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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Redroe

  1. Redroe replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    A Mando Cmf would be a great way to cover the show, which let's face it, doesn't have a lot of set-suitable material. Some of the suggestions made above are good but highly unlikely. I think even the Artiquens is pushing it (they only do a Star Destroyer once in a blue moon). Realistically I could see us getting a ITT/Marauder, Imperial landing craft with Fett and Shand, and maybe a larger set with Bo Katan but beyond that I'm really struggling to see TLG committing to it. A cmf series however? Yes, yes. Sign me up. Great way to get Kuill, the Client, Pershing, any number of faceless bounty hunters, Frog Lady and her egg jar... great idea. And if it were Mando specific, they can still use the main-saga characters as bait in larger sets.
  2. I thought of the ETA-2s as I was writing! But we don't actually see them destroyed, we just infer it... and I'd forgotten Black One (I would like to forget all of TLJ to be honest) but you are right. That would be the closest in universe destruction of a ship to the RC. Don't get me going on Quadjumpers. I'll be here all night. When I die, I want to come back as a quadjumper. It does actually. But it feels different somehow. It's seen from the Rebels POV as a victory, not from Mando's POV as a devastating loss (albeit we get a glimpse of Imperial panic on the bridge). Imagine if the Falcon had blown up in RotJ? Some european sellers have it at close to RRP. Generally cheaper than UK.
  3. I can't find a Slave 1 on the (electronic) shelf outside aftermarket. The 20th anniversary sets were really flash in the pan: not sure I've ever seen such a short release window. I don't know whereabouts you are but Argos has clearance up to 50% off on a lot of 2020 sets right now including Obi-wan's hut, KOR transport, Mustafar duel and so on. Either way I'd pick up a hut ASAP, it's a great little set. To the wider audience I have a question. I'd like to post a review, and some MOCs (from flickr). Do I do that here? Am I allowed? I seem to have the option to do so (I see a button) but do I need to go through some obscure ceremony involving burning a megablock at the stake? I am sure there is an etiquette involved in these things. Perhaps someone can clarify for me or point me to an exisitng thread which answers the question. Cheers. Now the world knows that SPOILER ALERT! the dam' thing bites the dust in season 2, and since Trouble on Tatooine features the characters with the more useful version of the Mando Man, I would suspect the demand for RC might drop off a cliff? I don't know of another ship so prominent in- or out-of-universe that has such a sharply defined end of life. They even resurrected the Tantive IV! Starfighters don't really count as there are multiple identical craft.
  4. ToT is still available on shop at home but the X and Tie are already on back order. Proves Lego's philosophy of releasing an X and a Tie every 2 years is a bankable approach Not too keen on the price of ToT though. I was hoping for it to fall in the 24.99 price point rather than a newly invented £27.99. They know we want that Beskar. Also. Anyone who gets an X Wing before 60 days back order, can they please comment here about the quality of the torso print colour for Luke? Based on the reviews I have seen it looks pretty good but I'd like a comparison with the previous one (which was a slight improvement on the one before that). I don't trust TLG pics as they are invariably colour adjusted for promos and box art.
  5. Would be interested to see updated MOCS as the tower gets higher ending in a fully manned outpost!
  6. I believe it has to do with the difference colour makes to mechanical properties although (and I'm not feeling motivated to go on BL and check) I think the dbg of that joint (the ball) does exist on other pieces in light gray. Is there any reason however that it couldn't be a standard clip hinge? The hinge is in a slightly lower position relative to the base of the plate but shouldnt make a difference? Also... I wish they'd stick with the more detailed version of the cockpit print and not flick between that and this slightly blobbier CW style. I do much prefer the top dish in light bley than the old dark bley, but I have to ask. Did you put it on backwards deliberately to see if some sucker (hi!) picked up on it?
  7. I was hoping for some commentary on how rigid the wings are when open/closed? Is there significant flop? Clacketiness? I thought Luke holding his own ship's wing up might be leading up to a punchline.
