloups... Case 5 : Tranchant : Du hareng... et du poivre ! Page 16, case 1 : Narration : Fortune fait monter l'ex-capitaine... Fortune : Qu'est-ce que c'est que ces carabistouilles ?! Où est l'or ? Capitaine : L'or ? Mais il n'y a jamais eu d'or ! Nous transportons des vivres ! Case 2 : Fortune : Alors pourquoi le gouverneur exigeait que vous voguiez de conserve avec lui, hein ? Capitaine : Mais parce que le navire prend l'eau ! En cas d'avarie, on n'aurait pas pu s'en sortir seuls. Case 3 : Bill : Qu'est-ce que je disais... Fortune : Oh ça va, hein ! Ça va ! Pirate : Frères de la côte ! Notre capitaine a failli à son devoir ! Jetons-le par-dessus bord et élisons-en un autre ! Case 4 : Pirates : Ouais ! C'est vrai ! Pirate : La planche ! La planche ! Fortune : Mutinerie ! Je crois bien qu'ils ont un pet de travers, Bill ! Bill : En parlant de Travers... Case 5 : Bill : ... regardez justement qui débarque comme un pet sur une toile cirée ! Case 6 : La Barrique : Combien d'avance on peut prendre ? Fortune : Pas assez ! À moins de tomber sur une planque, on est cuits... Kothu : Peut-être moi j'aide... Page 17, case 1 : Bill : Tu connais une cache où on pourrait mouiller l'ancre ? Kothu : Oui... mais d'abord, sortir d'ici... Case 2 : Fortune : Très bien... on prend le risque. Plus un mot avant d'être sur le Requin Noir, à l'abri des oreilles indiscrètes... Case 3 : Fortune : Nous reparlerons de ta petite tentative de mutinerie plus tard, mon gaillard !! Pirate : Fallait pas le prendre contre vous, Capitaine... Case 4 : Fortune : Alors bonhomme, elle est où cette cache ? Kothu : Par là... Île des Émeraudes ! La Barrique : Larguez les amarres, bande de pouilleux !! Case 5 : Fortune : Tu veux dire... la Terre de brume ? Impossible ! Personne n'en a jamais approché ! Kothu : Mais moi là j'habite ! Case 6 : Bill : C'est de l'inconscience ! On va heurter un écueil et couler à pic ! Fortune : Plutôt couler à pic que finir au bout d'une pique ! Case 7 : Fortune : La purée de pois, là, c'est obligé ? Kothu : Oui, l'Île : faire le tour... Case 8 : Kothu : Là ! Toi tu passes derrière gros caillou... Page 18, case 1 : Fortune : J'espère que tu sais dans quoi tu nous entraînes, mon garçon ! Kothu : 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... Case 2 : Kothu : 37... 38... 39... 40... cinq mains vers ta main des doigts... Fortune : Cinq quoi ? Oh peu importe... Bill, deux degrés à tribord... 'Fin j'espère ! Case 3 : Kothu : 76... 77... 78... un croissant de lune vers ta main pic-pic, maintenant... 79... 80... Fortune : Un croiss... pour l'amour du ciel ! Essaie quatre degrés à bâbord, Bill... Case 4 : Kothu : 160... Ça y est : toi tu arrives à ma maison... Case 5 : Fortune : Que le Grand Cric me croque !.. Page 19, case 1 : Amaritza : Kothu, mon chéri ! On a eu si peur ! Quexil : Où étais-tu passé tout ce temps ? Case 2 : Kothu : Moi je pêche, après je tombe dans l'eau, après lui il me sauve, après Pic-Pic il vole grand bateau, après... Case 3 : Quexil : Hein ? Fortune : C'est une longue histoire, mon Cap... euh, Grand Chef... Case 4 : Fortune : Mais pour l'heure, je serais curieux de savoir ce que des Aztèques font si loin de leurs terres... ? Quexil : C'est aussi une longue histoire... Case 5 : Quexil : ... mais vous prendrez bien un rafraîchissement ? Suivez-moi, vous êtes mes invités... Case 6 : Bill : C'est inespéré comme refuge... Fortune : Oui, je paierais cher pour voir la tête que fait Travers en ce moment-même... !! Case 7 : Travers : Comment ça : "volatilisés" ?!!! Page 20, case 1 : Martinet : On les a perdus de vue quand ils contournaient l'île. Ils ont dû en profiter pour s'éclipser. Capitaine : Leur navire a peut-être sombré... ? Case 2 : Travers : "Qui naît pour le gibet ne meurt pas noyé"... et un jour, je verrai Fortune au bout d'une corde, croyez-moi ! Case 3 : Travers : Lui ou son nabot de bosco ont-ils évoqué une destination... ? Parlé à un membre de votre équipage ? Capitaine : Non, ils ont su rester discrets. Ils ont bien parlé au petit indigène, mais comme il les a accompagnés... Case 4 : Travers : Petit indigène? Quel petit indigène ? Capitaine : Un marmot tombé de son canoë, qu'on a recueilli à bord... Martinet : Impossible ! Il n'y a plus aucune tribu dans la région, à moins que... Case 5 : Martinet : ... à moins que... non, ce serait trop... Et pourtant... Travers : ... d'un autre côté, a-t-on une autre explication ? Case 6 : Martinet : ... Mais alors, qui dit un Amérindien... Travers : ... dit une marée d'Indiens ! Ça peut rapporter un sacré paquet de pognon sur le marché aux esclaves, ça... Case 7 : Travers : Vous : gardez le cap avec le reste du convoi ! Fortune a dû trouver un moyen de mettre pied à terre... Case 8 : Travers : ... mais quand tôt ou tard il reprendra la mer, nous serons là pour l'accueillir... Page 21, case 1 : Fortune : Ça, faut admettre, je suis sur le fût. Ça fait des années que l'Empire aztèque s'est effondré, non ? Quexil : Exact... Case 2 : Quexil : "Quand