Everything posted by AusChris
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It was available in Myer online for about half a day around May 10th (a friend bought some there). Other than that it sold out completely on Lego online on May 4th it seems... They did offer a back-order recently with strict limits (very similar to how 501st has been managed in Aus). Hopefully it's coming back... I'm not risking it for the AT-TE, I'll buy 1 day 1 just for FOMO
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
AT-TE - Day 1 buy! And I'll buy a second if I find it on special. I love the build and the figures. I owned the 2008 version for short time 5 years ago, but I sold it as I wasn't collecting CW sets at that time and I generally prefer P2 clones over P1. This set ticks all the boxes for me and my current collection. I will be interested to see if there is any more interior behind the drivers seat (or at least some storage space?). Justifier - I think I will pass on this set. With an AUD RRP of $260 I can't find the value. I think the design is nice enough (I particularly like the size) but the interior is a little lacking from what I've seen. I'm also not fussed by Todo and Omega, and I have (helmeted) Fennec and Hunter already. Wrong page I know, BUT I will be buying that 90th Anni. Castle! I will also buy the SW advent calendar as it is now tradition! I don't think 2022 is as good as last years, but I do like the figs included. I kind of wish the whole set was 'Summer Xmas themed' as it's not very often Australian/Tatooine Xmas gets represented. I don't have that P1 clone commander yet, so that's a nice addition. Looking forward to August!
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Oh man I could get around this set. Assuming Lego intends to produce a new TCW S7 P2 Rex (a logical next in line character, with the new rumoured helmet mould)… I’m torn between a new gunship set or a Y-Wing set… The potential for a Republic Y-Wing with Rex and an ARC Jesse is amazing. But a gunship is incredibly iconic… And the potential minifigs! Either way, I’d be a very happy man! (But seriously Lego, do both!)
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I don’t know what you’re referring to… but I hope it’s the first part of the Phineas and Ferb joke/meme 😆 And based on that I’ll speculate that we WILL see 2 gunships on the shelves at once in 2022 😁 it’s unlikely, but amazing if it happens!
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
We’ll I’m thinking of it now obviously! I did buy an extra Light Cruiser set for this reason…
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Well that makes perfect sense haha thanks for the clarification!
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Sigh... On the upside it looks like a couple more set names for 2022 have leaked: 40558 is 'Clone Trooper Command Station' and 40557 is 'Defense of Hoth'
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Until it's: Farm boy Luke, Aunt Beru and C3PO for $15USD These packs COULD be great! Fingers crossed!
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
There is a new rumour that Star Wars theme will have minifig accessory pack(s) in 2022!!! In HP this is currently a 4 minifig pack with (very) small build for $15USD. The minifigs are named characters, differentiating the packs from what we know as 'battlepacks.' It looks like the current HP set offers all new minifigs, but they don't offer new moulds (to give you some idea of what you get for your money). The builds (I feel) are inconsequential. These also exist in the Super-heroes themes, not as many new figs though, prices (slightly) vary also... What minifigs would you want to see in a 2022 pack to make it worth $15USD RRP for Star Wars? For me: Mando Pack: - Juggernaut Pilot Mando (with helmet, face and hair) - Juggernaut Pilot Mayfield (with helmet and face) - Valin Hess - Fennec (with helmet and hair) Small mess hall table/chairs and printed console build. Accessories include an imperial crate, blasters, cups, and a fuel tank (ridonium?). Clone Command Pack (CW S7): - P2 Rex - P2 Cody - ARC Jesse - Insert character here... The set is already sold out... Maybe Anakin... Build doesn't matter... Maybe a command post terminal of some sort.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I also have those fingers crossed! Looking forward to the playset list… I don’t normally buy UCS… so I can sit back and enjoy the memes on this one 😅 So far it’s looking like a very cheap start to 2022! (Which is great because 2021 was a big one!)
[MOCs] and [MODs] My Adventurers ...
Hi Reader, Love your take on a super nostalgic theme. I have just recently completed some MOCs of my own in the original theme. You have also inspired me to seek out a few of those pirate sand base plates. Here are a couple of pics: My take (MOD) of my favourite adventurers plane. And a (MOC) steam converted lugger for transporting goods up the Nile. I am awaiting a few sets to build my collection and add the missing characters.... cant’t wait!!
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Depending on the final releases, I think the Mandalorian Gaulent/Starfighter will be my number 1 set. I am very interested to see Gideon’s Cruiser, it may take out the top spot :) I will probably buy all of the regular sets eventually.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Check out the awesome rebuilds/conversions of the new TIE fighter to a TIE interceptor. I am buying this set for this purpose!