  8. Yes! But a blue one, lego. Thanks.
  9. Redroe replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    So I tried to bring this up in the 2021 set discussion, and was quite rightly shut down for being Rebel Scum. The chat over there has been quite sharp about the upcoming wave of sets and how OT centric it is, which minifigs are included etc. so I thought I'd try a little experiment and see if I could come up for a list of sets which would form the first ever wave of LSW, in a parallel universe where 2021 was the first year of the theme (as weird as it is to imagine that - I can't imagine my childhood or indeed adult life without Lego Star Wars!) I tried to include PT, OT, ST and nu-EU and this is what I got. And what I got has some quite marked crossovers with the last 2 years of releases, funnily enough. See what you think? 1HY----------- £12.99 Landspeeder (Luke, Obi Wan, Tusken Raider) £12.99 Resistance Ski Speeder (Finn, Resistance Trooper) £19.99 Battle on Kashyyyk (AT-RT and Spider Droid, 2 Clones, 2 battle droids) £29.99 TIE Fighter (TIE Pilot, Stormy, Imperial Officer) £49.99 X-Wing (Luke, R2D2, Leia & Rebel Fleet Trooper) £59.99 Naboo Starfighter & Vulture Droid (Anakin, R2D2, Padme, 2 battle droids) £69.99 Kylo Ren's Shuttle (Takodana-based: Kylo, Rey, BB-8, 2 FO Stormies, Shuttle Pilot) £89.99 Republic Gunship (based on the chase at the end of the battle: 2 Clones, Clone Pilot, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Count Dooku) £119.99 Millennium Falcon (TESB: Han, Leia, Chewie, C3P0, Darth Vader, Snowtrooper and E-Web cannon) 2HY ------------ £12.99 Attack on Tatooine (Sith speeder and desert scenery: Qui Gon, Darth Maul) £19.99 Jedi Starfighter (Yellow: Anakin, R2D2, Ahsoka) £29.99 Snowspeeder (Luke, Dak, Rebel Trooper with turret and trench big enough to justify costing £29.99) £29.99 AAT (CW blue: 2 battle droids, ARC trooper, CW Obi Wan) £49.99 Poe's Black One X Wing (Poe, BB-8, General Leia, Resistance Ground Crew with ladder and sled) £59.99 Battle on Endor (AT-ST main build, with Ewok catapult, tree and 2x speeder bikes: Chewie, Ewok, Rebel Trooper, 2x Scout Trooper) £69.99 Slave 1 (Boba Fett, Han Solo, Lando, Bespin Guard) £99.99 Razor Crest (Mando, Baby Yoda, Cara Dune, Kuill) £119.99 AT-AT (Veers, 2x AT AT Driver, 2x Snowtrooper, with speeder bike)
  10. The torn up Geonosis arena torso, incredibly, showed up in the "build your own three minifigures" box in a Lego Store in Gateshead where I was at uni at the time. Needless to say I made three Padme fangirls. There is a limited amount of stuff you can do with a 9-month pregnant character to be fair. Sure a better writer could have at least made Padme's role in the film feel more vital, but she drives the plot of RotS in the same way Luke drives TFA without even appearing.
  11. aw. I thought I was in trouble when I saw "MKJoshA quoted you..."
  12. Times have changed since Padme was an action figure on store shelves.... Star Wars has been reoriented to include more girls, they wouldn't have that problem now. (Padme is just as strong a female character as Leia and Rey, but Star Wars was a very boy thing in the early 00's). Ironically enough of course, it's now mostly adult male collectors clamoring for more Padme! (come to think of it which adult male wouldn't clamor for their own Natalie Portman?)
  14. No, no, NO. No she is not. That outfit has been released 3 times in 20 years, with each podracer update and its usage outside of that context is nil. Queen Amidala exists. Arena Padme exists. There is a CW version. That isn't a usual suspect. Though I admit there is little demand for various ornate senate gowns. But for TPM alone; What about her orange handmaiden gown? The black dress she wore for most of the first act? Sabe variant? And most of all: her battle dress from the third act when she dominates the film? They have missed or deliberately avoided EVERY opportunity to do us a Naboo Padme figure. (Amidala is almost a seperate character).
