Hi all, this is my first post here to the board so please be gentle.
I was told this was a great place to post my build to the site so here it goes:
The idea was to make a different kind of MOC for a change with focus on lightning and the mood of the setting. I wanted to create a room that could be the home of a rebel or bounty hunter.
I got heavily inspired by the piece of concept art from Olga Orlova: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vn4DA
With the ideas in my head I usually make a small sketch in Google Sketchup just to play around with shapes and sizes, its easier to build with a least an idea of the proportions.
As you can see it ended up way higher and different, but that's just the creative process as you build things.
Really happy with the result, its almost what I had imagined before I started.
It took about 4 weeks to build, last days were mostly experimenting with photography which I'm not very good at.
As you might notice there is a background behind the window, that's actually an iPad with a wallpaper.
I had to correct the perspective of the image in Photoshop keeping in mind how the iPad was placed in the MOC, its not perfect but still better then without correction.
I have a decent camera and some extra lightning panels that helped to expose some details and edges in this very dark setting.
The close up shots were taken using a Macro lens I borrowed from a local store. It gives very crisp images but the zoom factor was tot high to use it for the complete shots.
I hope you like it as much as I do, any feedback is always welcome!
You can find more stuff on my Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/reepke/