Everything posted by Redroe
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If you lived in US... for us we had all the big reveals spoiled relentlessly for 6 months before they deemed we could have disney+ !
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Disney are so tight on spoilers that they won't have broadcast it to TLG. Rumours do not a set make. We know that for SW properties, first waves are often a bit hit and miss as the sets are based on concept art and basic descriptions etc. I imagine that's even more true for a set based on the Mandalorian, which has tighter production turnaround (less than a year in UK between seasons) and doesn't get the marketing push of the big cinematic releases. TLG likely got told, 'you can make a set with Mando on that bike from season 1 and a Tusken raider'. The complaint about the continuing lack of sets based on season 1 has more traction. But again I stand by what I've said before... very little of season 1 lends itself to good sets. Most of them would be a handful of special minifigs and a bit of scenery which Lego doesn't like doing very often with SW apparently. The only glaring omissions from season 1 which I can think of are Gideon's TIE and an ITT. I'd have loved a generic bounty hunters battle pack to go with the Mando one. Kuill should have been in the Razor Crest, that is a no-brainer. Any more than that is extreme wishful thinking.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I can barely see it either but I am 90% sure its the standard "current" one as seen in the two sets from this year's winter wave. Which is a shame as I think it looks incomplete without the rusty metal thing on its neck. Not sure if all tuskens had it though... need to rewatch the episode (and ANH... and AOTC) The heck is going on with that tent though? I can't imagine what else from the episode its supposed to be. And if is meant to be the tent, well.... the designer must have come off a big weekend. It looks like there might just be one of the 6x6 quarter dish pieces for the base of it, though, so that's neat.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Two ways... a new colour or a new print. I doubt it's a new mould. A new print is definitely required to capture the mohawk. I think the pearl dark grey looks fine as it is. They have a bit of a record of making new, larger helmets recently however. Rarely for the better.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Um well. The bike looks good and the ballista looks... ok. Like a runner up for those LotR battle packs they always meant to make. But the tent looks.... nowt like a tent. Especially the tusken ones. Oh well. Some nice parts to come out of it. Are those a new 2x2 curved plate on the front of the bike?
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
'New' haha.... I bought three of those heads along with a bunch of Jawas when they were released in one set in 2014 was it? And now you can't buy a Tatooine set without getting mobbed by them. I'll never learn. This does mean I don't need to keep my baby Yoda wrapped in cotton wool in a strong box whenever my son or nephew are in the vicinity. What I am curious about is how this set compares to the new starfighters. A TIE for 40 but a speeder bike for 30? This is why I was expecting the ITT. It seems like it would be in the same design and scale bracket as this new reboot format.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Cobb Vanth is Boba Fett with red arms and legs, so not getting him doesn't bother me especially, and if the 'tent' is a brick-build along the lines of Yoda's or Obi Wan's hut (we need a hut set every January) then I'll be fairly satisfied. I will curse Lego for their clever marketing in making me buy a Child on ebay for silly money, before revealing one in an entry level set but hey, that's my own daft fault. I never expected to see the Child so readily available so well done to Lego for not cutting out a large portion of their audience. No bantha, though. Sigh. This is the way. (I've been building my Razor Crest moc this evening and I've got that sting you get from prizing plates apart after cutting your thumbnail too short. Agonizing).
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yes a ton is rather excessive. I would hope for/expect 8 ish. Two pilots, 6 regular clones. Maybe a commander. Cody?
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I mean, I didn't vote. But we are allowed our preferences right? The lego website says nothing about them being location based but i see it does differentiate UCS and MBS. It says interior details, play features and functions. So, the fact they differentiate at all makes it likely that RGS leans heavily into UCS. But the RGS is almost uniquely positioned to bridge the gap a little, and I mean that because of the scale it is. It isn't an enormous capital ship that needs to be scaled down, or a starfighter hugely scaled up. The most similar UCS sets I can think of are Slave 1 which had 4 figures and the Falcon which had 8, and are as close to true figure scale as possible. 8 is as many as the system scale Gunship. The RGS can have advanced techniques but also a TON of features like opening doors, moving/firing ordnance... that are actually more difficult to achieve the larger the thing becomes.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Personally, if it's "true" UCS I won't buy it. If it's a more MBS kind of UCS then I'll be a day one buyer and have the argument with my wife and conscience later. Now i think on it. Do TLG actually still differentiate between UCs and MBs or does it all come under the umbrella of 18+? I never bought a UCS set (I retroactively count the DS as MBS) so I am not sure.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Same here. I have a tendency towards liking my lego playable even if I don't 'play' with it. That 232nd trooper in the Greivous fighter really makes me suspect this gunship is going to be based on an Utapau setting, at a similar scale to previous gunships but with advanced build techniques. I am such a person but at this stage of life the MBS sets are pushing the limit even for me. I have several prior claims on my wallet these days, all of them needing fed. £320 is a big price tag for something like the cantina. If they could scale it down to £200 or 250, and I mean scale down the actual set not just the price, that would be great.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I agree with so much of this post that I might as well have written it. To the people upset that the PT is not represented in this wave, I say.... patience. (Patience? Yes.) If TLG us doing a reboot they are 100% bound to start with a solid foundation and build (ahem) from there. Don't be surprised if we get the staple prequel sets next... Naboo fighter, AT TE etc. There is the first, no second UCS PT set ever this year, we know practically zero about the second half of the year and the recent success of the CW will not have gone unnoticed. Chins up, Afols. We might be about to enter a second golden age.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Unless its Tatooine Luke in which case you get him in two 25 quid entry level sets (Just realised i quoted a reply rather than the original, soz).
