Everything posted by TeddytheSpoon
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It does look like there's something there, I thought it was a watermark or something at first. What printing would it be though? Some sort of Christmas print? In fairness the Sith trooper is ripe for a special Christmas print by virtue of the fact they're red. Imagine that coming down the chimney to deliver presents.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I can't imagine we'd see that until official images come out from TLG. Which can't be that far away right?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Gotcha. I have gone and had a closer look now with them side by side and I can see what you mean, though for me personally the differences are subtle enough that I wouldn't notice it if I wasn't looking for it, and I'm not really one of these collect-a-massive-army-for-dioramas people. Not yet, anyway. So long as they don't change the mold drastically like they did with stormies I can see past it.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Aside from the fact I don't have any of the others, this one seems to me to hit the right compromises at the right sort of scale. Looking at the source material making those slopes on the bottom the right shape is tricky with the pieces on offer, and I think that's what affects the look of it the most. Either they use the existing ones which are too round, or the UFO pieces which have too shallow a slope, and in both cases you have to scale it to match. I think upsizing it from the 2015 (?) one was the right call as the curved pieces make it look less like a chibi build and give it roughly the 'right' scale. What exactly is the gripe with the designs, that there's too much detail? I haven't looked at the new clones in great detail, and apart from the arms being white (I agree with @ARC2149Nova on that point, and tbh I might just swap them out) I can't see anything that ruins the designs for me.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I was going to mention that HelloGreedo video - the prequels are 'my' Star Wars, so I'm eager to see how the next few years pan out in terms of balance, new SW content notwithstanding. On the Rebels note (and I realise this conversation may be more pertinent to a different thread), what are the odds of getting a few sets in future waves from that show similar to what we have now with TCW? Some of those sets have shot up in aftermarket value, and if the last few years are anything to go by that seems to be where TLG is looking.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Based on the pics it looks a tad bigger, not massively so though. Maybe two studs wider and two or three higher as well. That said I didn't own the previous one so maybe someone who did will have a better idea.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Same, I missed the 212th BP when it came out and that's my fav clone legion, I'd love to see more of them. I'm still torn on whether I like the Soulless One or not, I don't have the ship or any of the figs (while it's not Cody I'm not unhappy with the airborne), and the design looks decent, but it is so prohibitively expensive for what it is.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Good point. Do we have an indication on the price of that? I assume $80 - $100?
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I think so. One of my first Star Wars sets as a nipper was the Vulture Droid from '99, and I didn't have a clue where it was from. I knew it was a spaceship and it looked cool which was enough for me. As others have said in any case, new obscure sets > remakes any day of the week.
Greetings carbon-based lifeforms!
Hi everyone - I thought since I've taken the plunge and made a EB account, I should probably introduce myself! My main areas of interest in LEGO terms are Star Wars, Creator and pretty much anything car-related - I'm a massive motorsports fan so anything of that ilk is right up my street. I also have a nostalgic streak for Aqua Raiders and the first round of LEGO Arctic sets way back in the early '00s (I think!). I'm starting to get a bit more into the hobby now - now that I'm coming out of uni, I've started to indulge myself with LEGO a bit more. I don't think I ever really had a dark age as such, but I definitely haven't been buying it as much. Having been on the periphery of the community by lurking here and on sites like TBB or FBTB I'm making a concerted effort to be a part of it by engaging with my fellow nerds! I've also started MOCing a lot more in the last year or two, mostly digitally as there's only so much LEGO I can fit in student accommodation. If you're interested do take a look at my Flickr where I tend to post them all! Looking forward to chatting with everyone!
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I was wondering something similar about TROS - I know the other two have been out longer, but it feels like TLJ and TFA had more sets than TROS got, so maybe with Mando and Clone Wars alongside OT and PT stuff TLG are a bit saturated for ideas and don't really know where to look. I hear you about the Galaxy's Edge ship though. I have heard of Vi Moradi and the characters, and I think the ship matches sequel stuff well enough to satisfy kids, but I'd love to see the market research justifying that choice of product.
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Hi all - just like FeepoGerbin I've been a lurker for a while but coming out of the shadows now. This wave has me in two minds. As someone who hasn't collected many Star Wars sets for a good seven or eight years now I'm excited by the AAT and Grievous' ship (price notwithstanding), and I don't have Anakin's interceptor in any form yet. The advent calendar also looks great - two Christmas figs in one calendar is pretty sweet. That said, there does seem to be a lot of 'phoning in'. Even though I don't have the original DSII set I won't be picking this one up. Part of me is wondering if the pandemic is a reason for a lot of the carry-over parts, and maybe the DSII re-hash? I have no idea if LEGO's sales have been hit hard by it but some of those smaller corner-cutting measures could certainly help to offset that.
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