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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Redroe

  1. Yeah very glad I got my Owen about 6 months ago to go with a Sandcrawler MOC. Brickfanatics reports that the thresholds are 40, 70 and 160 dollars (ouch) being the ATST polybag, Blue Lip Luke, and (a diorama) respectively. So its gonna be big spending time to get Beru. Might have swung me on several sets I was undecided on. Bo Katan's fighter and Fett's Palace? Hopefully some meaningful discounts on some sets other than the bare minimum. 10% seems to be as far as they are willing to go.
  2. Nice one. I found your Ghost online recently and intend to build my own based on yours. Always thought the gunship worked well at this scale but never been able to pull it off, too flimsy or too chunky, can't seem to find a middle ground.
  3. Kind of agree, the hut is a great step up on the recent set but still looks a bit too bright in tan. If it has an interior i will still go for it. If not I don't see the value
  4. Nice B wing, great downsized X wing. Good idea using the dragon head for a brick built Boga. I have the old head from 2015 but it's not a great part tbh. There is a Slave 1 microfighter! It was a convention exclusive I think? Possibly from before the term microfighter had even been coined? Ironically there was a matching sith Inflitrator, which has since been remade commercially.
  5. In which case Qui Gon suddenly makes all kinds of sense!
  6. Is it safe to assume the rumoured Dagobah set is where this piece debuts? It's weird. Will make the fig look awfully static.
  7. I did say I recognise my 90 quid isn't going to break Disney's bank.
  8. Maybe because the source material got a pretty lukewarm reception, which lets me bring your sidebar back to the topic (you're welcome): I was not impressed at all with TBoBF, so I'm unwilling to drop a lot of money on the sets. I realise my wallet's contribution to TLG's and Lucasfilm's end of year report is a drop in the ocean, but no matter how objectively good the set, if it's based on a naff show... Disney seem to be sticking to safe ground now with their storytelling, and while I don't want another TLJ to break the mold with every new property, I definitely don't want to feed a machine of churning out half baked shows which rely on pressing fan buttons rather than consistent plotting and direction for their success. Lego were extremely cautious with their Mandalorian sets, until they saw that the world loved the show and then they went for it with both hands. The Book of Boba should on paper have been an absolute slam dunk, so makes sense that a top end set be reserved for its promotion... but if that set sells like hot cakes, then disney feed us more of the same. Would I love another rancor set? Yes. But because i love the rancor from RotJ, not because it was showcased in TBoBF... which is exactly the nostalgia well TBoBF relies on for its success.
  9. The Lego Movie 2 has proven minidolls and minifigs coexist. Much better solution than sticking a 1x2 brick between the legs and the torso as the original videogame did. Right down to the slight ridge visible between the joining pieces.
  10. Ahh, I see that now. No interest in Marvel sets so hadn't picked that up but I thought it looked too detailed to not be a specific mold. You're right that it matches the stylised animated look pretty well.
  11. Is Fennec 's hair actually unique in Boba's throne room? Or even designed for her specifically? Or indeed particularly accurate? It looks the same as a couple of other 2022 sets. I think there's a vet or something in the City line.
  12. Would love to, thanks for your interest. I do have an idle flickr account which i'll attempt to add pics to.
  13. Same rule as the Mandalorian Helmet set has been applied, but less successfully. Use of different shades to represent the light catching at different angles, see the designer interviews. However using the dark grey for large flat surfaces like the wings results in too dark a look overall. Funnily enough I thought the same about the Razor crest, I didn't like the colour blocking on that either. My own MOC is entirely dark grey with some pearl grey for highlights. The environments of the show generally make the reflective surfaces appear darker than they are. Which brings me to the pearl grey, I'm a bit resentful of the relatively new drum lacquered pieces as they probably limit the amount of future pearl grey molds we could have got? Also, the pearl colours tend to have a really obvious flow mark or sprue on the molding, cos they are more transparent with additives in, so they look a bit odd, my RC uses 4 curved slopes in a row and they each have the same wobbly V shape mark in them, creating a weird pattern effect. End of lecture. Went on a bit there.
