Everything posted by Redroe
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That's very interesting. Thanks for that. I've alwayd wanted them in brown or dark tan- i think dark tan would probably the most versatile and least obvious colour if it were used alongside others for organic builds like Ents, Arena Monsters, birds etc...
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It's almost funny to see that lovely, lovely X Wing at that lovely lovely price with the little box under it advertising that old, huge, ugly, sad, so sad £90 TRoS version.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Gotta stick my oar in here. All the mandalorians I have do have cheek printing generally in a highlight colour to the rest of the helmet but thr OG Mando does not. It looks like it does under some lights, but it defo isn't printed.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Huh what? Is there helmet printing? As in mohawk printing? I can't find this hi res image just blurry ones on insta.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Thanks. ? Ok let's give this a
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I laughed out loud when it pitched off the landing pad and the deckhand just shook his head and went to get his crane. The humour in this season is much dryer. Well, everything apart from the humour in this particular episode was pretty wet. But you get me. You got me! You eagle eye. It's true. The AotC ones don't have it. Sorry for my lack of faith, Lego. I'll have some spaghetti tentacles with my humble pie. Anyway, old one still looks better. Nice to be able to switch them up a bit though.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yes, I do foresee a time when Original Mando goes for more on the black market than Beskar Mando. I have a feeling in my guts that he is going to lose that Beskar armor, though. I feel like there's a big damn showdown coming and he is going to be unmasked and disgraced. Then crawl back up the ramp of the Razor Crest and jam Boba's helmet down on his head. Stand up like the biggest badass in the galaxy. Every fan turns into a squealing puddle. I just have a feeling.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It is actually new as it debuted this January in UK, it has a different, and significantly less good torso print than the previous one. I genuinely don't know why they haven't included it but it ought to have that cylinder thing on its neck as I said above. It looks a bit generic and incomplete without it. Fortuntely I have a couple of those old 2002 tusken torsos kicking about waiting for new heads and legs. Edit: a quick google tells me it's a moisture trap. So now we know.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Arm printing!! Yey! No helmet printing! Boo! Great little bike! Yey! Awful tent! Boo! Ballista looks naff! Meh. Good parts in the ballista and the tent! Yey! Why no metal thing round the Tusken's neck? Meh. Silver spring shooters! my Uruk Hai are roaring in glee. Ok. I give this three out of five. Probably the best TLG could do with the info they were allowed to have. Baby Yoda in the carrier is enough to forgive many sins. But no mohawk printing. Lego, seriously. Seriously. ps. On this complaining about.... etc... be nice guys? As I say. 3 out of 5. Does what it needs to do. Could do much better. Will buy, but will wait for sale.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Funnily enough it was a Ghost MOC I found on eurobricks while I was searching for inspiration that convinced me to join. I owe that guy.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I'm in the exact position you are, but by chance I managed to find a complete Ghost sans Kanan, who I already had from a magazine polybag, for €90... which seemed pretty good to me when Zeb on his own costs a third of that price! Agh come on guys let me have my little Djarin quote. Gotta do my homework. Was Mandalore a guy or a planet first? The Ghost is honestly the weakest of the Rebels sets, sadly and ironically, the core of the ship is a solid mass of plates and beams that seem to be just piled on top of each other and no one looked back and thought 'must be a better way to do this'. Its cute and charming in a chibi sort of way, but I can imagine a modern version would be infinitely better. Having said that I think the retail price was £70? The same as an X wing released the following year. A modern one would be £120 at least. So maybe can't moan too much.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
There are ways around this. Season one has 3 notable variants for the main guy (premiere, beskar, muddy.), and season 2 has a slight difference in the armor (though you'd only need to change like, one print, and it's not really a big enough change for most consumers to notice or care). But more importantly, Djin and the child don't need to be in every set. As long as he's in a few of the mando sets every year, the other sets can include other main characters like Cara and Greef, or other mandos like Cobb and Bo-katan, and they'd still sell well. It's definitely a problem, but there are solutions Yeah. They could do Gideon's TIE without Mando quite easily. And the more 'named' Mandalorians they introduce the more set potential they bring with someone said not every Solo set includes Han. Series 2 seems to bring a lot more diversity with it. I can't think of many series 1 sets that would stand on their own two feet without Mando himself. 'It's not a race... it's a Creed.'
