Everything posted by TeddytheSpoon
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
I'll come clean: I didn't include him because I didn't remember his name... I agree at minimum it would need those first five figures though. I'd even be willing to forego the TK troopers in favour of an imperial commando and maybe Hemlock. As far as other bad batch sets go, the only other one I really want to see is a V-wing. I can't remember if season 1 had them still in Republic colours, but if they were that would be my preferred colour scheme. 30 bucks, Imperial clone pilot, Omega or Hunter, and a TK trooper or imperial commando, take my money please and thank you.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Spoilers for the Bad Batch ep 14.
[MOC] Clone and droid vehicles - latest addition: Droid STAP
I figured my droids needed a bit more than a crab droid to help their cause, so I've bolstered their forces with a couple of STAPs! Nice and simple build, with only 20-odd pieces. I'm particularly pleased with how the top bit of the STAP came out. The lower half should probably be a bit sleeker, but them's the breaks. At least this way it can be made in CIS colours as well (mostly, anyway - a mixture of dark blue, blue and black). I think Trade Federation brown is a bit more becoming though, especially as a TPM apologist!
[MOC]-BW3001 - Pre-Orders Open! UCS Kintan Strider Speeder Bike
Unusual choice for a UCS build, I love it! The level of detail is phenomenal. (that manual looks very high quality as well!)
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yes! I thought the same thing when looking at the image of the set in plan view. The snubfighter looks nice enough, and I like the non-Vane minifig. The N-1, though... Doesn't look great. I'm not sure if it's the stud shooters or the overall proportions, or something else, but it seems very chunky compared to the TPM N-1 microfighter we got a while back. In any case, these are probably easy passes for me. If I can find the snubfighter on discount further down the line I might pick it up, but I don't need another Mando & Grogu combo, even with the new helmet.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Seconded. In a way this actually makes it feel more interesting to me than it did in Legends. From memory, and I could be wrong, the Empire's continued semi-secret interest in cloning wasn't covered much beyond some exposure in the comics.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
I can see Galaxy's Edge being rebranded as Navarro down the line, but because of Mando's crazy popularity, not for sequel retconning. Come on, people have been convinced Disney/LFL is going to retcon the sequels for years now and it hasn't come anywhere close to happening. Having gone through all the furore of the canon/legends split, I find it highly unlikely that they would take out the central plot point of TRoS when the movies are considered the 'most' canon, as it were. As @ARC2149Nova points out, the idea of Palps having cloned himself existing long before the sequel trilogy. I think it could have done better for sure, but I don't think they have the appetite for such big retcons.
[MOC] UCS Cloud Car
This is mega.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I feel your pain. Even though it's all in euros, generally everything on S@H is slightly more expensive here in Finland (the helmets and SSD are all 85eur instead of 70eur, for instance), and for some reason the AT-TE from last summer is 10eur *more* expensive than the Justifier. I'm sure there are reasons for it, but it is frustrating.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Well, that's one! Here's hoping your other predictions come true as well
[MOC] Clone and droid vehicles - latest addition: Droid STAP
I don't have the exact code, but the place they're from is Game of Bricks. I bought a couple of the Aston Martin Speed Champions kits, which has a decent range of LED colours. Most of their kits are very reasonably priced, and they are quite fiddly (especially with small builds like these), but the quality is great I've found. Not at the moment. I did have instructions for my first versions, but they got nixed when my PC died last year. I may do some breakdown pics though. Yeah, the size difference was one of the main things I wanted to do with that. In an ideal world they'd be trans-red, but they actually look better in red than I thought they would. Thank you for the kind words everyone!
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Me too. Given the success of things like the helmets, I think midi scale sets (maybe with a display stand) would do pretty well these days. Radiant VII would be my pick, but then it's my pick for a lot of things... FWIW we did get grey robes Palpatine once before. IIRC he was an extra minifig in a droid tri-fighter or vulture droid, of all things.
- [MOC] Midi-Scale Millennium Falcon
[MOC] Clone and droid vehicles - latest addition: Droid STAP
Two of the first MOCs I created since diving back into the hobby a few years ago were an AT-RT and BARC speeder. Since they were designed mostly in a digital environment, and with considerably less practice than I have now, they were long due an upgrade. So now I've done that, I figured it was as good a time as any to share them here! Although these were my own design to start with, I don't think there's anything particularly revolutionary in the construction of the two. So to spruce them up a bit, I decided to add some lights! Fitting the LEDs didn't require much in the way of changes relative to my first attempts, which now look... Well, let's just say I'm much happier with these new versions. The AT-RT pretty much only had its front armour plating changed, but the BARC speeder went through three or four different iterations before I settled on the version you see here. Both were designed around the 501st colours to start with, since these have been the easiest to acquire recently. That said I made sure the colours could be swapped out for other legions, such as the 41st Elite Corps... ...Or the 91st Recon Corps. (yes, these photos do kind of suck. Sorry!) In theory, the 327th Star Corps (pale yellow) and 7th Sky Corps/212th Attack Battalion (orange) colours should also be possible. There are probably more colour options but these are the ones I'm most familiar with. Unfortunately I don't have the right parts in orange right now to equip my faves in the 212th, so instead I made them a Crab Droid to fight against. You're welcome, I guess, fellas... I have a few more plans for Republic and Separatist/Trade Federation army accessories, so I may add to this thread in future (read: I will necro-bump this thread when I eventually get around to it). But for now, I hope you like them!
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
This has been a trend with LEGO for a while, not just Star Wars. Bigger, more expensive sets explicitly targeting an older, less toy-focussed audience. That said it's not one I'm particularly enamoured by - the gunship is the only UCS set I've bought in a long time, and although I enjoyed it, dropping 350eur on that alone did feel strange to say the least.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Because cryptic hints won't get you in legal trouble, basically.
SB00701 SH-PROJECT (MOC Shoretrooperr UCS)
It must be the different visor relative to the stormtrooper
SB00701 SH-PROJECT (MOC Shoretrooperr UCS)
Yes! Rogue One supremacy! Nice to see the shoretrooper get some love - I agree it's a great trooper design. You appear to have nailed it, as usual.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
All the helmets look great I think. I like how Cody's helmet doesn't have the exaggerated proportions of the animated series, at least to the extent it could have done. The Boushh helmet is nice as it's an unusual shape and in colours that will stand out next to the rest of the helmets. I don't know if I'll buy one, but it's good to have some variation - same goes for Rex's blue highlights.
How to build 《Droideka》
Neat, I like it. I may try and build my own later!
How to build 《Droideka》
This looks great. Can it roll up at all?
Rogue One MOC Wave.
Nice work, as always! I like the idea of a modular Scarif across different sets.
What was your first LEGO Star Wars set?
Technicallty, the first one I remember playing with (or, more accurately, with its constituent parts) is the original vulture droid, 7111 Droid Fighter. I was too young to really know what Star Wars was by that point though, so I consider 7250 Clone Scout Walker to be my first. That said, I think I had played the original LEGO Star Wars video game with my brother before getting that set, so maybe that counts?
[MOC] MINIs from Obiwan Kenobi - 5 models - , Scythe Transport, Jabiim Freighter, Tri-Wing, Tala's Shuttle & NEW Mercenary Ship
I love the tri-wing! The silver is a great choice. You've captured the essence of it better than I did The Jabiim freighter is top notch as well, the can topper used as an entry hatch is genius.
[MOC] mid-scale Millennium Falcon (WIP)
I missed it the first time round but this looks great! I think having the details inside adds more to the model than having the dishes be the right size. They certainly don't jump out as being the wrong size to me, although I'm not as much as a stickler for accuracy as others .
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