Everything posted by Redroe
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
You're quite right. I was about to say that they won't really merit a minifig appearance then remembered that the second (?) Rodian fig was actually a Senator.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yes, I think its worth holding out on Devaronian headpieces appearing on bricklink due to reusing them down the line for Mando sets or even in some ninjago set or something like that. I was thinking about Garindan's mask though. Even though the number of his species on screen trebles in the Mandalorian (from 1!) neither of the new ones appears in a scene that could be made easily into a sellable set so he will probably remain exclusive. I am also not aware of any Aqualish getting screentime other than Baba. Unlike Rodians who pop up everywhere and are common enough to make it into battle packs so that mold isn't exclusive ti Greedo.
Has the pandemic slowed your building?
Redroe replied to Bublehead's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingDon't think it's a term in common use. Could have two possible meanings though: A) the flush of shame when forced to admit to contemporaries that one spends much of one's time and money on plastic toys B) the pursuit of such self-interest when the world at large is going substantially to the dogs. It really is a very insular hobby. But hey. Here we are, never having met and probably in different countries enjoying a converasation about it. I enjoy looking at other people's creativity on mocpages and flickr. I sometimes post something and enjoy the attention it may receive. Eurobricks etc. is a fine avenue for making lego a social experience as well as an insular one and should be celebrated for that.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Oh my giddy. Garindan looks utterly, utterly perfect.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Ok, thanks. I'm drifting towards getting this now but I will want to make significant changes and I want to know how possible it is before spending significant money.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Any comment on how easily that escape pod might be removed and modded to make a second (first) floor of useful accomodation?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
This is just wild speculation but the current license expires in 2022 does it not? While non-renewal seems like a complete doomsday scenario might they be renewing under a rather reduced arrangement and winding down a bit now the Disney hype has passed.
Has the pandemic slowed your building?
Redroe replied to Bublehead's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingSorry, yeah, the thread title is the original question. I meant the ego stroking thing which got a few backs up though I am sure it was meant with tongue in cheek. The thread title is a perfectly fine and interesting question and the range of replies shows just how varied people's different experiences of lockdown have been. I shall now stop digging my hole. Sorry chaps. Someone take my shovel? As for lego guilt, well... I only feel that when anonymous amazon packages arrive at the house and my wife rolls her eyes as I scurry into the spare room with it. She had the goodness to comment that there were fewer of them since lockdown started, but that's because she has been at work while I haven't.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Amazon is the only place I've found either, and that was limited AAT's. 501st was on two months shipping time and now is on none at all. Argos show 501st as in stock but not available to deliver to my postcode, and not in store for 120 miles......
Has the pandemic slowed your building?
Redroe replied to Bublehead's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYes, fine. I didn't think the original question was very well constructed either, but a few people seemed to enjoy the joke about imaginary friends. I quite understand people not entertaining religious views. But one can't be tolerant of a different party's viewpoint on one hand and ridicule it with the other, as it were. I only piped up because I spend a fair bit of time at work, socially etc. being forced to defend my view from people whose default setting is that religion is poisonous, destructive, outdated etc.... i've enjoyed some time out from such things since lockdown started tbh. I'm afraid you rubbed a sore nerve. Nothing personal. Gosh, we do love a rabbit hole, don't we?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Much as I would like a Lars homestead I'd like it to be more in the 50 to 60 quid range and save the next MBS for Jabba's palace. Sy snootles... Ephant Mon... Yak Face... EV9D9... that would be an instant buy. So.... correct me if I'm wrong... but there are only actually 3 new molds in the set, Devaronian Garindan and Ponda Baba? Ithorian exists, Saurin is recoloured Bossk (definitely based on latest fuzzy pic), Kabe is Manbat, Bith and Greedo surely won't be changed. Oh, Muftak. What could have been.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Based on the colour of the clothes of the figure talking to Devaronian Guy I am fairly confident it's a Saurin despite several leaks listing him as Elris Helrot who wears entirely black?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
How much would a posh foldy-wing landing gear TIE be if a regular one is 65 quid? I shudder to think. If they can't make a bomber at a reasonable price, I can't see them even attempting a.... outlander is it?
