Everything posted by Redroe
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Just thoroughly enjoyed putting together the AAT. Straightforward but enjoyable build, some nice pieces, quite smooth and sizeable. I much prefer it to the 2009 one. The exaggerated proportions are charming rather than chibi. Only real gripe I have is the turret is far too wide. Ahsoka is good, but I find myself wanting to switch out the head onto the old orange boob-tube torso. The new one looked good on the show but the lego translation is a bit Avengers Black Widow-y with its silver hex pattern. Pleased to see the white print on the head is very solid and opaque. Clone helmet still far too tall but good printing. Funnily the grey printed shaded area makes it look as though the physical recess doesn't exist and it's just a flat surface. Looking forward to my 501st packs whenever they arrive - will be a pleasant surprise when they do.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I got the 2010 one when i was 19 and found out that not only did you have to slide figures in on a flat plate as there was no access, they had to be sitting down. Pathetic. The new one wipes the floor with it.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Oh yes and if I ever get the set I certainly will. But if I was a 12 year old without 20 years of parts to leech off, it would be better to have something to inspire a bit of imaginative play. Then again.... if I was 12 I probably wouldn't care.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Someone please jump on me if I speak rubbish, but is the problem with the RC that the space isn't all that usable, being partially hidden under wings, engines, escape capsules, etc? The big opening sides are good, but they do give the thing a bare-bones look that doesn't lend itself to play I think. Having said that, just having an opening top would hardly give good access either. Maybe i need to buy it and find out.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Also, big-megablocks walkers seem to hold their value exceptionally well. I'd guess the RC will see a sizeable discount but not before you go to Uni! AT AT maybe not so much. I can't advise as I don't own either set but if someone straight up asked me which I wanted, I'd choose the AT AT despite having the 2010 one sat on the shelf. Lol just realised I somehow misspelled megablocks as megablocks. Is there a built in filter on here?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The most violent SW product is the nominally child-centred Clone Wars in which people are regularly tortured, occasionally to death, but presumably because that's an animated show and less gruesome they get away with it? My personal feeling toward Razor Crest is it's just another big grey shape, yes it's sizeable and spacious which are both good things but there isn't a lot of wow factor in it. Yeah the source material is a big grey shape. But some big grey shapes (2020 ATAT) have more wow than others (2010 AT AT). Does anyone agree that it might have looked better entirely in dark bley? The 'real' ship has that quite metallic, aged chome effect so appears a lot darker in most shots than it probably really is. Light BG is too light IMO. I don't care much for patching both shades together as the RC does either.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Confirmed in my decision to resist preorder. I expect to see some outstanding MODs in coming weeks as the outside of the ship does look good. Let the BL search for a Child and a cockpit begin.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Thanks for sharing guys. That's actually quite reasonable. I was afraid they'd use it as a marketing tool to unlock key characters or ships but novelty stuff or new-EU stuff seems fair.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Ah, I am a confirned minifig buyer, I'll go hunting for figs and pieces of figs all day long. It's how I have carried on the hobby now that I have a family and less personal space/time, and avoided buying large expensive sets (cloud city is the prime example). The reason I resisted the Knights was because I was so disappointed in the sequels. I bought all the TLJ sets (on sale) before seeing the movie, then saw the movie and it really soured my opinion of the sets. I liked the new Kylo's Shuttle set, and liked the look of the Knights figures but I didn't want to get stung again so to this day I haven't bought a TROS set. My TLJ and most TFA sets are going on sale when I find time. And much as I liked Mandalorian, i didn't love it, and these days I really need to love the source material if I am going to make a large investment in it... like Ahsoka from season 7, and the 501st. Sorry for the essay there, my inner angry fan got control.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Can anyone spill on which sets are code-unlockable for LSW: TSS? I know Razor Crest seems to make a big deal of it, but I'll be annoyed if certain main-saga ships (Grievous' starfighter, for example) aren't available in the game off the shelf.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The razor crest should be quite an easy one to MOC. It's got quite simple geometry. The only hard to get bits are the quarter-dome cockpit pieces in trans... they're extortionate on bricklink. Then all one needs is Mando himself and the Child which should now be easier to lay hands on.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Also.... would like to register my dismay that Blue Milk Luke isn't Aunt Beru. Short of a moisture farm set I can't see how else they could give her to us.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Was so busy gawping at the brick built child that I failed to spot the tiny one was included. Hopefully - hopefully - that drives the price down a fraction on the aftermarket, because much as the Razor Crest looks good I am going to resist buying it for all I'm worth. I don't need to open another new avenue of expenditure on SW lego... I only just managed not to fall hook-line-and-sinker for the Knights of Ren.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
He did Palps in the Force Unleashed as well as the lead character. I've said it before, but shame they ditched it from canon. I liked that Anakin and Vader both got surprise apprentices in the same year (2008). But whereas Ahsoka has taken off, Starkiller has been cast aside... Nothing in new canon explicitly contradicts it that I know of though, so...