les conquistadors envahirent Tenochtitlan, le temps de les évaluer que nous étions déjà vaincus." Case 3 : Quexil : "Pire : des peuples par nous jadis opprimés se soulevèrent. Une poignée de nos ancêtres fuit vers la côte..." Case 4 : Quexil : "Ils construisirent plusieurs embarcations, et prirent le large dans l'espoir de trouver une terre d'asile..." Case 5 : Quexil : Ils débarquèrent sur cette île et y bâtirent une Cité. Amaritza et moi-même, Chef Quexil, sommes nés ici... Bill : Mais comment vos ancêtres se sont-ils frayés un chemin dans toute cette brume ? Case 6 : Kothu : Oh... Île sans brouillard au début... Quexil : Merci Kothu, tu auras tout loisir d'en parler, vu que nos hôtes passeront le restant de leurs jours parmi nous. Fortune : Pardon ?!? Page 22, case 1 : Fortune : Qu'est-ce qu'il chante, l'emplumé ? On partira quand on l'aura décidé ! Quexil : Sans guide, vous ne franchirez pas la nappe de brouillard... Case 2 : Quexil : Comprenez bien que nous ne pouvons laisser des étrangers révéler notre existence. Fortune : Ah ouais ? On a quelques arguments pour vous faire changer d'avis, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire... Case 3 : La Barrique : ... Disons qu'ils ont pas l'air particulièrement à court d'arguments non plus... Case 4 : Fortune : Nom d'une brique ! Le Requin Noir regorge de pirates assoiffés de sang, de canons... Quexil : ... qu'ils n'utiliseront pas tant que nous vous tenons. Bill : Mais vous ne prendrez jamais le Requin Noir sans armes à feu !! Case 5 : Quexil : Qui parle de se battre ? Tôt ou tard, vos amis manqueront d'eau ou de nourriture et devront se rendre. Bill : Quelle gratitude, quand je pense qu'on a sauvé votre fils ! Case 6 : Quexil : Mais je vous suis reconnaissant, sans quoi vous seriez déjà sacrifiés... Ça peut toujours s'arranger d'ailleurs ! Page 23, case 1 : Fortune : Plus d'armes, rien ! Un peu plus et ils embarquaient ma jambe de bois et mon crochet ! La Barrique : Notre nouvel ami s'offre de nous conduire à nos appartements, je le suis. Case 2 : Bill : Écoute, j'aimerais beaucoup jeter un œil à votre pyramide. Tu crois que c'est possible ? Kothu : D'accord... Moi je montre par où. Case 3 : Bill : C'est quoi ce truc rond tout là-haut ? Kothu : Lui Bouldieu... protecteur de la Cité... Case 4 : Kothu : Avant, faire sacrifices humains à lui, mais maintenant non... Des fois, juste... Fortune : Ah bah tout va bien, alors ! Case 5 : Fortune : Dans ma vie, j'en ai vu des hurluberlus, mais celui-ci, c'est la drisse sur le bateau... Kothu : C'est lui Bouldieu donne le brouillard... Case 6 : Kothu : Lui vit dessus source chaude... Grand prêtre brûle feuilles rares dans sa bouche, après fumée mélange l'eau... Case 7 : Kothu : ... après Bouldieu crache brouillard sur la mer, et grand prêtre fait plus fort ou moins fort avec Nez-meraude. Case 8 : Bill : Épatant, n'est-ce pas Capitaine Fortune ? Fortune : Nez-patant, oui... Nez-tincelant même... Que dis-je, nez-tincelant ? Nez-blouissant ! Page 24, case 1 : Fortune : T... Tu en as d'autres, des comme ça ? Kothu : Ah non... Case 2 : Fortune : Pff, c'est bien la peine de s'appeler "Île des Émeraudes", tiens... Kothu : ... avant quand Anciens ils partent, eux ils ont la place juste une émeraude dans les deux bassins pleins d'or... Case 3 : Fortune : Deux bassins pleins d'or ?! Bill : Euh... Capitaine, je ne crois p... Kothu : Oui, toi tu veux voir ? Case 4 : Fortune : Voui !!! Bill : Non !!! Kothu : C'est juste après... Case 5 : Fortune : Nom d'un tenon... ?! Kothu : Ça c'est joli, hein ? Bill : On ferait mieux de pas trainer ici, Capitaine... Case 6 : Fortune : Ça en fait des briques, Bill ! De l'or pur, t'imagines ? Bill : Toute façon, même s'il était à vous, on serait quand même coincés ici ! Case 7 : Fortune : Pour se repérer, Kothu savait à quel nombre correspondait chaque récif... Faisons pareil à l'envers. Bill : Certes ! Mais comment retrouver ces nombres ? Je les ai pas notés, moi ! Case 8 : Couac : 40... deux degrrrés à trrriborrrd... 78... quatrrre degrrrés à bâborrrd ! Case 9 : Fortune : Répète ce que tu viens de dire ?! Couac : ... 40... deux degrrrés à trrriborrrd... 78... quatrrre degrrrés à bâborrrd ! Scrrrouac ! Page 25, case 1 : Fortune : Tu entends ça ?! Couac s'en souvient ! À nous la liberté ! Bill : Oui... Et comme Kothu s'est arrêté à 160... Il suffira de compter à rebours. Case 2 : Fortune : Banco ! On rejoint le Requin Noir, on réveille l'équipage, on fauche le trésor et on filoche à l'anglaise ! Bill : Ça c'est un plan bien ficelé... ! Case 3 : Fortune : Normal : il est de moi... Bill : Et les 300 guerriers aztèques de la Cité, vous en faites quoi ? Case 4 : Fortune : 300... ? Bill : Vous les voyez vraiment dire adieu à leur or sans broncher ? Case 5 : Fortune : Pas sûr... Il y a tant d'égoïsme en ce bas monde... Bill : C'est cela, oui ! Eh bien attendons la nuit pour récupérer nos pétoires et fuir à bord du Requin Noir... Case 6 : Fortune : Mais tout cet or... ce serait