Everything posted by Markypops
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I would imagine giving the amount of hype and predicted sales, that Lego was more than willing to spend a certain amount of money on new moulds. Can't wait for some pictures to see how they have tackled certain things like The Ring!
Monster Fighters 2012
Does any one else think that the new hammer that has shown up in these sets is just another use for Thor's hammer which has been created for the next wave of the superheroes line?
UK Sales
Tesco will be redoing their toy plans in 2 weeks. Hopefully will get a copy of the plans for my store next week, so that I can let you know what is on the horizon.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Collectable Minifgures Series 7 Discussion
Political madness and copyright laws gone mad again!
Dino 2012
On the minifig thing, I would love to see minifigs that have legs which would bend as if they had knees, so that i could get them to kneel. My Darth Vader would look amazing kneeling before his master.
LEGO Collectable Minifgures Series 7 Discussion
Hamleys have quite a mark-up on all their toys, especially Lego. I try to avoid purchasing from them, although they do get a few sets in that other local toy shops don't get in. I have found in the past that they have charged 150% on what the RRP is for minifigures. On the generic packaging of series 7, I imagine this will change before release as even the box does not represent what is available. And i doing so offers no incentive to kids to try and find their missing figure or to promote the line to new customers.
More Sound Bricks
Got to say, loving the idea of a USB sound stick that you can download your own sounds on to that could then be slotted into a specially designed brick. Lego could develop a page on their web page that could hold a library of sounds and allow sounds to be added and maybe edited.
UK Sales
Following up on Tesco having 2012 sets in. Just got back to after a day off in the one that I work in and someone has been in and put out some point of sale for Friends and Ninjago 2012 on one of the shelving units. Unfortunately, no sign of the sets yet but can't be that far off. Will give you a heads up when they hit the store.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6 Discussion
Another UK retailer has series 6 in. The Tesco that I work in has just received an OFD that holds 4 boxes. Price point is £1.97. Happy hunting!
UK Sales
Anyone looking for series 5 collectable minifigures? The problem with them not scanning through Tesco's tills has now been resolved so it may be worth your while popping in to your local store if you have no where else near. Remember that they may be away from the toy section on an OFD.
UK Sales
My store is still selling series 4 on the actual toy plan, so there should be absolutely no reason why your Tesco should not have series 5 in. Series 5 will eventually replace series 4 on the plan but is just intended to be sold from the OFD at the moment. This is the way series 4 started in store.
UK Sales
Good news and bad news situation. Good news is Tesco have received series 5 minifigures in the form of an OFD which holds 4 boxes. Bad news is they won't scan through the tills. Don't worry I'm on the case and have reported the situation and will let you know when the problem is resolved.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 5 discussion
No, Tesco don't have them instore yet but they are set up on the customer enquiry screen with a release date of 11/09/2011. However I would expect them to be in stores before then, as they seem to be using this date as a place holder for a lot of products lately. I'll check weekly and as soon as I know anything I will post.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
For those of you interested in where the naboo fighter will turn up in the UK. It is on the Tesco system with a price point of £39.97. As a guess I would say that this is the Tesco exclusive for this year. However the release date for this is the 28th July and if I'm correct their is an update to the plans around this time.
UK Sales
Just an update on the toy plans that are being carried out Tesco's next week. Unfortunately it looks like they will not be adding any new Lego at the moment. Not even POTC, it would seem that these are only going to be sold from the OFD mentioned in my previous post.
UK Sales
The Tesco I work in has just got in an Off Fixture Display containing the three smaller POTC sets in it. Also within the next fortnight the toy plans are getting an update. So, I will see if I can get a copy of the plans and let you know if anything new is coming as soon as I can.
UK Sales
Tell them that they are looking for an OFD (Off Fixture Display) shipper unit. My store has already started to get top up boxes to fill the cardboard display stand. Hope this helps.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 4 discussion
Well a lot has happened over the weekend. As a lot of you know Tesco has got series 4 in now, knew we were getting some possibly delivered on Friday but didn't want to say to much in case they didn't arrive , which can sometimes be the case, as I didn't want to get peoples hopes up. Series 4 has been delivered in a cardboard stand alone unit with 4 boxes of series 4 on it. As series 3 is now discontinued I would image that series 4 will take their place on the plan when it is due to be redone, so no need to panic. This is just a way of getting them instore quickly, rather than having you wait on a new toy plan to be done. If they are not out go ask someone to have a look for you or look on the computer system to see if they have stock using the EAN, I quoted in an earlier post.
UK Sales
I can confirm that the TRU promotion does include LEGO SW. As I picked up 2 x 7869 and 1 x 7931. So scored one 7869 exclusive set for nothing. Happy hunting people.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 4 discussion
The number that I have given is an EAN (European Article Number), so will not be relevant to the US. Also not sure when Tesco will be getting series 4 in now, no sign of them so far but what I can say is that series 3 now has a stock end date of the 28th February, although my store just had 3 cases delivered this week.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 4 discussion
A little update on what I was telling you yesterday. Tesco is due to update their toy plans in 2 weeks time, which would explain the date on their computer system. This should also mean that the new plans should be available next week so I will let you know what I find.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 4 discussion
I was on the computer system in my work (Tesco) and found that series 4 figures are listed on there. Barcode for those of you that are interested is 5702014734739. Also said that they would not be able to be sold until 06/03/2011, which is only a few weeks away. Could we be getting them sooner than we thought. Will check each week to see when we get our first delivery and will let you know anything as soon as I know.
UK Sales
Got a hold of the plans for my Tesco store so heres goes with what they are getting in from the 2011 range -City Space Shuttle, Satellite Launching Pad, Space Moon Buggy -City Police Boat, Police Minifigure Collection, Police Dog Unit, Prisoner Transport -Creator Transport Truck, Rescue Robot, Buggy -Bricks & More Building Asst A, Asst B, My First Lego Set -Star Wars Battle of Naboo, Imperial V-Wing, Battle Packs, Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship -Ninjago Ambush, Ice Dragon Attack, Training Outpost, Ninja Asst, Skeleton Asst, Spin Jitsu Starter Set, Skull Motor Bike, & a vehicle exclusive -Atlantis Ocean Speeder, Seabed Strider, Angler Attack -Pharaohs Quest Cursed Cobra Statue, Gold Staff Guardians, Scarab Attack, Flying Mummy Attack -Harry Potter Freeing Dobby, Quidditch, Hagrids Hut (although they were available before xmas) -Hero Factory Asst A, Asst B, Villians Asst, Fire Lord -Technic Buggy, Helicopter -and last but by no means least Collectable Minifigs Series 3 (although please note that these will not be located with the other Lego but are beside Pokemon, Gormiti products (similar in price range)) Hope that this helps some of you
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