Everything posted by TeddytheSpoon
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I was wondering about that, and it's something I'd probably be more interested in than just a cantina. The only thing that makes me think it wouldn't be this is that we already have two Tatooine sets on shelves. At the very least I'd prefer to get a set with different bits of Mos Eisley rather than just the cantina.
- [MOC] Naboo Forces Flash Speeder
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I thought it was a helmet series set of Figrin Dan and the Modal Nodes. Give the people what they want! Cool to get a big cantina set if true, and the figs will be nice. Not sure I'll pick it up though.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I almost feel like flashbacks would be necessary to get some character development. Having read and thought about there's a lot of potential for interesting stories - I saw someone suggest the clone uprising on Kamino could make it to canon, or we could see Rex and - more excitingly - Cody again, and all the ramifications of Order 66.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
You're probably right, actually, especially given those two will likely get at least a set in the next wave (certainly in the case of Mando). I retract my previous statement!
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It's basically gonna be a Star Wars A-Team, isn't it? Not something I'm especially excited for, but then that was what I thought about the three previous animated series, and they all exceeded expectations (even if Resistance wasn't anywhere near the standard of TCW and Rebels). If it follows the same principle as the Knights of Ren, it does probably mean that we'll get the Bad Batch spread over multiple sets instead of all being in the shuttle, for instance, which is a shame.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
San Diego Comic Con. I think it's happening virtually this year but LEGO were due to have a stand there I believe.
- [MOC] Naboo Forces Flash Speeder
[MOC] Naboo Forces Flash Speeder
A quick MOC from the Phantom Menace - the Flash Speeder used by Naboo Forces in Episode I as they take back Theed. Seraph-Class Landspeeder (Flash Speeder) by TeddytheSpoon, on Flickr I got into a really good rhythm with this one, despite its awkward curvy shape. The duck-bill shaped front was especially tricky, and somewhat inspired by Branduin's version on Reibrickable, but it was a really enjoyable challenge. Seraph-Class Landspeeder (Flash Speeder) by TeddytheSpoon, on Flickr I'm very pleased with the SNOT work, even if I do say so myself! Seraph-Class Landspeeder (Flash Speeder) by TeddytheSpoon, on Flickr
Future Star Wars Sets
That's true, although 20 years of TPM does coincide with LEGO's own 20 year anniversary which would of course take precedence, so I'm holding out hope there'll be more of an opportunity for some. Though there's bound to be some more Star Wars media to preoccupy LEGO.
Future Star Wars Sets
Gotcha. Ah, what I wouldn't give for more chrome hilts
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I realised I might have come across as a bit vitriolic which is why I hid under spoilers, so point taken. I think they will have some business justification behind most of their choices, but as you say, that doesn't necessarily make it the right choice (whatever we deem that to be). The influence of AFOLs on LEGO is always something that fascinates me. On the one hand, at the end of the day, LEGO is a kids' toy, and that's who it's mainly marketed towards - fair enough. On the other hand, the massive flagship models are clearly for AFOLs (or kids with very generous parents!), and they tend to be what gets people talking. Then there's the casual adult who just wants something nice to display, which mostly represents untapped potential to sell LEGO. I think what I'm trying to say is I don't envy the LEGO market research department.
Future Star Wars Sets
I would assume for 20 years of AotC, so maybe a good chance in the next two years. That said I thought his latest figure was pretty good, is there much to update for him?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Nail, head, hammer, etc. Tl;dr: I'm just gonna focus on the LEGO and Star Wars content I enjoy and not worry about infighting rumours. There's more than enough of both to go around. /endrant EDIT to get back on track: me too. Glad to get some variety for troops, even if they are hidden under helmets!
- [MOC] LEGO Star Wars Clone Trooper BARC Speeder, Apr.14 2020 finalized
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Man, that Rogue Shadow set was great. I don't think there was a lot of hype outside of the core SW fandoms when it was announced, given what a dumpster fire Battlefront II was on release, even if that game did redeem itself eventually. I do know that even the producers (EA I think?) were surprised at how well it did, apparently they think it exceeded their expectations to the tune of a million or so (!) copies. So while it isn't a 'hype' game, I think Fallen Order has been more of a slow burner in terms of popularity, but that's now getting close to fever pitch. What have the performances of previous LEGO/SW video game crossovers been like? I know the fact they keep doing them would suggest not bad, but we've only really had Rogue Shadow, the KOTOR sets (which were based on possibly the biggest SW game ever) and the Battlefront II battle pack. Is it a case that they've been bitten one too many times by them? I have seen quite a few of those Inferno Squad battlepacks on eBay...
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Interesting, they don't seem quite as enthusiastic about Fallen Order sets though
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That is disappointing if true. Could that be another thing we see at SDCC? We still don't have an official release date yet.