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Probably.... with a reused Admiral Ematt head underneath. I am doing a scaled down DS MOC to replace my original 2008 one, to save space and have already sold off my black 3P0... i could really use a "proper" imperial protocol droid so I'm thrilled about that. Whichever faction is present in the Imperial Shuttle, there will be some good figures come out of it. I picked up the Tydirium off ebay, sans figures, and won't buy the new one unless its exceptional value but a black-uniformed Imperial Officer would be a good touch.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
He would be a great inclusion, almost the last major fig we need from ANH (aunt Beru lego. Come on!) And aftermarket Antilles torsos to make a custom one are expensive. Don't get me wrong, I think including standard Leia is a fine move. She is a relatively rare fig (amazingly) but the celebration one (edit.... i forgot the recent Death Star Escape), being rarer still and quite Yavin specific would be a great gift to Afols.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Any news on whether Leia might in that case be in her Yavin celebration gear? The first version of her in that gear is crazy money on the aftermarket and a new version would go well with my medal-wearing Luke and Han.
[Moc] Red Lions Castle
Nice nostalgia trip there. Is there an interior?
- Greetings, Exalted Ones.
[MOC] The MONT-BLANC massif
Absolutely astonishing. The contouring is so good. I have often thought of doing a lego relief map of the English Lakes, where I live, but the scale of the project has always put me off. You got it with both hands. Well done.
Future Star Wars Sets
Not a clue, but there is a very fine selection of curved slopes and wheels on Bricklink in flat silver and a couple of very large wedge pieces, probably from ninjago or nexo nights. They're obviously not afraid to do it if they have to. I wouldn't expect it to be any larger than the recent KoR transport ship (but less crap) with space for three figs inside. 3 figs, battle Padme, Ric Olie and security man, plus R2 and maybe 2 battle droids for some pow value? They can even do the underside in bley to be honest if they want to save a few pennies.
Future Star Wars Sets
Forced to disagree here. I too am a Phantom apologist, I think the essence of it is very Star wars, and I feel like many of the sets have been done justice by Lego at least once and are memorable designs. Naboo SF and Vulture droid, MTT, Sith Infilttator.... i could go on. There are few complete omissions. The big one is the Royal starship which I am sure they could now do in flat silver. The landing craft is impractical as a model. Remakes of the Republic cruiser and some podracers are overdue and of course Battle Padme is about 20 years overdue. TPM's nature of a small band against an unstoppable army is much better from a story POV than the enormous, soulless Clone Wars era battles. And it does a good job of showing the lowlife of the universe as well as the highlife and the everyday folks, something no SW movie has done before or to a lesser extent since. PS. I still think the prominence of the Naboo cruiser on the sleeve of the Skywalker Saga is a clue. Why that ship over numerous other, more current ones? Not a Venator, not a sequel ship. The Naboo cruiser painstakingly redesigned with a new parts library... hmm.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Even worse to think ep 9 was originally planned for May not December! Madness. Oof harsh. Its a pretty bad set yes. But when there are First Order ATSTs and Grievous Speeders in the wild, at least having some nice shooty cannons excuses some of the naffness of the builds. A green one at that. Clearly no one at lego has ever seen a gonk droid.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I won't spend the £4 on amazon kindle to read it then. Shame. Much of that lore is deeply ingrained in Star Wars psyche. MBS Jabba's Palace, Lego. You know you want to. Put a gonk droid in and @Mandalorianknightfor one will definitely buy it.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
He's in a 25 quid set already. Not a great one, but not a bad place to start. Some Ewok army builder fodder there also. Might have retired by now of course, I am far too lazy to check. Does anyone have a quick answer on whether Tales from Mos Eisley Cantina is considered canon these days? I can't see T/f Jabba's Palace or T/o Bounty Hunters being so, as they include a fair bit of Han. But I wonder. I know the names of the characters clearly carry over into new canon.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If they release a UCS quadjumper with a GNK droid I'll call it a day and settle down in peace with my collection. I'd be happy with that vehicle. It has utility in any other setting between Rebels and Mando.
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