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Not a single one to be had online in the UK. I live in a pretty remote area, so physical toy shops are few and far between. They tend to be 1-2 months behind on displaying new waves, and covid surely isn't helping. Yes! A few of the voices had me wondering, I really couldn't tell if they are all dubbed or partially reused dialogue. But the Solo line caught me by surprise by sounding so legit. I wonder if veterans like Anthony Daniels will reprise their role? He has done so in the past for non-movie stuff I think? I was wondering why they're dubbed at all but makes sense if they are going off script.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yes, yes, yes. I am sure that was Gandalf's voice from lego Dimensions dubbing over Qui Gon. Why I wonder?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Weird because they usually overdo spares for tiny parts like that. I've never had a piece flat out missing. The closest I came was a 1x4 left handed wedge plate rather than right handed, I don't even remembrr what the set was.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I don't typically buy stuff on day 1 anyway, but I am curious. Obv this Bespin set is something of an outlier, starting life as a convention exclusive, but do we get situations often where desirable sets are practically impossible to lay hands on? Or is the 501st really an unprecedented example? (Having said that I think the ucs Falcon took TLG by surprise on that score too?)
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yep. I looked out of curiosity on shop at home this morning and there it was! In stock! Then I realised I wasn't signed in and it had my location as US. Wounded.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
In case I trod on someone's toes with Ahsoka Day and for causing general confusion and disarray the internet is a savage place. Finished CW series 7 a few nights ago. Watched the last four episodes back to back. God it's good. Serious concerns that I might never be able to lay my paws on some 501st troopers.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yes I think if they'd done him sans helmet, or used the existing mold with a printed helmet, then we would have cried foul. But the existing mold is perfectly adequate for a custom, no-helmet version. He does take that thing off a couple of times. I wonder about the saleability of Mando sets because of the one-shot nature of many episodes. Much as a set with figs of Toro Calahan or Fennic Shand would be good, I can't see them being popular with kids because of the extremely limited exposure these kinds of characters have when they show up once and then SPOILERS die. It kind of limits the possible imaginitive play. AT ST raider is an exception - its a recognisable vehicle with redshirt aliens. Can't have enough of those. Switching track somewhat: I don't get the ITS transport buzz because I have no idea about its source material - it looks like a fairly generic, solidly built vehicle design, nothing great. But I wonder if it made a set because it was originally intended for TRoS and didn't make the cut? Rather like that TIE shuttle (echelon?) That was made for TLJ.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Nope... all i meant was I finally get my Ahsoka in the AAT. And, for those who appreciate irony, it never came. I didn't know an actual Ahsoka day existed. Apologies.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yeah, some silver and black lines on the pearl dark grey is about all it needs I think. Also, the series has only been available (legally!) in much of the world since April. So releasing a bunch of sets prior to then would have meant nothing to a lot of the market.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The visor print matches Boba, Jango, etc. The only one they "thinned" was the death watch trooper (Maul's) which looked extremely strange IMO. Many of the Rebels sets were top notch for quality. The worst was probably the Ghost itself unfortunately. Class minfigures not quite making up for a blocky, chibi ship. Speaking of which, tomorrow is Ahsoka Day. I can't wait.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Feeling rather shortchanged that the Razor Crest doesn't have Mando in his full beskar. He wears it for almost the full series, except the pilot and ep 2 which is really just an extension of the pilot... and the colouring on the minifig is really nothing like, so you can't just trick your eye into seeing the full outfit. Not sure there's an excuse given its almost a full year since the series aired in US. Here's hoping they manage a few more Mando sets, hopefully one with Kuill as well. PS... and they don't seem to be fixing the lack of printing on the crown of the helmet, that stripe over the top. Some work to do here, Lego.
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