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Everything posted by Redroe

  1. Redroe replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    But then I'd have to acknowledge that TLJ and TROS exist and I think it's too soon. What about Quadjumper and Luggabeast. My two fave sequel things.
  2. Redroe replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    'Iconic' is an overused word when it comes to SW i think. Nothing about the temple is iconic other than the outside and arguably the council room. Cloud city as a set includes a ton of stuff that isn't really iconic but is there for the amusement of fans who register extreme detail and little architectural flourishes and that's where a Jedi Temple would be perfect. The rooms inside don't have to be exact representations, it can ve more like the Death Star with suggestions of the different locations. I did a plan of a JT MOC some time ago but will probably never build it. I clocked: Ground floor: Library, doorway to entrance steps, little comms room and security recording area. First floor ( sort of extended balcony): walkway with detail like AotC where Mace and Yoda put Obi wan in his place. Half a council chamber. A window like in RotS and commonly shown in CW. Details that can be thrown in anywhere, like lamps, Statues etc will evoke the location in the minds of fans wuthout being truly faithfully located relative to the film.
  3. If it's from series 2 no other version of Mando makes any sense. (Future versions notwithstanding). Might it possibly be a genuine Solo falcon with a genuine Solo er, Solo. But they have just used existing model for prelim pictures?
  4. It doesn't look dissimilar as a model to the Shuttle Tydirium (or on price for that matter). XWing and Tie both look splendid. Does that R2 have different printing??? I can't tell. Which version do you call brown jacket Han? I can't think of a brown jacket other than his Hoth one. Tauntaun looks cute and funny. I really like these microfighter beasties. Sadly they've probably run out of viable ones now. But a Boga and Wheel Bike microfighter dual pack would be an absolute gift.
  5. What are the bookies offering on the Mando set including baby Yoda for $30? Based on the recent poster I fully expect it to be a couple of speeder bikes.
  6. And let's not pretend that releasing a figure in a magazine exclusive to Europe, which was previously exclusive to a MBS set and now coincidentally in a regional USA exclusive set, isn't being rather nice. "You want this figure? Ok well, if you're in USA you get a good set along with it. If you're in Europe you can have it for 10% of the price." Thanks very much, Lego. I mean Bespin Luke, obviously. Just realised I typed all that without actually naming the fig.
  7. Really? Damn Lego and their war on my wallet. What substance to this rumour? (I don't know who the reliable leakers are. No offence meant.)
  8. My preferred solution for his face is an upside down baby T rex in dark bley. But I can't get it to attach right let alone to a hood. I can't claim points for that idea, an old Indiana Jones set used them as creepy idol faces. Absolute genius. Thanks. Fingers crossed that Lego do give us a Mon sometime and maybe even do a similar trick to Garindan. Maybe this part was even designed with Garindan in mind.
  9. OK, I need a question answering but I acknowledge it's off topic. It relates to a part released this year though if that helps ground me somewhat. See the new hood (Garindan's, or KoR if you prefer. The one that looks like Obi Wan has a dishcloth on his head). I don't own one. Does it work with an old 1 stud minifig neck bracket 42446 worn on the front? The reason I ask is it looks like a good starter for ten on making a custom Ephant Mon.
  10. Redroe replied to vitreolum's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Yeah that Jabba. Thought the style was similar. Great work.
  11. Redroe replied to vitreolum's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    That's great. Ingenious techniques to get curvature and texture. How tall is she? (Is it you who did the Leia and Jabba? A few years ago now.)
  12. Hmmm. There's a TIE on instagram that purports to be the real thing and looks rather like the fuzzy image I've seen earlier but it looks very LDD. It actually looks rather nice but has some awkward techniques I can't see an official set getting away with. I am curious. What can they do differently about an X Wing nose without giving us new molds?