débile, Bill... Bill : N'y pensez plus et tâchez de dormir un peu. Case 7 : Bill : Allons-y... La voie est libre... Case 8 : Bill : Sapristi... une sentinelle garde nos armes ! Fortune : Qu'est-ce que je te disais : la confiance se perd de nos jours ! Mais j'ai une idée... Page 26, case 1 : Gardien : Hep ! Plus un pas ou j'appelle la g... Fortune : Pas la peine, on ne fait que pass... Hey, votre lacet ? Case 2 : Gardien : Quoi "mon lacet" ? Mais j'ai même pas de sand... Case 3 : Gardien : ...aïe ! Case 4 : Bill : Voilà qui est fait ! Plus qu'à retrouver Moustic et La Barrique. Fortune : Leur cambuse est un peu plus loin... Case 5 : Fortune : Debout, La Barrique ! On met les bouts cette nuit... La Barrique : RRRrrrr... hmmfff ? Case 6 : Bill : Mais... où est passé le mousse ?! Case 7 : Fortune : Qu'est-ç't'as fait de Moustic ? La Barrique : Lui et Kothu sont sur l'autre montagne, à observer les étoiles. Case 8 : Fortune : Les étoiles ??? La Barrique : Ouais, ces bougres d'Aztèques s'y intéressent aussi, ils ont même un endroit exprès pour ça... Page 27, case 1 : Bill : Vous allez quand même pas l'abandonner ici, Capitaine... Fortune : Tu crois vraiment que c'est mon genre ? Quelle indignité... Case 2 : Fortune : ... par contre dès que j'lui remets le crochet dessus, qu'il s'attende à un peu plus qu'une tapette à mousse ! Case 3 : Fortune : De nous trois, tu es l'plus agile, Bill ! Cours le chercher pendant qu'La Barrique et moi euh... on appareille... Bill : À vos ordres, Capitaine. Case 4 : Fortune : Viens, La Barrique ! La Barrique : Mais les quais sont de l'autre côté ! Case 5 : Fortune : Je sais, corniaud ! Juste une petite course à faire avant... Case 6 : Bill : Pardon... L'observatoire, c'est bien par là? Garde : Quoi... ? Euh... Oui, mais que... ? Case 7 : Bill : Merci ! Page 28, case 1 : Kothu : ... tu suis la route des étoiles, après tu comptes les années... Moustic : Pas mal ! Tu sais repérer les planètes alors ? Case 2 : Bill : Moustic ! Viens avec moi, vite ! On s'en va ! Kothu : Toi tu t'en vas ? Pas possible ! Tu sais pas le chemin de sortir ! Case 3 : Bill : Si Kothu, on a trouvé comment quitter la baie. Viens Moustic. Le second et le capitaine nous attendent à bord... Case 4 : Bill : ... du moins, je l'espère... Case 5 : La Barrique : On est déjà trop chargés, Capitaine. Faut y aller ! Fortune : Encore une petite seconde... Case 6 : La Barrique : Tout ça me dit rien qui vaille, Capitaine... Fortune : Faudrait un séparateur de briques... Case 7 : Fortune : "Et la lumière fut" ! Case 8 : La Barrique : Il a pas l'air content !!! Fortune : Pas grave, toute façon on se tire !!! Page 29, case 4 : Fortune : Eh ben ça valait le détour finalement. On fêtera ça dignement chez ma petite Bessie, au Fût du Forban. La Barrique : Yo-ho-ho, et une bouteille de... Case 5 : Quexil : ... rumsteaks bien saignants ! C'est ainsi que demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où rougit le Soleil, vous partirez !!! Case 6 : La Barrique : Si vous avez un plan, je suis tout ouïe, Capitaine. Fortune : On est cuits : les gosses vont se jeter dans la gueule du loup aussi ! À moins que... Case 7 : Fortune : Retrouve Bill, Filou ! Tu lui donnes ça ! Compris ? Bill ! Case 8 : Fortune : Va chercher ! Va !!! Case 9 : Fortune : Cours Filou ! Cours... Page 30, case 3 : Bill : Filou ? Moustic : C'est quoi qu'il tient dans sa main ? Case 4 : Kothu : C'est Nez-meraude de Bouldieu... Elle qui commande le brouillard ! Bill : Les imbéciles !!! Case 5 : Kothu : Toi tu sauves pas tout le monde... Si Pic-Pic il vole à Bouldieu, il meurt, c'est tout... ! Bill : Il doit y avoir une solution... Case 6 : Fortune : Écoutez, ne sombrons pas dans la violence symbolique... Je m'excuse, d'accord ? Bill : Oh non... Case 7 : Kothu : Eh, toi tu tires pas mon Papa quand même !!! Bill : Mais non ! Fais-moi confiance... Page 31, case 1 : Bill : Des canons... ? Case 2 : Bill : La brume a dévoilé la Cité ! Et Travers gagne la baie !!! Case 3 : Martinet : Le Requin Noir pris dans nos filets, enfin ! Et dès que nous l'aurons envoyé par le fond... Travers : ... nous pillerons la Cité : je tirerai un bon prix de ces sauvages en les vendant comme esclaves ! Case 4 : Guerrier : La brume s'est dissipée ! Comment... ? Quexil : Nous verrons cela plus tard ! Mettez vos familles à l'abri ! Case 5 : Fortune : Billy ? Tu tombes bien... On commençait presque à s'inquiéter... Bill : Et y a pas de raison d'arrêter... Case 6 : Fortune : Pourquoi ? Il est pas né l'Aztèque qui m'ouvrira la pastèque ! Bill : Travers et Martinet nous pilonnent depuis le Bélier d'Acier. Et eux non plus sont pas doux comme des agneaux ! Page 32, case 1 : Moustic : Bah qu'est-ce qui te prends, Kothu ? Kothu : Toi tu fais comme moi : prie Bouldieu ! Case 2 : Fortune : Allons bonhomme, c'est pas le moment de céder à la panique ! Kothu : Toutes les légendes elles disent Bouldieu il protège nous ! Case 3 : Bill : On a encore une chance... Grouillez-vous !!! Case 4 : Fortune : Loin de moi l'idée de te traiter de boulet, Bill, mais... Bill : Plus tard. Le Bélier d'Acier doit être parfaitement dans l'axe. Attendez... Case 5 : Bill : Là ! Case 6 : Fortune : Sacrée pierre, Bouldieu... Moustic : circule si tu veux pas finir écrabouillé ! Bill : Du nerf !!! Case 7 : Fortune : Ça roule, ma boule !! Page 33, case 2 : Martinet : Euh... Mille excuses Gouverneur, vous connaissez le dicton : "Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse" ? Case 3 : Travers : Évidemment, Martinet... Que voulez-vous que ça me f... Haaaaa ??!!! Case 4 : Fortune : ... et je jure, foi de forban, de ne jamais dévoiler votre secret... Quexil : Heureux de vous l'entendre dire... Bouldieu a retrouvé son habitus, mais deux sûretés... Case 5 : Quexil : ... valant mieux qu'une, j'ai demandé à mon fils de désapprendre l'itinéraire au perroquet... Couac : Il est pourrr Couac le susucrrre ! Scrrrouac ! Page 34, case 1 : Fortune : Je me demande qui est le psittaciste qui a bien pu suggérer l'idée, hein Bill ? Quexil : Maintenant, si vous pouviez emmener ces soldats avec vous, nous allons réétendre notre linceul blanc... Case 2 : Fortune : Tu as vu ces écueils ? Une fois noyés dans le brouillard, impossible de s'aventurer par ici ! Case 3 : Fortune : Et maintenant, débrouillez-vous tout seuls ! D'autres viendront vous secourir bien assez tôt !.. Martinet : Mais ça peut prendre des jours... et nous n'avons ni eau, ni vivres. Case 4 : Fortune : Vous savez quoi ? Je veux bien vous échanger tous nos harengs et notre poivre contre... le petit coffre, là... Travers : Quoi ? Mais il y en a pour une véritable fortune. C'est de la pure... pure... Case 5 : Fortune : ... piraterie ? Oh, tout de suite les grands mots. Case 6 : Martinet : Votre hareng, Gouverneur, plutôt fumé ou bouilli ? Travers : Pas la peine de me faire mariner... je bous déjà de colère !! Fin
CyregO started following [WIP] 6255 Golden Medallion Comic - Colorization and DTP
CyregO started following The Golden Medallion – looking for a Photoshop expert
[WIP] 6255 Golden Medallion Comic - Colorization and DTP
Yes, in the meantime, I also searched what it was, and I tested a free one online, with a page from the comic book. Indeed, it didn't really do much good... Never mind, I trust the translation of Runamuck, who had already done a remarkable job of transcribing and translating the 8 Pirates audio dramas and some from other themes. I hope Piraten will be able to validate (or invalidate) the few alterations I made to Runamuck's version, since it's the one I'm working from... It's going well. At this rate, maybe I'll be done by tonight? An honor to serve Captain Redbeard himself! ^^ (I hope you'll get my answer, but again, if you or someone else can tell me how to notify another user on laptop...)
[WIP] 6255 Golden Medallion Comic - Colorization and DTP
Since I don't know how to do this myself, it would be a great help, yes. Thank you. From the little we've seen so far, I really appreciate the care and references you bring to your coloring. I don't know if this will help the other translators of the comics, but I've updated and completed the list of all the characters, ships and named places in the LEGO Classic Pirates universe, as well as their different representations, in as many languages as possible. (Originally, it's also a work that had been started and largely advanced by Runamuck and TalonCard, among others, precisely on this forum.)
[WIP] 6255 Golden Medallion Comic - Colorization and DTP
@RedbeardsCove Oh, okay, I get it. You can refer him to "my" version if you want. And yes, you can go check it out too, I finished the proofreading. Do you know if anyone transcribed the original script? I don't speak a word of Danish, and I'll rely on Runamuck's English version to do my French translation anyway, but it would still be nice to be able to pass the source text through an automatic translator and make sure I don't stray too far from it? Maybe Runamuck hand-typed it when he was doing his own translation? Speaking of which, is it possible to tag members from a laptop? I tried by prefixing them with a @ like you did, but as you can see, it didn't work (I copy-pasted from the post just above to tag you)... Do you select the name as a link?
[WIP] 6255 Golden Medallion Comic - Colorization and DTP
@RedbeardsCove Wonderful news! Yesterday, I just posted in the topic The Golden Medallion - looking for a Photoshop expert the complete translation by @Runamuck and his brother – discovered a few years ago thanks to @TalonCard which had published it on rru –, partially reread and corrected, but especially formatted by myself. I'll finish my proofreading, even if I'm probably far from being the most proficient in English here, but above all, I could deal with the French translation if you're interested? Far be it from me to belittle @Piraten's work, but the original black and white version I have (shared by @Sadie Meowsalot) is already in Danish, isn't it?
