Everything posted by TeddytheSpoon
- [MOD] Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter 75333
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Personally I like getting an in-universe fig, but I don't mind the holiday (or LEGO special) themed ones. Figures like TLJ Luke or the cloud car pilot are great, as they would either be difficult to fit, or less likely to appear, in a regular set, and are probably not in massively high demand. Them being in an advent calendar makes it possible to get them without breaking the bank.
New ties incoming? (a theory)
If I recall correctly, part of Thrawn's story in Rebels was that TIE Defender production was shut down in favour of the Death Star, so if Thrawn is in it I doubt they'd pop up in Ahsoka which is set much further down the line (thought not out of the question, of course). Equally we don't even know if Thrawn is still aligned with the Empire at that point, his ultimate allegiance is to the Chiss Ascendancy. It's all pure speculation at this point but a new interceptor would certainly be welcome. Unlike the bomber I imagine it could be done at a similar price point to a regular TIE fighter.
- [MOC] TIE Interceptor
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Since the production line is already set up for the 501st printing, and has been going for over two years now, I would imagine it is cheaper to keep it going rather than to stop it and restart it, especially if the set isn't going to hang around for too much longer. (Side-note - is it on EOL lists?) There might only be planned and coated production capacity for upcoming sets as well, and although they're the same part before printing, you'd effectively be (at least) doubling the amount of moulded parts, which shortens the life of the mould. As far as stock goes, I don't imagine TLG would overshoot production targets in such a way that they end up with scores of one type of mould in warehouses, since that is essentially wasted capacity. Any produced helmets will likely end up in a set rather than in a box in a warehouse. (Hope that makes sense!)
[M4-22 - Brick Built Creature] – Boga the Varactyl
She's a beauty. I actually prefer wholly brick-built creatures to molded ones and this is about as perfect as you could get with this. The headdress is great but the feet are what I like the most, that leaf part is such a perfect match for the on-screen ones. I may try and reverse-engineer it for my own Obi-Wan if you don't mind!
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Thanks for the tip, that version does look pretty good and certainly much closer to the BFII model. I might mod mine and compare with the 2017 one for size.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Finally got my hands on my copy of the Skywalker Saga, and celebrated by picking up the Republic fighter tank. I can't decide what to think of it... Although I really like the 2017 one, I think the scale on this one is pretty perfect, it's a nice compromise between the various versions of the tank, and of course the minifigures are great. But there are so many gaps around the cockpit and the back of it, and the side cannons keep drooping, which is infuriating. I was initially going to part it out as there's a few parts I want for another project, but I'm undecided. I might re-build the old one and put them side-by-side to decide.
[MOC] "Hello there." - Old Ben Kenobi
Love that landspeeder, a really great version at this scale. The only nitpick I would have is the windscreen, since I'm not sure having two stacked like you've done makes it look substantially better than were it to have just the one... That said it is a really hard feature to pull off in LEGO, so a minor complaint really!
An Excess of X-Wings!
It's fascinating to read through the different evolutions of x-wings over the years. This is almost a history of the LEGO online community and some of its main characters which I love, going from Brickshelf, Bruce Lowell et al through to the present with Jerac and Flickr. I agree with @ForgedInLego that if feels like a museum exhibit, so thanks for going through the effort with the information! Props to you for building all of these at once as well!
- [MOC] TIE Phantom
- [MOC] Midi-Scale Havoc Marauder - The Bad Batch
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Ten 1x1s probably would take a tiny bit more plastic than one 2x5; if you make enough of them then that difference does add up. The broader point around PPP still stands, though - in general, it's a reasonable metric to assess the value of a LEGO set, but it falls apart when sets have lots of smaller pieces (like the art sets) or big moulded pieces, where the higher cost of the mould will need to be offset by a higher price and therefore a worse ratio (in theory).
[MOC] N1-Starfighter (Royal and Modified)
This seems like an interesting topic and one that I've wondered myself a few times... I generally tend to start with "defining features" when working on a model, but the cockpit is normally next in line. Because minifigures are such awkward shapes, I find it's worth reserving the space for the level of detailing I want (normally a nice seat and control panels or levers, at least) and then working out how to incorporate that into a structurally sound build. For builds where the figure is more exposed, like a speeder or walker, I normally start with the pilot. That said I do most of my building digitally, so I'd be fascinated to see what others do.
[MOC] 1.4 FD P-Tower & DF.9 Turret from the Battle of Hoth (Instructions for DF.9 now on Rebrickable)
These are both great! Love the dish turret in particular, wouldn't mind a breakdown to be able to make my own...
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Well I was sceptical when I first saw it, but after reading it for the 11th time, colour me convinced! /s It seems like we have one of these daft May 4th fig rumours every year. Wasn't P2 rex a (completely unfounded, naturally) rumour for last year's one?
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one! I love the latest iteration of the tank so happy to have had my scepticism proved wrong here. Still, it is a very strange choice of set. A clone legion that has only existed in the EU, released not only outside the usual release windows but also in no proximity to any CW-era material (that we know of)... TLG works in mysterious ways.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That piece certainly seems to have been referenced by people like Falcon or Fulcrum (if not outright confirmed), so I'm a bit more inclined to think this one is legit, although I'd rather it weren't.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That's interesting if it's true. Seeing as the set comes with a BD unit (which is, of course, a new mould), that would suggest the buildable BD unit and figure had been in development for a while. I assumed its appearance in TBoBF would be what tipped TLG over the edge to make one. On the other hand that does make the timing of that model really odd... J:FO came out three years ago, and even with the news of its sequel it's not exactly contemporary media as far as Star Wars goes.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I'm not sold on this as a solution to force ghosts. Aside from the fact you can't really pose the figures, it also makes them look *enormous* because of the weird proportions that minifigures have. A dedicated figure would have worked much better, IMO.
[MOC] Kartcross
Love the idea for the suspension and steering (although they do look awfully clean, for kartcross!). Do they sag much, since it's only friction holding them up?
- REVIEW: 76906 1970 Ferrari 512 M
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Iconic ships in general, I would agree, but in terms of capital ships I'd say it's right up there, certainly in the OT era. There's the ISD, SSD, Tantive IV, and I'd argue the Nebbie is the next most recognisable (admittedly out of a small pool). Even including the PT I'd only place it behind the Radiant VII and a Venator. That said, I do think it's more likely to be around the 350 price mark. I'm leaning towards the 530 set being a death Star re-re-release, as I think that slightly odd price point roughly lines up with the inflation since the last one (which was 2016 IIRC?).
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
While I do largely agree, it does seem (at least to us mere mortals) like some of it is arbitrary. The Tallneck that got revealed today has basically three times as many pieces as the N1, is also based on a licensed property with a new mould, and costs only $20 more. Of course it's a difficult comparison with things like the Lucasfilm tax, different amount of figures and possibly being the two extremes of perceived value for money, but I do think the N1 is one of the more egregious examples of LEGO inflation, alongside Grievous' Starfighter from 18 months ago.
[MOC] Yoko Tsuno : 3 vehicles
Yes! So glad to see Yoko Tsuno getting some love. The little fighter craft especially look great, love the technique for the wing offset. I started work on the big yellow Vinean shuttle for SHIPtember a couple of years back but never finished it... You've inspired me to have another go I think!
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