  14. Last off topic post I promise, but a large part of my wariness of it is because I absolutely loved the Force Unleashed, perhaps the biggest loss under Disney's axe, and FO seems to be its spiritual replacement. I loved that Vader and Anakin got secret apprentices in the same year (see. It rhymes) and the story enriched Vader and Palpatine's relationship more than any of Disney's stuff. But where Ahsoka grew wings, Starkiller was lost to time. Ok. Anyway. Back to topic. Agree that new droid mold must mean there is a FO set in the near future. Would have liked a pit droid or two mind. I see a few clearer Palace pics. They confirm my resolution to wait for a significant discount. Fingers crossed it isn't one of those sets that never sees such a discount. Sales seem immensely picky these days. Bad Batch shuttle is on sale constantly but try finding a Bo Katan Fighter for less than asking price, which has gone up in the UK by 20% this year!! Shocking.
  15. Unpopular opinion: I rather like that N1. Peli sports the hair I expected, so not disappointed. BD droid is just OK for a guy who hasn't played Fallen Order. Can never have too many Grogus as they lose easily when there are kids in the house. Mando still hasn't got his mohawk printing (I'll beat that drum til my hands drop off) but has the visor print been tweaked? Hard to tell from renders. As for the ship, yes, poor show on no chrome parts but smorgasboard of curved pieces and useful parts, a few tasty recolours. Scales decently with existing N1's, none of which I own. Oversized then, but most starfighter models are. But the price. Oof, the price. I don't buy it. But *would* I buy it? Hell yes.
  16. Makes sense for the purse string holders. Adding the arm printing kind of shows their hand, though. You now can have one of two special Fennec figures but if you want Ultimate Fennec, your wallet weeps. As an all out Jabba holdover character collector, Tessek is an absolute gift, even in different robes. But here again the show let me down more than the set does. I could have died happy with an Ephant Mon or Sy snootles. I think the set itself is a good, perhaps very good representation of its source material. Not TLG's fault that the source material turned out to be naff.
  17. Yes, I really like the nods to the old Palace which seem to go beyond just "same source material/same play features" recycling. So now there are two exclusive Fennec figures in two top end sets. This is the way. I suppose she wasn't actually wearing it in that scene so they can claim canon, but it's still fairly obviously a marketing decision. The figure's face print is so good that I don't mind too much. And the hair isn't a bad choice.
  18. The complete inadequacy of the actual show has chilled off my enthusiasm for Fett's Palace a good deal, but there's plenty about the set that makes me think I will probably get it, but wait for a lower price. I'm working on a Jabba-era palace MOC, so plenty of good stuff to rob out of this one. The round roof has got much cheaper thanks to Barracuda bay which features many large curved slopes, although admittedly would look better in dark tan. My big disappointment is (not Lego's fault) that Rystall's white suit dictates her face be skin tone, which it clearly isn't in universe. So when i pull off her head and stick it on a Kabuki twin torso, it won't look bog all like Rystall. I'd have expected leaks of the "other" TboBF set around now. Gotta be the Wizard surely.
  19. Unless it's a gunship along the lines of the recent downsized Slave 1, shuttle, TIE.... etc.... in which case I'll freak out and buy six. Pretty sure brickfanatics just updated their Retiring Set 2022 list to include it and posted it as a headline. And though its popular, it has been sat at discount in several UK sellers for a good long time. To throw my hat in the ring on this hesitancy about animated content, I would point to the Bad Batch shuttle which seems to stick to store shelves like glue and again, sports a £20 discount at a lot of online sellers.
  20. An Obi-Wan figure stood in the centre of a 16x16 tan baseplate. I'd buy it.
  21. (Fuzzy) pics are up! I can't tell if it's a Nikto though. I hope so. As a non-CW Nikto is loooong overdue.
  22. Boba Fett's Palace looks er... .... OK. It was going to be a no brainer because my love of Jabba stuff is well documented, but now i'm not sure. Tessek looks ace, and I need a Fennec but Rystall is a bit of a disappointment (I'm already eyeing up dark red torsos on BL) and the Gamorrean looks, from the grainy image, to be identical to the older ones rather than bare chested like the BoBF duo. I like how nostalgic it appears for the 2012 Palace though. Some nice detail in there too.
  23. I've not seen pics! Where can I? Or is not kosher to share here? Edit. Correction. I have seen it. But i assumed it was fake. Yes. I'm disappointed as well.
  24. But you can pick up the torso piece for not a lot on Bricklink. Just a friendly tip. EDIT just realised i replied to the wrong post. Apologies. This was RE RotJ Lando. Anyway the reason I logged in was to hypothesize about Boba Fett's Palace. Any traction to the rumour that it includes Rystall and a Quarren (Tessek)? I'd love those two but its a long way short of my hoped-for Ephant Mon. Until ep.6, TBoBF has been a disappointment in potential minifigs from previous canon (and many other aspects, but that's probably a seperate thread).
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