The Golden Medallion – looking for a Photoshop expert
The Island of Mist (Written by Per Sanderhage — Illustrated by Vicente Vañó) Shared by Sadie Meowsalot — Translated from Danish to English by Runamuck and his brother — Corrected and laid out by CyregO Page 3, panel 1: Flashfork: If you are so dissatisfied, then why don't you eat somewhere else? Panel 2: Will: I wish we could... but we are at least 10 nautical miles from land! Flashfork: Then swim!! Panel 3: Roger: I have a better idea... We'll let you walk the plank, then you can swim to get some new supplies!! Pirate: Aye! Aye! Page 4, panel 1: Flashfork: Now you are being unfair Captain Roger... there is no reason to be mad at me... Roger: There isn't? Panel 2: Roger: Yesterday we had boiled herring with pepper hardtack, the day before we had herring with hardtack and pepper sauce, and the day before... Panel 3: Pirate: Ask him what we will have for dinner today, Captain! Flashfork: Hem... Roger: Spit it out!! Panel 4: Flashfork: Herring stew with hardtack sprinkles and pepper... Roger: Get the plank! Panel 5: Flashfork: Please listen... It's not my fault if the only ships that we have spotted have been a fishing boat and a spice ship. Roger: Are you suggesting that it is my fault?!! Panel 6: Roger: That is mutiny! Are you deliberately trying to get hanged?! Panel 7: Lookout: Sail to starboard! Flashfork: Phew... of the hook! Page 5, panel 1: Will: Can you see anything, Roger? Roger: Yes, you bet ya... beautiful... very beautiful... Panel 2: Roger: Ready the ship, Will... we'll take them with ease! Will: Them?!... Lend me that spyglass... Panel 3: Will: I hope I'm hallucinating. Panel 4: Roger: Hurry up, you bilge rats... Load the cannons and sharpen the knives, now we have to start working!!! Will: Have you gone completely mad?! Popsy: Ready the ship! Rork! Panel 5: Roger: Calm down Will... A certain freedom of speech can be tolerated on a pirate ship, but you have to show your captain a certain amount of respect... Will: That is an entire convoy! It would be suicide to attack!!! Page 6, panel 1: Roger: Listen, Will... you are not going to get blown away by that little convoy, are you...? Will: You can bet your life that I will! Especially when it is escorted by Governor Broadside's flagship! Panel 2: Roger: I'm shocked, Will... You are the son of the most feared pirate of the tropical sea, and still you are bothered by so little. Your father would never have been bothered by that kind of thing... Panel 3: Will: Which also is the reason why he is no longer among us. Panel 4: Roger: I will never forget his last words on the scaffold... Will: Neither will I. He said: %!~?@!# Panel 5: Roger: Oh, right... Before that he asked his old friends to make sure that his son would follow in his wake as a pirate! Panel 6: Roger: And haven't I raised you like my own son? There are not many people your age, who already have a 200 ducats bounty on their head... Will: No... and thank you very, very much!! Panel 7: Roger: Then why won't you make your old foster father happy by attacking that convoy? Will: Because I don't want to get shot!!! Page 7, panel 1: Rummy: Yes, sorry... but while you have been yelling at each other, the convoy has turned away and is heading for Fenzance... Roger: What?! Will: Phew... Panel 2: Roger: Now look what you have done! Now we have to attack Fenzance! Rummy: We can't do that! There is a fortress!!! Panel 3: Roger: I don't care! I want to capture that ship! I'm sick of herring! Will: Wait... I have an idea... Panel 4: Roger: Well, tell us, Will. Will: Merchant ships can never get enough people for the crew... If some of our men could sneak into Fenzance and get hired... Panel 5: Will: ...then under the cover of the night they could capture the ship and sail it away from the convoy, and then we would have all the time in the world to ransack it! Roger: You are a genius, Will! Will: Ouch! Thank you... Panel 6: Roger: And to show you how much I appreciate your advice, I will personally come along with you to Fenzance! Panel 7: Will: Me? I thought someone else should... Roger: Don't thank me! Let's put a boat in the water... Page 8, panel 1: Roger: The convoy will probably sail further towards Fort Sabre when they'll have loaded new supplies. You'll wait in the Shark Bay until we return with a ship. Panel 2: Roger: Off we go, Will... new adventures await us... Will: Well... I'm afraid that it'll consist of getting hanged... Panel 3: Popsy: Rork! All men to the guns! Roger: Relax... It'll be the easiest hijacking we have done in a long time. Will: Maybe, but I wish that you had left Popsy on the Dark Shark! Panel 4: Roger: Why that?? Will: It can blow our cover! Panel 5: Popsy: No mercy! Let them walk the plank! Roger: Hmm... I think I understand what you mean. Panel 6: Roger: So... now it's a matter of finding the right ship... Page 9, panel 1: Will: Hmm... How about "The Flying Dolphin"? Roger: She is sitting too deep in the water... there are reefs in the Shark Bay! Panel 2: Roger: How about "The Precocious Flounder"... Will: Too slow. She... Watch out! Panel 3: Will: It's Governor Broadside and Lt. De Martinet! If they see us... Panel 4: Broadside: ...and make sure, that the Sea Lion II stays close to the flagship! De Martinet: Yes sir, Mr. Governor. Panel 5: Will: Listen, you aren't thinking about... ?! Panel 6: Will: We are picking another ship! We don't want to get too close to Broadside! I refuse to take a job on the Sea Lion II! No way! Never! Panel 7: Roger: Is this where you can get a job on the Sea Lion II? Page 10, panel 1: Will: Of all the insane, completely idiotic ideas...!! Panel 2: Roger: Calm down, Will... If Broadside wants the ship to stay close to the flagship, it must mean that it's carrying something very valuable. Panel 3: Will: We'll never get away with hijacking a ship right next to the flagship... And by the way you could help me with this! Roger: Me? A captain does not do the work of a sailor, Will! Panel 4: Will: You took a job as an ordinary sailor! If we don't get this done, the bo'sun will get suspicious. Roger: My dignity must be more important than the opinion of a bo'sun! You will have to work for the both of us, Will! Panel 5: Will: Listen... What is that? Roger: That over there? It's the Island of Mist. It is