  15. They have experimented a lot in recent years (launched 4+, action battle and some other wacky thing, I forget what, all in 2019!) Showing they really aren't afraid to take a risk. Cutting the size of waves and scaling back sets like they have is actually a pretty ballsy move. They could easily have carried on the way they were and made plenty of money, one assumes. As for the second half of your post, I have to disagree again i'm afraid. We can only work with what they've given us. I am sure after the swarm of locusts had finished clearing every shop in the UK of 501st battle packs, they're aware of the PT demand. These new sets have been in the pipeline for a long time, the next few waves will be what really shows us what they are planning. We are working on very little info.
  16. Lando, baby. So happy about that. So once? No, there was the Hoth medical centre as well which was 100% overpriced at £40. She might have been in an X Wing in 2009 ish? Not exactly a glowing record. The point isn't that she was in that one cheap set, the point is how available and desirable the sets are. (I hate the new Stormy helmet as well so that's not a free pass) And Chewie too. Good year. So the last genuine time was nearly 6 years ago, when a fair percentage of the core market still wore nappies. If we have to dig as deep as 20th anniversary figs then i think the point is proven. As @Mandalorianknight says. This is lego going cold turkey. I would encourage everyone, if they want this new approach to continue more than a couple of years and yield good PT, ST and nu-EU sets to show support with their wallet because that is realistically the only message we can send.
  17. Huh? I'm not with you. (D2C doesn't count. Way out of most kids' reach and most adults for that matter).
  18. I think the figure selection for the wave is fine, and fairly typical, shuttle excepted: and even the shuttle selection is OK, just a figure or two short. If it included an officer and a stormy, we'd all be fine with it (I might be in a minority but I don't give a blurgg for arm printing, even leg printing sometimes overdoes it). When was the last time we could get Luke, Leia, Han and Vader in a single wave? 2011? How many times has Leia been in a set under £100? The you-could-bricklink-them argument holds no water, the great majority of the consumers have never used or probably heard of bricklink. The wave needs a couple of £20 sets like (er) the landspeeder or speeder bikes, or a duel set to inject a bit of variety. I am curious about that. Will the next versions be smaller and cheaper in line with the new way?
  19. Wonder what Hasbro thought of the buildable figures? It's not like the magnet series was figure only marketing anyway. It was a bunch of fridge magnets. Sour grapes from Hasbro in the extreme.
  20. Yes! I got that one too. It came with a fancy senate blue Clone. I don't know what relative values are like on Bricklink for magnet figures? They were a lower quality plastic for the bodies. Heads were the same as standard I think.
  21. After skipping through just2good's X Wing build video - I am hyped. Not perfect but so good, and no great problems that can't be overcome with a little mod work. I skipped the wing mechanism because I want to see how it goes together by myself, I count it equally as forbidden as Mandalorian spoilers. Disappointed in the landing gear, that's a real letdown. And the nose is odd, but swapping the 2x4 wedges for 2x6's should sort it and make it an equal length to the "normal" ones. 1x1 brick with axle hole! Oh lego. Forced to agree that there is no benefit whatsoever jn the new Pilot Luke print BUT the printing quality looks A OK. If the new print is a result of finally sorting that problem, then bravo. I happen to consider Pilot Luke one of the most aesthetically pleasing minifigures of the theme, and I don't think his repeat appearances are a problem of his being overused: more the recent storm of X Wings and Snowspeeders where he has to be included. Hmm, going Bricklinking now for a Celebration Leia torso.
  22. Oh those magnets. What a godsend. At the ripe old age of 18 I was finally able to get a Leia, Ackbar, a royal guard, Boba Fett and SLAVE LEIA for crying out loud. There were CW ones as well if I remember aright, before they inserted the dreaded GLUE. What the heck. It's only in the last 5 years with a full time job that I've managed to really fill the gaps in my minifig lineup. (I just remembered I got the Hoth-edition Falcon at 14, so I did have a Leia and Han)
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