  13. Yeah, should have read back through the pages before instead of after blabbing. Shuttle looks convincing enough that I was fooled. So, eagerly awaiting what may come from spring sets of this style. Let's assume they are more of the regular big hitters. Naboo Starfighter? Snowspeeder (new canopy Lego please). Y wing? I think MOCers might be in for a bit of a treat here, as the 4+ sets, for all their shortcomings, included some VERY nice printed pieces that would otherwise have been stickers in system sets (or nonexistent - printed x wing nose anyone?). Might we get new cockpit molds, new printed parts, to accomodate slightly smaller models? The mind boggles. A Falcon cone cockpit, 6 studs in diameter, narrowing to 5 at the front, by 5 bricks high. Now then I'd be happy.
  14. Love, love, love the TIE, if the leak is real. Less so the shuttle but both look like good, "proper" builds. Scaled down rather than dumbed down. A bit chibi yes but I don't mind that at all. Ah well, I won't be buying them, but I know for sure that a ton of kids will, and will love them. I am magnanomously delighted. Now, TIE Bomber Lego. Just like that. If you please.
  15. This is true. Themes have thematic successors I guess. The only direct replacement I can think of is Bionicle/Hero Factory but that's probably a special case. SW will end one day. Maybe in 20 years time, when Disney has killed off any hope of new films, the sequel era kids have grown up and aren't as rabidly absorbed in the hobby as adult OT and PT fans are (I could see this being the case, I just don't see the sequels as having longevity) and they have run out of remake steam. I'll be there, at 60, buying the 5th UCS Falcon and frittering away my pension on £20 clones off ebay.
  16. To pick up on this thread, I don't recall any space themes being current "when I were a lad" bugging my parents for Lego, i.e. 1996 to 2002 ish, except odd city sets that werre realistic ish. Insectoids maybe? I and my friends much preferred Ninja, Adventurers, Pirates. Were there any space themes? They've dipped a toe into other Fantasy tinged themes since LotR died out. (Elves mainly). I am sure other Sci Fi themes are always a possibility especially if, as seems to be the case, they are slowing down on the Star wars line a bit.
  17. The Obi Wan's hut one? Yes its fantastic. Is that repeated in the cantina or is the blue crystal genuinely just a blue crystal, thrown in so AFOLs can make a spice joke?
  18. I have them locked in a safety deposit box surrounded by starving Alsatians. I joke of course. I will open the box and proudly pose my little Clones. They can stage an invasion of my imminent cantina.
  19. Holy smoke. That's pretty bad. Make more Lego! I have one unopened here. I was planning to open it, keep the figs and use the parts elsewhere but gosh. In a couple of years it might pay off my mortgage.
  20. 2 sets of 501st just landed.
  21. Never played it. Gaming has passed from my life with the advent of kids. I like the 2nd? 7th? Sister in rebels though, mainly because I know she's voiced by Buffy.
  22. The whole saga is about the redemption of villainy! Let's hear it for the irredeemable. Palpatine, Dooku, Grievous... as for the rest, even Maul has his moments, and even Hux, worm that he is, isn't dark til the end. 90% sure that white face is painted on. Those ain't no birthmarks. Just crossed my mind that the Nightsisters and Mandalorians have some shared history... Maul, Ventress, Sabine, the Darksaber. Can't wait to see how some of tjis stuff ties together.
  23. If so that would be great. Star wars is missing a glamorous, dangerous female villain, in live action anyway. Ventress is a bit too psychotic to make the grade. Phasma was turned into a big joke and then hurriedly shuffled off in the franchise's worst scene. Zam Wesell is a generic bounty hunter. Qira's villainy is all subtext. A female foe for Mando has great dramatic potential. Nightsister? I wonder. Also hope to get a minifig. Thought I'd add that in case I got hauled in for going off topic.
  24. And the ancient one first appeared as a white woman in the MCU rather than the comics, a different medium. I just can't see them cocking up a casting like that when a portion of fanbase savaged the only Asian actress with a lead role in the saga. The proportion of black characters has gone up a lot faster than the proportion of Asian characters. Which is ok, to be clear. Rebels had the best diversity quota of any SW medium. Ezra's white, Kanan's black, Sabine's Asian. And then of course Hera's green.
  25. Push him down the stairs next time you go for a brew. If he doesn't want the Ponda Baba, wait til he buys it, then push him down the stairs and give the Ponda to me.
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