Future Star Wars Sets
We do get a lot of X-wings... It’s probably a question of when rather than if haha I would love to see a set with Dooku released soon! Am I right in saying that we haven’t seen his curved Lightsaber hilt since the ‘chrome’ hilt days?
Future Star Wars Sets
I think the UCS Razor Crest has a good chance of being made. With the combination of the (cashed-up) adult following of the show and the sell-out preorder of the play set (baby Yoda effect?), it seems like a good opportunity for Lego to jump on board. Probably not until 2022 however. I think the Moff Gideon TIE is a highly likely set for 2021. I am really looking forward to season 2 and the future lego sets!
Future Star Wars Sets
New prediction for 2021: Red 5 X-wing - Ahch-To island version (Risen from the depths, more weathered look To OT). Includes Rey (white hood) force ghost old Luke and porg. Luke’s rebel helmet. I was trying to think of Ep IX sets that I would actually buy... haha
Future Star Wars Sets
I can see Lego releasing a republic y-wing with a vulture/tri-droid to increase the price. Like they did with the Ahsoka starfighter. Especially given the price of the Rex MF on the secondary market.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Are the cylinders in the AAT main gun the new black candlestick pieces? Seems like a win that they have added extras haha
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Original release dates are still posted on the Australian (and Europe I believe). I would hope given the strong response to pre-ordering the Mando sets TLG push to honour those internationally first and foremost. Fingers crossed!
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Third I think. I bought the original in the first RoTS wave (2005ish?). A more recent one allowed for full R2-D2 (2012ish?) it looked very similar to the coming release.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Wow I am excited to finally see these pics! First thoughts: AAT set looks like it will work well combined with 501st Legion Pack. I will definitely pick up a few of these. The build doesn’t look phenomenal, but I’m happy to take it as a MOD opportunity. I will probably buy Grevious’s ship. I don’t have the previous one and Utapau is a favourite scene from RoTS. Real question is: do I want the New final duel set... or a second razor crest?... Probably second razor crest haha! Knights of Ren ship actually looks better than expected... I think I will probably give it a miss all the same.
Future Star Wars Sets
I think this is my most anticipated/wanted set for 2021. I know it’s unlikely, but I would love it to be released with removable cowling (clip on?). If/when they release that set, that will be my MOC goal.
Future Star Wars Sets
Haha yeah whoops! ? It’s probably better for my wallet if they don’t all get released at once...
Future Star Wars Sets
Ok so here is my 2020 prediction/wishlist! I tried to balance PT/TCW/OT/MANDO and keep it realistic for Lego releases. You'll notice there are no ST sets... I just couldn't bring myself to add them... Assume they will be added in alongside a 4+ set and poly bags. (Maybe another couple of 18+ helmets?). Let me know what you think, any glaring misses? MICROFIGHTERS RAZOR CREST - Mando. REPUBLIC GUNSHIP - RoS clone pilot. X-WING VS TIE - X-wing Luke and tie pilot. BATTLE PACKS BATTLE DROIDS - 2x Battle droid, 2x super battle droid, and droideka. Seperatist turret and Stap. HOTH IMPERIALS - 2x Snowtrooper, imperial commander and imperial pilot. Mobile command station. RED VS BLUE TCW MANDOS - 2x Blue night owl mandos, 2x red mauldalorians. Blue speeder and red turret. SMALL SETS ENDOR SPEEDER BIKES - 2x Scout troopers with speeders. Endor Luke with tree build. BESPIN LUKE VS VADER - Bespin Luke and Vader. Catwalk and antenna build. KUIIL’S HUT WITH BLURRG - Kuiil the ugnaught, molded Blurrg, IG-11 and Cara Dune. Hut build. LOAD LIFTER CHASE - Ahsoka, Trace and load lifter robot. Speeder and robot build. MEDIUM SETS REPUBLIC Y-WING - Ahsoka, Rex, R7-A7 and 501st pilot. Blue republic y-wing. OUTLANDER TIE - Moff Gideon, flame trooper and the client. Outlander TIE. TIE BOMBER - TIE pilot, Admiral Piett and stormtrooper. TIE bomber. LARGE SETS AT-TE - Obi Wan, P2 CODY, P2 clone pilot, P2 clone gunner, battle droid and spider droid MILLENIUM FALCON - Han, Leia, C3-PO, Chewbacca and Bespin Lando. UCS REPUBLIC GUNSHIP
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