always surrounded by a thick fog, and there are many dangerous cliffs, so no one has ever visited it... Panel 6: Will: But, it looks like...? There is somebody out there! Man over board! Page 11, panel 1: Captain: Hm... I think it's just an Indian boy. We don't have to worry about that... Panel 2: Captain: ...Just keep sailing... Huh? Roger: Will?!? Panel 3: Captain: Listen, young man. You have not been given permission to... Panel 4: 1st Mate: Should we keep on sailing, Captain? Captain: No. Unfortunately we can't spare any men. Stop the ship... Panel 5: 1st Mate: It is a waste of time. We might just as well keep on going... Captain: What do you mean? Roger: No, listen... Panel 6: 1st Mate: They will be eaten by a shark any moment now! Panel 7: Captain: What a pity! Let me just have the spyglass. I have never seen anyone get eaten by a shark before... Roger: Give me that pipe! Page 12, panel 1: Roger: A little down... half an inch to the left... Panel 2: Captain: What are you doing? Cannonballs are expensive... Roger: Oh, shut up!!! Panel 3: Roger: Bull's-eye!!! Panel 5: Captain: Nice shot, sailor. Have you served in the navy? Roger: I... er have actually... occasionally had the opportunity to be on the king's ships, sir...captain... Page 13, panel 1: Captain: Well, help the two below deck, and let us get back to work. It'll be dark soon. Roger: Yes sir, captain. Panel 2: Will: I wonder where he came from... Roger: Who knows... But by the way I'm very disappointed with you! Panel 3: Will: Wha'?? Roger: What were you thinking when you jumped overboard like that? If you had been eaten, our entire plan would have fallen apart! Panel 4: Will: Oh, right... Sorry! Really!!! Roger: You have to learn to think of others than yourself... Well, back to work... Panel 5: Roger: Most of the men have hit the hammocks now. We'll take out the first mate and the helmsman first and then we'll lock up... Will: One moment... Kothu: Uhhhh... Panel 6: Kothu: Go home... Island of Mist... My boat capsized... Will: It will turn out alright, buddy... Roger: Come are a pirate, not a nurse! Panel 7: Roger: Be quiet! Will: What, do you think I invited an orchestra to come along... Page 14, panel 1: 1st Mate: What a lovely quiet evening... Helmsman: Yes, certainly... Panel 3: Roger: Good! Close and lock the hatches... Will: On the way... Panel 5: Will: Done! And now let's sneak off to the Shark Bay... Panel 6: Roger: Don't worry! I'm a master at this! No one will notice anything!!! Panel 7: De Martinet: Sorry to disturb you, Governor Broadside... But the Sea Lion II has left the convoy. Broadside: What?! How dare they? Follow them!!! Page 15, panel 1: Will: She seems a little heavy, captain... Roger: Doesn't matter... we'll be in the Shark Bay soon... Panel 2: Rummy: Captain Roger is coming now!! Roger: ... and now we'll quickly get her lightened... Panel 3: Pirate: What is in the cargo hold, Captain Roger? Gold? Jewels? Rummy: Legs of lamb? Hams? Sausages? Rum? Roger: Not even I know that. But it must be very valuable, because Broadside personally demanded that the ship should stay close to the flagship. Panel 4: Roger: Well, boys... what is our booty? Flashfork: Gulp... Panel 5: Flashfork: Herring and pepper! Page 16, panel 1: Narration: Captain Roger has the captain brought before him... Roger: What is this supposed to mean?! Where is the gold? Captain: Gold? We don't have any gold! We are carrying supplies! Panel 2: Roger: Don't lie to me! Why did the governor then demand, that you should stay close to him? Captain: Because the ship is leaking! If there would be any trouble, we would not be able to make it on our own. Panel 3: Will: I told you so... Roger: I know that! I know that! Pirate: Dear fellow pirates! Our captain has let us down! I suggest we throw him over board and pick a new one! Panel 4: Pirate: Aye! Aye! Pirate: Get the plank! Roger: Mutiny! Now we're in trouble, Will! Will: We've got even more than you think... Panel 5: Will: ...Because here comes Governor Broadside and his ships! Panel 6: Rummy: How much of a head start can we get? Roger: Not enough! They'll catch us, unless we can hide somewhere... Kothu: Maybe I can help... Page 17, panel 1: Will: Do you know a hiding place where we could sail to? Kothu: Yes... but we have to get out of this bay... Panel 2: Roger: Very well... we have to take that chance. Don't say any more before we are back on the Dark Shark... The captain here should better not tell Broadside where we are going... Off we go, people! Panel 3: Roger: We'll discuss your little mutiny attempt later, young man!! Pirate: You don't have to take it so personally, captain... Panel 4: Roger: Well, where is the hiding place, little buddy? Kothu: That way... there is a bay at the Island of Mist! Rummy: Set all sails, you bilge rats!! Panel 5: Roger: The Island of Mist? It is impossible to sail in there! No one has ever been in there! Kothu: But I live there! Panel 6: Rummy: This is madness! We'll run aground and sink! Roger: Better sink than get hanged! We'll try! Panel 7: Roger: You want us to sail into that pea soup? Kothu: We have to get to the other side of the island... Panel 8: Kothu: There! Sail in along the right side of that cliff... Page 18, panel 1: Roger: I hope you know what we are doing, lad! Kothu: 1...2...3...4...5... Panel 2: Kothu: 37...38...39...40... turn five hand widths to the right... Roger: Five what? No matter... we'll try... two degrees to starboard, Will... I hope! Panel 3: Kothu: 76...77...78... Now a moons width to the left... 79...80... Roger: Of all insane ways to sail... try four degrees to port, Will... Panel 4: Kothu: 160...Now we are at my home... Panel 5: Roger: I'll be darned...! Page 19, panel 1: Amaritza: Kothu! We were so worried! Quextil: Where have you been for all that time? Panel 2: Kothu: My boat capsized, while I was fishing, and then someone picked me up, and then someone else hijacked the ship, and then someone else came and then... Panel 3: Quextil: What? Roger: It's a long story, Mr. Chief... Panel 4: Roger: But right now I'm mostly eager to know what Aztecs are doing so far away from the main continent..? Quextil: That is also a long story... Panel 5: Quextil: ... but you would probably like some refreshments. Follow me, we'll talk while we eat... Panel 6: Will: