Everything posted by Redroe
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Can anyone tell me if the new AT AT has "fixed" the neck so it can move up and down as well as side to side? The restricted head movement bother me. I want to be able to do that trick shot when it takes a snowspeeder out in full flight.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Get it together guys, I'm in Cumbria and it's gorgeous here. Not ordering cantina however. Wallet can't take it.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yeah but I will know it's a different ship I remain worried. Mando is far enough removed from the rest of the universe to chart new waters. Literally, apparently.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The thing is.... the animated appearance of that character is quite distinctly of Asian (or whatever that relates to in Star Wars) descent and Sasha Banks is quite obviously of African descent... no way they'd make a howler like that on a minority cast member in modern Star Wars? Beautiful lady anyway. Never seen her act so eagerly await seeing how she fits into the universe. (Thinking about it, they have cast a leading black actress and they're about to paint her orange and stick horns on her, so.) Someome tell me how to do that funky 'reveal hidden content' thing?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Seems like sound advice sir. All that stopped me sinking money on ebay was the single airborne trooper in the Grievous fighter with the new style torso print. I thought surely, surely there are more of these guys on the way. The helmet looks almost unchanged from the previous one anyway, so they'll mesh pretty well if I do get my paws on some. The standard 212th trooper is way more expensive however, its those that I am really hoping are redone... but in a sensibly priced set, please, Lego, thank you very much. Is it possible we're about to see the last of the Razor Crest? Looks pretty well trashed. I hated it when the Milano bit the dust 5 minutes into the second Guardians of the Galaxy... hope they don't do that and lay low my desire to mod/moc my own RC. Would that explain also the mystery $30 "hero ship".... a straight-up RC replacement... hmm.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Proof if it were needed that cloud city sold like coals to Newcastle. That fig cost me dear. i shouldn't be bitter. And them as well! I got 3 on bricklink for big bucks and then they popped up in advent calendar. I have my eye on some Utapau troopers on ebay but I am terrified that they'll pop up in a set next year and suddenly go cheap as chips.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Moria box art also showed three Orcs I think. And some of them if I remember right, had special hairpieces or helmets that never made the production version. As pleased as I am to see Lego's new approach I have to registet disappiintment that we aren't getting more Clones. Utapau troopers and Shock troopers with the 2014 helmet style are like hen's teeth and eye-wateringly expensive. And as for a plain, unmarked p2 trooper... forget it. I can't imagine what was running through my mind when I failed to pick up those excellent battle packs when I had the chance. My hope was to see some 212th troopers in the next wave in the style of the 501st but it's not to be.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
At least one of the LOTR sets was displayed at a toy fair with one more preliminary figure than it was released with. They secretly hate LOTR fans.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That is a tragedy. Out of academic interest, how did they feel about TFA before going into the others? I remember well the general enthusiasm and goodwill after TFA and Rogue One, and how badly my own expectations were dashed by what followed. I can easily imagine a "new" fan without the nostalgia factor being alienated by TLJ and definitely by TROS.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
My 8 year old nephew will go for OT because his dad won't let him watch the prequels. He's one of *those* Star Wars fans. The Clone Wars hasn't been a living entity on a network since 2012 or 13. Kids who were kids back then are now in their late teens. Current kids who are into Clone Wars are probably either getting it on DVD, from parents who like the OT (PT if you had 'em young) or getting it on Disney+ where there is Star Wars of every era at the flick of a button. Hopefully the era-fixation dies out in a generation or so and Star wars becomes just "Star Wars". Means we have to live with TLJ and TROS but every silver lining has a cloud. Now I, as a PT child, have my own trilogy to hate. History really does repeat.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yeah, I do like the RC. I was unsure after early reviews but seems like a solid honest set worth the money. I am just not that huge a fan of the series as many seem to be - I don't think it's the messiah of the new Star Wars. And I already know that the mods I want to make (colour swap to DBG, add ladder to cockpit, more texture on outside, better use of escape pod space) will involve a bit of parts digging on bricklink which adds to the expense: so if I am to build one I am better off building the base model from my own collection of parts. The only part which is irreplacable is the cockpit - a cool 25 GBP at time of writing. If it included Beskar Mando, I'd have bought it by now. I already have the previous one from AT ST. That being said, I like to think there's more to the inclusion of the 'old' Mando than savvy marketing - maybe kids who buy the RC will want to create their own adventures for Mando that aren't specifically tied to that era with The Child so the raggedy, beat-up version makes sense. Just a little bit more imaginative play value.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Struck me that the rumoured Mando set might actually be a Bad Batch set? Gonna wait til I see if it includes Beskar Mando and baby Yoda before I finally pull the trigger on Razor Crest.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