Fawlty Towers
Hilarious show, hilarious MOC. Lovely use of parts.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
This is a tangential note I admit but one which has been on my mind for a while- Lego has been much much better at including key characters in entry levek sets the last few years. I bought a few for my nephew and between 2016 and '18 he got Luke, Han, Ben, Chewie, both droids, Yoda, Vader, the Emperor and Boba Fett: a couple of background characters and redshirts and some fun small vehicles. All for three £20 sets and one £30 one. I threw in a Leia cos I am a good uncle but TLG has since done two sets under £30 with Leia. For all we moan about the theme being stale of late it couldn't have been better for kids starting out. Back when I were a lad I could 't get a Fett, Vader or Emperor that wasn't in a (taking inflation) expensive set. And as for Leia, forget it.
Has the pandemic slowed your building?
Redroe replied to Bublehead's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingDefinitely building more. Helped that I was out of work for several weeks. But I've finished off several MOCs that have lain dormant since before my son was born and started to make progress parting out sets and figures to sell. Even managed to get a few international (european) BL orders through though they took longer than usual. By the way.... I find myself quite saddened by the anti religion theme in this thread, which was introduced on an irrelevant tangeant anyway. Ego stroking is just as easily applied to worldview as MOCpages and I'd like to think this was a more inclusive forum. For context, I am a Christian and I have spent far more time over the last 30 years building Lego than i have either a) at church or b) killing people.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
By far my most anticipated fig of the set. I've been trying to do a decent moc with a CMF oxygen mask and that new KoR hood, its an ugly part but its perfect for him. It looks from the blurry photo like they have used that hood with a modfied head or some kind of neck piece.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If so he's going right into my AT AT. "The shield will be down in moments, Lord Vader."
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
This is it, as someone who is currently trying to mod a downscaled Death Star rather than just get rid of it wholesale, I can't justify a big tan box to myself and I don't need yet another Luke and Obi Wan. This is part of the problem of MBS sets, a lot of value on paper being sucked up by fairly readily available key characters. If I can just get Garindan and Ponda Baba, I can die happy. Can never have enough Bith though.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Availability is the key metric - if a fig is never likely to show up again, the price is through the roof. Take the cloud car pilots, or Guavian death gang soldiers, both expensive until they suddenly showed up in an advent calendar which no one could have predicted would happen. So yeah... Garindan and co. will command high prices for a long time.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Problem is you need two if you want to do the twins who mug Mando and baby Yoda in chapter 2. So even if I get the set I'll be on bricklink. Oh, my aching bank. Anyone any idea what the little hologram piece might be? Bottom right
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yup. Had this problem with cloud city - never got Lando because he never dropped below £30 - 30!!! Luckily they gave us the 20th anniversary one a few months later. If they hadn't I would have bought the full set just for Lando. Bespin Luke, Leia, £10 each from US. Cloud car pilots came in advent calendar so hit rock bottom. I would say the most valuable figs (Ponda, Garindan etc) from this set will start at £25 quid and drop to £12 - 15 over time. I think it's fairly well proven that TLG spread the cost of licenses over multiple themes but the real reason here will be that adult SW fans are more willing to spend silly money on SW stuff so they might as well get the most out of us. Language though mate eh. No need to be anatomical.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I know... I guess I'm in a minority here but I'd have preferred a "bunch of stuff" approach to this location. That's what I was expecting based on the first few images. As it is, looks like I'm bricklinking half a dozen figures. Seems clear the landspeeder was released this year to complement this beast so chance of them including another was fairly slim. I'm more surprised at the inclusion of another kubrickian pod speeder thing. Looks fantastic though. A genuine advanced build unlike much of the MBS style things we've seen.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Aw, to be honest they probably did the only thing they could having a small pile sat in a US warehouse for an event that never happened. And frankly if someone gave me an exclusive set I wouldn't complain either. Not sure if I am seeing a different pic to everyone else, I can't see a green haze or a speeder of any sort but what I see has me giddy. I am a sucker for those types of builds. Hopefully it's out for 9th Oct because that is one of the only two days of the year my wife can't object to me getting myself a big expensive present.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
This is just revenge because we got TFA 24 hours before the yanks did. Seriously however it does stink a bit that you can buy the thing on shop at home on one side of the pond but not the other. I'm glad for our USA counterparts to be clear. No bitterness here.
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