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Aw, I'm of the special editions generation. They were the first ones I saw and the ones (as Lucas intended) that I think of as 'Star wars' for good or ill (and there is lots of good in the special editions). Come at me! I too missed the Rebels sets. I wasn't interested in the series at the time. Looking back at old reviews however I am impressed by them in general. I don't think we'll ever see them revisited but the rumoured sequel series would undoubtedly get its own sets. The prequels fair better in this area because they have lots of mid scale sets like starfighters and tanks. The sequel vehicles of that size are almost all OT knockoffs. They did a lazy job on the FO star destroyer last time, but I'd like to see that done properly. Other than that, for large sets, its a pretty empty field.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I guess they were still fertilisable? I thought it was fine, and totally gross. Eating that spider egg completely freaked me out however. "Mind your manners. You know what I mean." It was an amusing tension in the following episode as I was sure for a few moments he was going to eat the frog baby, legs and all.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Ehh. You could hardly find a better silhouette if you wanted a billboard for "powerful woman warrior". Koska Reeves however looked like her armour needed its own repulsors. Potential spoiler follows. I was expecting more.comments on Bo Katan's age. Even if she was Satine's *much* younger sister, she should be in her 50's at least. I was expecting them to maybe get round it by not showing her face, but they instead went with the rather throwaway line 'you are a crazy cultist'. They recast Ahsoka so why feel the need to keep the same actress for Bo? I think she did a fine job, and turned in a powerful performance but it did distract me. PS. I am also a bit surprised at the lack of reaction to the Mandalorians having binary gender specific helmets. It isn't a complaint from me certainly, as I'm fairly conservative in my views, but in this age where the smallest detail is dissected by keyboard warriors for political correctness, I would have expected some reaction by now. They complain about binary droid programming after all.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
You could easily swamp the market in Mando sets though. Almost every smaller set (BP notwithstanding) would have to include the same Mando figure, and most would include the Child. I can understand why they might restrict themselves to one Mando set per wave as people would be less likely to buy multiple sets at one sitting if a fair portion of the value was sucked up by repeat figures. The closest I could come was one of the Friends hairpieces. I don't know the names of the dolls though. (Honest.) Lol. You've heard of the Special editions? The Rebels sets, apart from the Ghost itself, are top notch as well. A real shame they didn't carry on the releases long enough to capture the later seasons.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That's a good story about MandR. He's just had a bit of a rinse here but credit where it's due. I find Jang really appealing as a human being. There's a bit of a twinkle in his eye even when his videos do indeed come across as pretty samey. I'd love to get round a pub table with him and have a right good chat. Shame he lives 6000 miles away, on a different continent and probably doesn't drink IPA but it takes all kinds. I'd also love to get round a pub table with Koska Reeves and share a bowl of tentacles. Yeah that is an obvious miss. I wasn't asking so much about the missing sets, as much as the appetite for them. Are we crying out for a better FO Star Destroyer? Canto Bight sets? MBS Maz's castle (actually I'd buy that, just because it's filmed on the shores of Derwentwater about 15 miles from my house)? I just don't see any longevity in the sequels, less so even than the Clone Wars which has become its own enterprise within the wider universe. When TFA is 30 years old, will kids be buying Poe's X wing? I don't see it. But when ANH is 70, assuming there is still new content keeping the flame alive, they might still be buying Luke's.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Its all relative since we are following broadcasters reviewing kids' toys Jang is doing an excellent series atm on recent sequel trilogy sets as a retrospective. He seems to reckon, and I think rightly, that sequel sets are going to be a rare thing in future, as if TLG & lucasfilm are quietly keen to shuffle the sequels offstage, preferably by the fire door. Is there anyone here who disagrees? Anyone crying out for gaps in the sequel lineup to be filled? I find myself wishing I could go back to those days in early 2017 when Star Wars could do no wrong and my TFA shelf was one of the fullest in my display unit.... and tell the me from 12 months later that lapping up TLJ sets on Force Friday would be an expensive mistake.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Personally in the last 12 months, I've had more quality problems with minifigs than any other 12 month period but as you say, I've had a bit of a binge (immediately followed by a selling things off spree). In my cantina alone - a high end set! - Ponda Baba's print is so thin it looks like he's got a pink vest on and his testic.... sorry tusks have bled onto his face, and the Trandoshan's teeth print is smeared down his chin (which actually looks ok, it looks a bit like he's drooling or just slopped his drink). And one of the sandtrooper's grey mouthpiece print is squiffy. It amused me that they've gone to the level of dual molding, so that even if the print fades it still has the essential detail fully recognisable, but the print is still in the wrong place so it looks bad anyway.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Leaked or prelim pics often have older pieces swapped in, and to be honest the original Mando helmet is probably based on concept or early images hence the lack of accurate printing, I would expect the helmet colour updated along with the rest of the figure. A new mold isn't really necessary. They can fix the problems with some simple additions to the printing. I will be keeping a careful eye on it though as if its off centre or blobby in any way, I will be requesting a replacement off Lego as I have had enough printing errors and blemishes over the last few years to really get my hackles up.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
edit: SPOILER ALERT. I just tried to hide content and failed dismally. Someone remind me before reading rest of my post?
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If that's true I shall be a happy AFOL. Yeah I didn't get my point across quite well enough there, I was following on from a previous remark about '12 year olds"... the younger the audience, the younger they like their presenter I guess. I think PT fans have had to fight their corner for so long they assume people are out to get them but there does seem to be a general reappraisal of the prequels at work, due to the questionable storytelling of the Disney era. For me I'll always maintain that TPM is the most Star warsy Star Wars.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Generational thing I think. As a PT generation fan I find that Jangbricks (an OT generation fan) does the fairest and best reviews of sets but he doesn't cover news (much) or rumours (ever) and I think its because you can't possibly preserve the quality of your content if you try to produce news based on a company that is notoriously secretive, unless you have a direct line in, or do opinion pieces that are very subjective. MandR (a CW generation fan) does both and sprinkles it with sensational headlines like WE KILLED SW BATTLEPACKS.... well, we didn't. The demise of the humble BP, as we have covered in this thread to the point of thrashing the dead bantha, had multiple factors and none of them were the unprecendented popularity of the 501st legion troopers, which wasn't even marketed as a BP. Just an example of why I find his content unappealing.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yep. That would cover season 1 nicely. I don't hear anyone crying for lack of a Toro Calahan (sic?) minifig. Cobb's speeder from S2 so far. Nothing from episode 10 struck me as set-worthy. SPOILERS follow it was mainly filler and while TLG loves to do giant spider sets, I can't see the krykna making the cut ahead of more regular SW fare like the ITT or even the boat from the upcoming episode. The sets seem to occupy more lower price point territory thua far.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I imagine they must surely include it but I want to see if they find a way to do jetpack plus cape. I butchered my Mando gen1's cape with some scissors to get his rifle mounted on his back. I felt bad about it but the fig looks awesome that way.
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