After the bomber chat a few weeks back I did a TIE moc at the same size as the 2001 model with common design features of the 201(6?) TIE advanced. I'm quite proud of it and must get some pics onto flickr. It's nowhere near as good as the flagship TIE mocs on the web but shows quite well how they could do a perfectly viable cheaper design at that scale. The very first wave of models did a good job of representing the vehicles (mostly... slave 1, bleh) with limited parts and techniques. Imagine how they could work at that scale now with modern parts and experience? Based on vehicles like the microfighters and midi Slave 1 I am very excited to see what they come.up with.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I am interested to see if the newly dialled back sets still scale reasonably with other stuff in the theme. Like the mando hero vehicle. Will it be itself a lighter, cheaper version of a large vehicle or will it "do a BARC" and be large and complex to target Afols alongside kid friendly system stuff for the OT? Maybe I'm Barcing up the wrong tree. Sorry.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Are we really crying out for loads of Mando sets? I don't see much potential, or real attraction. Obvious candidates: Razor Crest and TIE Outlander (the Big Two). A Mando battle pack they've done. Going through the series in order: Kuill and a blurg, yes. Red eyed Jawas? Well. Bounty hunters and generic redshirts we have. At St raider they've done. Speeder Bikes? Some kind of prison break set? The final two eps are covered by the Razor Crest. Yes we could get some Death Troopers, a Client and Gideon but other than the TIE, I can't see a desirable set being made from the surrounding source. I think the bounty-of-the-week format of the show works against Mando sets. The one off characters don't demand minifigs in the same way recurring ones do (see Rebels sets). Hopefully, with what we've heard of season 2, there will be some expansion and escalation which yields more sets.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yep. Would expect a Solo Falcon. Any suggestion what the other MF would be from Solo? They come in pairs. No more. No less. Personally not bothered about the statues or helmets at all. Mando Hero Vehicle though.... no idea what that might be. Nothing from series 1 fits the bill that I can think of. Closest I can come is the speeders from ep 5. I'd love Kuill (sic?) and some blurgs but not holding out much hope. Oooofffff. As expected, Razor Crest cockpit canopy demanding 25 gbp in uk, 19 gbp in mainland Europe. When does it become cost effective to just buy the damn thing?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It's just speculation that they won't do another. There have been a total of 4 Jabba sets: original palace (2003?) Original sail barge (2006) and remake of each (2012/13). It feels like a remake is about due. But other than the Desert skiff they don't seem in a rush to pillage that particular goldmine. I just posit that the potential controversy might be the reason, I've no proof. It's my favourite segment of the films too, and so many standout figures and creatures. I'd be thrilled to get a palace MBS. Even more so a Sail Barge.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Option 2. They hit a good balance with the first wave of "remakes" around 2008 IMO. Since 2012 ish they have grown steadily more into collectors items not kids' toys. Maybe the new adult specific branding is going to be accompanied by more kid friendly system sets. If this indicates a change of philosophy I am very interested to see the pics.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
For the sake of many many kids, I am glad. I don't need more Star Wars lego for myself. With the exception of a few niche figs and ships I have everuthing I care about. If a 2020's kid can get into the hobby as easily as I could in the 00's, then I am all for it. I thought that about the 4+ sets though. And then i saw them. So judgement slightly withheld.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Gosh those packs were good. I remember getting two from Legoland Windsor: Chewie and two Scout troopers, and Fett, Han and Luke. There was a Sith one as well which for the life of me I can't understand why I didn't make my parents' life hell to get as well. Imagine if TLG did a similar thing now? The country would melt down.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
A MBS battle of Endor, like a redone 2009 battle of Endor would be excellent provided they didn't "do a Hoth" on it. For my money, Hoth wasn't all that bad, it just wasn't anything like UcS quality as it was marketed and included a grave imbalance of Rebel stuff to Imperial stuff. Less of a problem with Endor as it has more, smaller, includable stuff. If they had the bunker and a couple of Ewok treehouses it would be a neat balance.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
A group complained that it bore an offensive resemblance to the haga sophia. It kind of coincided with lego retiring it which led many to assume they were cause and effect, but I think TLG released a statement saying it was poppycock but sorry for upsetting people. Leaves them with a slight problem as it was a fairly accurate representataion of the source material so if they were to do another, the mosque thing would be large in everyone's minds. Relatively recently Hasbro also got into murky waters over a black series slave Leia, I think specifically due to the chain round her neck (understandably) which might also scare tlg off.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yeah I am just going on the two year cycle for fall/autumn releases that seems to be developing: UCS next year, MBS after that. I'd love a Sail Barge. The 2006 one remains my all time favourite set with some mods borrowed from the awful looking remake. The palace seems to fit the MBS mold better though. The mosque controversy was absurd at the time and would be doubly so if it was brought up again, but as I said on another thread, I can see more people getting upset about female minifig printing. And yet imagine the AFOL rage if they did a palace without Oola or Leia? It might be enough to convince them not to do another Jabba set ever again. Footnote 1: 501st on Amazon UK. Early bird gets the worm. Footnote 2: yes, I realise there are numerous awkward racial and sexual subtexts present in the Jabba scenes but to blame it on Lego is ludicrous.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
THIS. October 2022 maybe? Sy Snootles? Ephant Mon? A new EV 9D9? 8D8? I'll try not to wishlist too much and get myself a black mark.
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