Everything posted by Redroe
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Ah, fair. We do love to bash landspeeders don't we? They don't flog them to death like they do some (cough snowspeeders cough). Is it a total of 5.... ? Whereas snowspeeders are at something like eight or nine
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
All of them? Wow. Even the crazy overpriced ones? Amazon uk shipping Ahsoka battle pack on 28th Aug, but not a 501st set to be had in the entire country as far as I can tell
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The only difference (spiritually) between those two is a baseplate. The material difference is a couple of thousand bricks
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I know this isn't the place for this comment, but for the love of Faramir, Lego, give us a LotR CMF before a Star Wars one. Can't see it happening myself. It would rob them of the opportunity to include rare figs in mediocre sets and thus stand more chance of selling them. But then I thoight that about Harry Potter and hey presto, or expelliarmus if you prefer. But oh the possibilities. Padme? Kaminoans? Sy Snootles? The white skinned lady who flirts with Boba Fett?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Ah that's interesting. Google translate did a terrible job on that article but I got the gist.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
But if we get up in arms about the differences between clone helmets year on year, imagine the meltdowns when our armies of countless droids are made redundant by a new mold. I have tons of nostalgia for the battle droid mold, I hope it never changes.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
No joke? Bizarre decision. It's actually named in the first ten minutes of the show, which is the only time a named ship is EVER called by its name in live action Star Wars (other than the Falcon- correct me if I'm wrong). The next Slave 1, which sure as hell isn't named in a film, will have to be called TM(NNTO,TRO)BHT(TOATB) The Mandalorian (No, not that one, the real one) Bounty Hunter Transport. The Original and the Best.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I hope so and then they can fix the dam' cockpit. By that logic I'm expecting a Jabba set in the wings, which is bad news for my wallet because I am a sucker for Jabba sets.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Must be the shuttle surely. Though I'd seen a rumour somewhere of a blue MTT. Would make sense. Oh that familiar mix of childish excitement and toe-curling dread. 2020 has been a slow year. Overpriced stuff, uninteresting stuff (personally) and poor quality stuff. Some gems, like Ahsoka, Obi Wan's Hut and hopefully Mos Eisley. But if its true we are getting smaller and fewer, and more desirable (or so I assume if we're going to be cash strapped)... well my interest is piqued. Hm, I turn 30 in October. What a way to celebrate. It's that or a convertible and I know which will get past the wife easier. I'm gonna have to come clean here and say.... someone tell me what D2C means? Big and expensive? Love child of UCS and MBS? Love child of R2D2-C3P0? I've tried for so long to figure it out but no.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I built up my old Tantive and got to say, much as I hate stickers on curved parts, the colour mismatch between the white mold and the white-on-trans print for the cone pieces is really irksome. I wondered about getting some aftermarket cones and stickers to replace the printed trans parts.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The first wave of clone wars consisted almost entirely of vehicles which had shown up in PT and related games etc. so were a safe bet. A few outliers like V19 torrent. Even the latter series of CW, where they went away from big battles with recognisable vehicles, and into more underworld-y, scum and villainy stories got fewer sets. Rebels series 1 and 2 got bigger waves. I think we might be putting the Mandalorian on a pedestal a bit as "adults" (and I say that as someone who likes the show but thinks it has the potential to be much better. Den of Geek does some great reviews that really pin down the weaker aspects of it). I don't know how much appeal it has for today's kids. My 8 year old nephew doesn't care for it at all, but his 40 year old dad kisses the TV when it's on. Rather tells a story about who its aimed at.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yeah, absolutely. That's really what I meant. I'd just expect a range of sources as usual as well. I just wondered given the general consensus that battle packs seem to be on the way out whether MFs were on their way too, given that they've already dropped the number of MFs per wave from 6 to 4 to 3(ish). I wondered if the introduction of adult oriented sets, as well as extremely child oriented stuff like Juniors sets, is going to eclipse them. My personal preference is toward a bunch of related sets being released together, based on a location or event, or film. But I realise that very focussed approach probably cuts out a fair percentage of the market per wave.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I am not familiar with whom are the reliable sources and who are not. Guess I'll learn. I've seen rumour of an Ahsoka vs Maul set, hopefully more along the lines of Mustafar than Death Star (I know there's a gulf in quality there but there is also a gulf in price and it's only the figs I want). Could just have been wishful thinking though. Hopefully the word "familiar" pertains to a range of size and source material. Some prequel, some OT, some sequel, range of prices. Smaller I am Ok with, as long as it doesn't mean a drop in quality. Trash compactor with Han, Chewie and a dianoga would be a great 25 quid set and sit well with the Death Star Escape. Shame the Death Star Cannon is such a stinker.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Please share the knowledge, providing it's fairly reliable?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Understood, just curious. Makes all the fracas about "no $15 battle packs" seem a bit excessive. No sets are rumoured meaning no rumours of new battle packs, so rumour is there are no new battle packs. Maybe there won't be a winter 2021 wave!
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
We are all getting in a big flap about the possibility of losing battle packs, but have there been any microfighters rumoured for next wave? They've gone a bit off the beaten track with MF's of recent waves (dewback, bantha) but I'd be gutted to see them go. I want a Razor Crest please Lego.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Jang speaks highly of the AAT and after watching his review and seeing a few different angles, I agree. Definitely overpriced, but not by a stupid margin. I managed to cock up my amazon order by not checking out right away, and took advantage of it going out of stock to have a cooling off period. But now I think I will certainly get one when I have the chance, and maybe even keep it together instead of mine it for parts as was my original plan. Dodgy proportions don't bother me at all in this instance.
- [MOC] Huge Rogue Shadow with full interior!
- [MOC] Huge Rogue Shadow with full interior!
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Indeed! White is shocking. The PotC figs from 2011 have great flesh (and white) printing though, if anything the flesh is too dark. Same on the LotR figs. So they have definitely dropped in standard on colour palettes across the board.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Hm, I wouldn't give Lego so much benefit of the doubt there. Poor quality printing can definitely be helped. They managed it in 1999 and the fact they refuse to acknowledge how far they've regressed is really unfortunate.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Convinced on Ponda Baba, he looks great. Now to break the sad news to my son he is getting no Christmas presents.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Horses for courses. I do wish they'd be consistent about the printing, but I find myself preferring the simpler cartoony printing. I think it trips my nostalgia. I am not a fan of overly detailed torso printing, I think they had the right balance around 2010-2012.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That's very kind of you but i have my own very dogeared and torn up copy in my man cave. rebuilt the ship years ago to the floor plan of 75055, but I'll have a look at the mods out of curiosity.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Did they!!?? Wow. That is quite fundamental. I owned that set and found it incredibly flimsy so I'd love to see some comparative instructions.
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