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Everything posted by mutley777

  1. Wow, a Super pack that actually makes sense! Not bad, I would say this is the first I would consider buying.
  2. Well going back a fair bit, the last Celebration Europe unveiled the Motorised AT-AT for the first time. Good God, was it really that long ago.
  3. mutley777 replied to Rayman's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Unlikely. The new Gunship has a reduced size front opening of 6X6. The Clone Wars one was 8X6.
  4. The torso is the only exclusive part so far but the 114 Trans Dark Blue 1x1 plates are going to make getting them in good numbers very hard if lots of people start buying them. They are by no means a rare part but nothing comes close the amount needed here. There is right now only 18 sellers on BL who have the enough for the full 114 and only 9 sellers have 114 them in new condition. Multiple orders will be needed here. I did use the part list image in the Toyark gallery to make sure I had everything.http://news.toyark.com/2013/05/17/lego-summer-press-kit-secrets-to-reveal-there-are-87360#images As for the set well it is a little flimsy around the back parts you mention but not to the point where it falls apart just looking at it.
  5. I am not normally one for double posting but I though I would share the photos of my Bricklinked copy of this set. As you can see I am still waiting for the new Anakin torso from the new 75021 RGS set to complete the Padawan. I think this is a very nice set and Lego at least the should release the instructions for it. It is a real shame these went to Press and not to the fans who would really appreciate it. A special thank you to Jamie75 and vean for their LDD models which helped loads when building!
  6. It took 9 Bricklink orders, as I wanted to do it all in the UK but I have ordered all the parts to make this set and the minifigs. The only thing I still need is the torso for the Padawan, which is taken from the new Anakin fig in the new RGS. Guess I can wait a bit for that fig to be complete as I don't want to spend £10 on the fig. Shame I won't have the box or instuctions but it is going to work out quite a bit cheaper than the $1000 or £600 price these sets are going for on Ebay .
  7. I think I took this picture back in 2004-2005. The knee joint on the latest AT-AT are to far up compared to the movie version it is higher than middle of the leg! The main body is to small and head...well just looks awful! In this picture you can surely see how much better the old one was guys! http://www.flickr.co...in/photostream/
  8. This picture should show you just how much better the old 4483 AT-AT is compared to the latest one. I own all of the minifig AT-AT's and 4483 is by far the best and most movie accurate. http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream
  9. Very nice army BlueXes! A really good amount of Separatist droids and equipment! A fantastic display Warmaster! As Lobot said, that is one stunning Venator you have there.
  10. I am expecting (hoping) the UCS R2-D2 to be part of this years 25% off May the Forth promotion. So if you can wait a couple more months you might be able to order it get 25% off and get whatever is the free gift for the promo too.
  11. Well the 60009 Helecopter Arrest is also listed as a MDP set and that is a Store Exclusive set, so I would guess it is some kind of retail Exclusive for the Star Wars line. It could be a 3 in 1 Super pack maybe.
  12. Not really a great set at all and I love my clones! £12 (UK price) for 2 clones is just CR*P! Yeah the Destroyers are ok, but not good enough to make this a good set at RRP. One for the sales and I expect it to be on sale quick, as the SW line is starting to fail in the UK. You only have to look at the crazy sale prices on the run up to Christmas to see that! 40% off a few weeks before Christmas for sets only released in the summer. Unheard of before this year!
  13. Back in January or Febuary of 2007 Lego shop@home put up a page to say you could pre-order the the new UCS 10179 Falcon and if you did so you would get one of the first run limited editions with a certificate. This worked that you had to give a credit card to confirm the pre-order which would be charged then refunded at first then re-charged when the set shipped. At this time the shipping date was October of the same year so it was going to be a long wait. Around the 20th of September 2007 people started getting the shipping notice from lego and sets started to arrive. These sets were the limited editions with the certificate. Some canceled orders may have meant some people were lucky enough to also get on soon after the first shippment but after that the sets produced no longer had the certificate or the limited edition seal on the front of the box. I cant' help you out with first run numbers I am afraid. Maybe one of our Lego ambassadors could find out?
  14. I have a spare TC-14 if you want to trade. I could always use some more Uruk's.
  15. Also we still have not had any info about the early March-April exclusive sets yet.
  16. Well seeing as Lego has the Star Wars Landspeeder tin as a promo for the this event, I would be surprised if the sets don't get the first reveal there. Especially as these sets will be finding there way onto the shelves in just over a couple of months.
  17. After a very quiet August with only a few Bricklink orders, things went mad for September with all the great deals around ! This is what I bought over the last 2 months but most of it was in the last 3 weeks! I even managed to slip a couple of Lord of the Rings sets in. Slave 1 Star Wars Celebration tin 2 9509 SW Advent calendars 6 9488 Elite Clone & Commando Droid BP 3 9489 Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Trooper BP 3 8091 Republic Swamp Speeder 1 9677 X-wing Starfighter & Yavin 4 1 9678 Twin Pod Cloud-Car & Bespin 1 9679 AT-ST & Endor 2 7673 Magnaguard Starfighter (used) 2 8018 Armored Assault Tank (used) 1 8014 Clone Walker Battle Pack 1 8015 Assassin Droid Battle Pack 1 9499 Gungan Sub 1 9525 Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter 1 9472 Attack on Weathertop 1 9471 Uruk-hai Army 1 9498 Saesee Tiin's Jedi starfighter 1 9497 Republic striker-Class Fighter 3 Geonosian Warrior 11 WolfPack Clone Troopers 3 Clone Pilot 5 CW Clone Gunner 14 CW Clone Trooper 1 ARF Clone Tooper 1 Horn Company Clone Trooper
  18. Actually, Jedi News has been consistently right with set lists for quite a number of years now.
  19. mutley777 replied to Ebak's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I have been know for buying multiple sets from time to time.
  20. July was a good month for set purchases, as nearly all of them were bought on good sale prices. 5 9491 Geonosian Cannon 1 7879 Hoth Echo Base 2 10215 Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter 1 9516 Jabba's palace 1 9496 Desert Skiff 1 30058 STAP's 1 30056 Star Destroyer 1 30053 Mini Republic Attack Cruiser 1 30059 Mini MTT 1 8018 AAT (used) 1 Darth Maul’s MINI Sith Infiltrator - San Diego Comic-Con 2012 8 Geonosians warriors
  21. 2012 should be pretty much tied up now apart from the full release of the UCS B-wing and some kind of exclusive set for the up coming Star Wars Celebration.
  22. Two more great armies rogueang! I like that you got replacement hats for the old hoth Rebels. I think he means the Rebel trooper ones not the Hoth Rebel bp ones.
  23. Over 1400 post and 4 years and finally Oky gets a picture of a Astromech army! A very nice collection of Droids by the way!
  24. Actually The motorized AT-AT was unveiled at Celebration Europe.
  25. This is a bit of topic but I wanted to add this. There are 2 not listed there. One is the Separatist Boarding Craft just under the Naboo N1. The other is the most interesting one. Just next to the Venator right in the bottom right corner of the picture is some kind of minifig playset. You might have to save the largest pic and zoom in a bit to see what I mean. Edit: here is a pic of what I mean.
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