This is a wonderful hiding place... Roger: Yes, I would really like to see Broadside's face right now...!! Panel 7: Broadside: What do you mean that they are "gone"?!!! Page 20, panel 1: De Martinet: We lost sight of them when they sailed around the island. They must have seized the opportunity to slip away. Captain: Maybe the ship has sunk...? Panel 2: Broadside: One says that those who should hang will not drown... and I will see Captain Roger get hanged!! Panel 3: Broadside: Did Roger and his runt of a bo'sun say anything about their plans? Did they talk to any of your crew? Captain: No... They kept it to themselves. Yes, they talked with the Indian boy, but they took him along with them, so... Panel 4: Broadside: Indian boy? What Indian boy? Captain: Just a little lad, who was capsized with his canoe, whom we picked up... De Martinet: Impossible! No Indian tribe lives here, unless... Panel 5: De Martinet: ... Unless... no, that is too unlikely... but... Broadside: .... On the other hand... is there any other explanation? Panel 6: De Martinet: ... And if there is one Indian... Broadside: ...There must be a whole tribe... And you can get a lot of money for Indians on the slave market... Panel 7: Broadside: You and the rest of the convoy keep on going! Roger must have found a way in, but sooner or later he will have to come out again. Panel 8: Broadside: ...And when he comes out, we'll be waiting for him... Page 21, panel 1: Roger: I have to admit, I'm astonished. The Aztec Empire collapsed many years ago, didn't it? Quextil: Yes... Panel 2: Quextil: "When the foreign troops arrived at our empire in Mexico we underestimated them, and before we realized it, they had conquered us." Panel 3: Quextil: "To make a bad situation worse, the people that we had oppressed entered the conflict, and a little group of our ancestors fled to the coast..." Panel 4: Quextil: "They built a number of boats and sailed out to sea hoping to find a safe place to settle..." Panel 5: Quextil: They reached this island and built this city, and since then we have been living here... Will: But how did your ancestors find their way through the fog? Panel 6: Kothu: Oh... There was no fog surrounding the island back then... Quextil: Thank you, our guests can always be told that story another time... Since they will stay here for the rest of their lives, there will be plenty of time! Roger: What?!? Page 22, panel 1: Roger: What are you blathering about? We'll sail when it suits us! Quextil: Without a local guide you'll never get through the fog... Panel 2: Quextil: You do understand that we cannot allow strangers to know of our existence. Roger: Don't be silly! We can easily force your people to move out of our way! We aren't exactly defenseless... Panel 3: Rummy: ...they don't seem particularly defenseless either... Panel 4: Roger: This is madness! The Dark Shark is filled with bloodthirsty pirates, and they have cannons... Quextil: ... that they won't use so long you are in our clutches. Will: You can't possibly capture the Dark Shark with your weapons!! Panel 5: Quextil: Why should we! Sooner or later, your men will run out of food and water and will have to surrender. Will: What a nice way to show your gratitude, we saved your son! Panel 6: Quextil: I am grateful... that is why we didn't sacrifice you to our gods immediately... But that can still be done, if you get too bothersome! Page 23, panel 1: Roger: They have even taken our weapons! I feel naked! Rummy: Our friend here will show where we are going to live, so I'll go with him and look. Panel 2: Will: Listen, I want to take a look at your temple pyramid. Is that alright? Kothu: Yes...I'll show you the way. Panel 3: Will: What is that round thing at the top? Kothu: That is the Spheregod...the protector of the town... Panel 4: Kothu: We used to sacrifice people to him, but we don't do that anymore...not very often anyway... Roger: How reassuring! Panel 5: Roger: I have seen many weird things, but this one takes the cake... Kothu: It is the Spheregod that makes the fog... Panel 6: Kothu: The Spheregod stands on top of a volcanic spring...When the priest burns the leaves of rare trees in the god's mouth, the smoke mixes with the steam from the spring... Panel 7: Kothu: ...and the fog is made, which is led down to sea. The priest decides how thick the fog should be by turning the jewel on the god's nose. Panel 8: Will: Incredible! Aren't you impressed Captain Roger? Roger: Yes, most certainly! That is the biggest jewel I have ever seen! Page 24, panel 1: Roger: D-do you have more of those? Kothu: No, unfortunately... Panel 2: Roger: Oh well, I guess that was too much to hope for... Kothu: ...that was the biggest one from the two baskets full of jewels that my ancestors brought with them... Panel 3: Roger: Two baskets full of jewels?! Will: Uh...Captain Roger... Kothu: Yes, do you want to see them? Panel 4: Roger: Yes!!! Will: No!!! Kothu: They are right over here... Panel 5: Roger: That much...?! Kothu: is pretty, isn't it? Will: I think we should go now Captain... Panel 6: Roger: That is a fortune Will! I must have it! Will: Even if you could get your hands on it, we are trapped here! Panel 7: Roger: Kothu used numbers on the way in here... When he reached a certain number, he knew where there was a reef. To get out you just have to count backwards. Will: Sure! But can you remember what the numbers were? I didn't write them down! Panel 8: Popsy: 40...two degrees to starboard...78...four degrees port! Panel 9: Roger: What did you say?! Popsy: 40...two degrees to starboard...78...five degrees port. Rork! Page 25, panel 1: Roger: Did you hear that? Popsy remembers it! We can get away! Will: Yes... And Kothu finished with 160... Then we can just count backwards. Panel 2: Roger: Great! We'll sneak out to the Dark Shark, get the crew, take the treasure and run away! Will: Great plan...! Panel 3: Roger: Well, if I have to say so myself, then... Will: And what are you going to do about the 300 armed Aztec warriors who live in the town? Panel 4: Roger: 300...? Will: Don't you think that they might try to stop us from running off with their gold? Panel 5: Roger: Maybe... People only think of themselves... Will: Yes! Let's wait until it gets dark, find our weapons and sail away with the Dark Shark... Panel 6: Roger: But...Will, all that gold... Will: Stop and try to get a little sleep. Panel 7: Will: Come... it's all clear... Panel 8: Will: Darn... They have put a guard in front of the room with our weapons! Roger: It's sad how people don't trust each other these days! Well, I have an idea... Page 26, panel 1: Guard: Hey! You are not allowed to be here... Roger: We just had to... Hey, did you know your shoe buckle was untied? Panel 2: Guard: Shoe buckle? I'm not even wearing any... Panel 3: Guard:! Panel 4: Will: There! Now we just need to get Rummy and Jimbo. Roger: They were given a room right down here... Panel 5: Roger: Wake up, Rummy! We have found a way to escape... Rummy: Hmmfff...? Panel 6: Will: But... Where is Jimbo?! Panel 7: Roger: Where the %!