Future Star Wars Sets
Thought of doing a nostalgia wave of remakes, so, er, here it is! I've tried to stick with sets that are more than 5 years old, as that seems to be a decent gap between remakes/re-releases. Since the only sequel sets that were out by that point were the first round of TFA sets I'm not including any in here. Battle Packs (not doing microfighters, less fussed if they're not remade) Clone trooper pack (based on 7655): updated P2 clones, two shinies, one shock trooper, one 327th. BARC speeder with either a side car or a small turret. Snowtrooper pack (based on 8084): two snowtroopers, one scout trooper, one General Veers type figure. Speeder bike and probe droid. Mid-range (£20-£30) Jabba's Prize (based on 4476): Leia (Boushh), Han and Carbonite, Gamorrean Guard. Mechanism to lower Han out of the carbonite and maybe a trap door to mimic the rancor pit. V-Wing starfighter (based on 75039): clone pilot, astromech droid, Plo Koon. A properly shaped v-wing please, not the doofy looking ones we've had so far! Top range (£40 - £70) Bounty hunter pursuit (based on 7133): Obi-Wan, Anakin, Zam Wessel, Boba Fett. Both speeders and the little droid that drops the caterpillar things in Padme's room. TIE interceptor (updated version of 6206): TIE pilot, two stormtroopers, imperial technician. 'nuff said really. Battle of Naboo: a combination of 7115, 75091 and 75080. Jar Jar Binks, General Tarpals, two Naboo guards and a smattering of battle droids (probably 3 or 4). One of the gungan horse thingies, a Flash speeder, and an AAT. Toppest range (£80+) Battle of Endor (mainly based on 8038 with some of the other Endor sets sprinkled in): Han, Leia (both Endor), Wicket, Endor trooper, scout trooper, two stormtroopers. Bunker, speeder bike, part of a tree with some Ewok traps at the top similar to the one in 7956, Ewok glider. Ghost: speaks for itself really. Ezra, Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, Thrawn, Governor Pryce. Mostly based off the later series (i.e. Kanan with his face mask, Ezra with short hair, Sabine with the darksaber etc). D2C Venator. Again kinda speaks for itself, though I've tried to pull a few characters from across TCW rather than have it based on a specific scene. Ahsoka, P2 Rex, Admiral Yularen, Obi-Wan (clone armour), one 501st trooper, one 332nd trooper, one shiny (all P1), an astromech droid. Bridge, holo-table planning room, artillery that can be removed for ground assault (similar to the one in 9488 but a bit bigger maybe), and a little chibi jedi starfighter for either Obi-Wan or Ahsoka similar in style to the TIE fighter that came with the two death stars. Let me know what you guys think! I tried to balance it out as much as possible but I could quite easily have split it into PT and OT nostalgia waves.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
On this at least, I think we are all agreed. I reckon the Child is a pretty safe bet to be revealed at SDCC, I wouldn't be surprised if the Bespin or Ponda Baba hints were related to it as well. Especially Bespin, it would make a lot of sense to reveal another ESB set at a convention.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I'm not sure. While I like @MandRproductions idea of two battlepacks with a summer wave $30 set, I don't think we can take the demand for subsequent sets to be the same for the 501st, certainly not enough to outdo two $15 battlepacks' worth, since people have been clamouring for it for so long. I don't think kids would go for a $30 set with three each of rebels and stormtroopers, say, over two battlepacks. The other thing is whether they would put that many figs in a $30 set; battle droids are cheaper to make than minifigs so including them in a set like this doesn't hurt LEGO too much. Even some of the most expensive sets in this wave don't have six bona fide minifgs (not counting droids), so $30 army builders would have some pretty crappy builds which I'm not sure would wash with kids, who are the main market as always.
Lego Death Star
Wow, this looks like a serious piece of engineering. Can't wait to see it come together. Is it the first or second Death Star? At the moment it looks like the one at the end of RotS!
- May the 4th, 2020: Star Wars Economy Contest
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I could see the cantina set being one of two things personally. Ponda Baba, Dr Evezan, Luke and mayber Wuher, all with the bar and the gubbins behind it, would be a pretty neat exclusive. But equally I could also see them being Brickheadz of Ponda and Evezan; wasn't last year's exclusive a pair of Brickheadz as well? Where did the $40 rumour for that come from?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Simple answer: because that's where the money is. LEGO is a business at the end of the day, and while they make the odd strange decision, they're not going to turn a blind eye to massive markets. The sets and packaging are designed precisely not to be in the LEGO aisle of stores, and instead to be their own thing, quite different to being a toy. Sure, it sucks that we haven't got Exegol or a yellow lightsabre or phase 2 Cody (at least yet, I would almost expect at least one of those to show up in the next year or so), but the way I look at it, LEGO expanding to other areas of the market means they'll have more money to spend on phase 2 Cody, Rex, Exegol et al. And besides, if LEGO did what we wanted, we'd have nothing to complain about on here, and we can't be having that.
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