~?@!# is Jimbo? Rummy: He and Kothu went up the other mountain to look at the stars. Panel 8: Roger: The stars??? Rummy: Yes, these darned Aztecs are interested in those kinds of things, and they have a place up there for that... Page 27, panel 1: Will: We can't leave our cabin boy here, captain... Roger: Did you believe that I could even dream of doing that...? Panel 2: Roger: ...But when I get my hands on that kid, he won't be able to sit down for a week or so! Panel 3: Roger: You are the fastest runner of us, Will! Run up and find him, Rummy and I will wait at the pier... Will: Ay, ay, captain. Panel 4: Roger: Come, Rummy! Rummy: But this is not the way to the pier! Panel 5: Roger: I know that! We just have a little errand first... Panel 6: Will: Sorry... Is this the way to the observatory? Guard: Wha...? Er... Yes, but what... Panel 7: Will: Thanks! Page 28, panel 1: Kothu: ... And by following the stars path we can calculate the length of the year... Jimbo: Clever! Can you see where the planets are right now? Panel 2: Will: Jimbo! Come with me, quickly! We are leaving now! Kothu: Leaving? You can't just leave! You don't know the way out! Panel 3: Will: Yes, Kothu... We have discovered how to get out. Come Jimbo. The captain and Rummy are waiting at the pier... Panel 4: Will: ...At least I hope so... Panel 5: Rummy: We can't carry any more now. Let's get out of here, captain! Roger: Just one tiny thing more... Panel 6: Rummy: I have a bad feeling about this, captain... Roger: Just a little nudge more... Panel 7: Roger: There we go! Panel 8: Rummy: It's making a strange sound!!! Roger: Doesn't matter, let's take off!!! Page 29, panel 4: Roger: Looks like we got something out of the trip after all. When we're out on the open sea we'll celebrate. Rummy: Yes, celebration is a good thing... Panel 5: Quextil: ...And at dawn you can participate in a very special celebration... Where we sacrifice the thieves to Spheregod!!! Panel 6: Rummy: If you have a plan I would bloody well like to hear it, captain. Roger: We are done! And Will is probably going to walk right into the trap too! Unless... Panel 7: Roger: Find Will, Spinoza! Give him this! Got it? Will!! Panel 8: Roger: Find Will! Go!!! Panel 9: Roger: Find Will! Find... Page 30, panel 3: Will: Spinoza? Jimbo: What is that he's got in his hand? Panel 4: Kothu: That is the jewel from the Spheregod's nose... the one that regulates the fog! Will: Those idiots!!! Panel 5: Kothu: You can't do anything, Will... If they have stolen it from the Spheregod, they will be sacrificed...! Will: There must be a way out... Panel 6: Roger: Listen, let's not go to extremes now... I have apologized... Will: Oh no... Panel 7: Kothu: Hey, you can't shoot my father!!! Will: I know that! But I have to do something... Page 31, panel 1: Will: Cannons...? Panel 2: Roger: The Fog is gone! Broadside has gotten in!!! Panel 3: De Martinet: The Dark Shark is far inferior to us! And when we have sunk her... Broadside: ...We'll take the city, and after that I can earn a fortune by selling the inhabitants as slaves! Panel 4: Warrior: The fog is gone! How...? Quextil: We don't have time to think about that now! We must defend the city! Panel 5: Roger: Will? Good to see you... I was almost starting to get worried... Will: There is no reason to stop being so... Panel 6: Roger: Why? The Indians are busy with other things now! Will: Broadside has brought all of De Martinet's regiment with him on the Iron Ram... And they are not any gentler than the Aztecs! Page 32, panel 1: Jimbo: Can't we? What are you doing, Kothu? Kothu: Asking the Spheregod to protect us! Panel 2: Roger: This is not the right time for superstitions, lad! Kothu: All our legends say that the Spheregod will protect us! Panel 3: Will: There is a chance... Come, hurry!!! Panel 4: Roger: This is your most crazy idea so far, Will! Will: Shh. We have to wait for the Iron Ram to be in the perfect position. Panel 5: Will: Now! Panel 6: Roger: This is one unusually heavy god! Will: Hurry up!!! Panel 7: Roger: There it goes!! Page 33, panel 2: De Martinet: Er... Sorry Mr. Governor... but there appears to be a giant ball flying towards us. Panel 3: Broadside: What kind of nonsense is t... I... Help??!!! Panel 4: Roger: ... and I promise by my pirate honor never to tell on you... Quextil: I'm glad to hear that... We have put the Spheregod back in its place, but just to be on the safe side... Panel 5: Quextil: ... I have had my son teach your parrot something other than the route in here... Popsy: Popsy wants a cracker! Rork! Page 34, panel 1: Roger: I wonder who gave him that idea, eh, Will? Quextil: And now, if you would be so kind as to bring those soldiers out to the open sea, so we can lay out our fog shroud again... Panel 2: Roger: Have you seen those cliffs? Once they'll be covered by fog we'll never be able to find our way back! Panel 3: Roger: From here on, you will have to make it on your own! Someone will pick you up soon!.. De Martinet: That can take days... and we have neither water nor food. Panel 4: Roger: Hmm... you know what... I will let you buy a little food. We have some leftover herrings and some pepper hardtack, which you can get for the content of that chest... Broadside: What? That is a fortune. This is pure... pure... Panel 5: Roger: ...Piracy? Yes, what else? Panel 6: De Martinet: Would you like your herring to be served boiled, Mr. Governor? Broadside: That is not necessary! I'm boiling with anger on my own!! The end
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