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Everything posted by TeddytheSpoon

  1. 3 sets for a TLG short, which is the same number of sets that Andor and the Bad Batch got combined... Doubt I'll get any of the sets, but still, the short looks like a fun time. Looks to be in a similar vein to the LEGO holiday special from last (?) year. It's wild that Jedi Bob has gone from being an early LSW meme to a main character on a major streaming platform.
  2. This isn't going to end up as teal vs purple again, is it? Someone get Mark Stafford on the phone
  3. My vote would be for teal. Because, well, it's just the best colour LEGO has.
  4. My first thought on Nien Nunb is how his torso would be perfect for a Rebel Friend minifigure (which is pretty apt, thinking about it).
  5. TeddytheSpoon replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    They do not, unfortunately. It would be nice if they ended up on Pick a Brick down the line.
  6. These are two I'd like to see. Preferably at midi-scale, but I'll take anything at this point, especially the Hammerhead cruiser. One ship that is and will always be on my wishlist is the Radiant VII from TPM. I wouldn't mind seeing one of the Trade Federation landing craft at midi-scale, either, although I appreciate that's quite a niche choice. And I'm not sure if it counts as a capital ship per se, but the one that Rex, Echo et al use as a base in TBB would be cool too. Wildly unrealistic of course, but it might work as a playset.
  7. Have they? (Genuinely curious)
  8. I assume with that username they're purporting to be @Falconfan1414, but if they were issued with a C&D I doubt they would then go on to make a post like this with such a thinly veiled reference to that username.
  9. That's very kind, thank you! The wedge tiles are these ones in dark bley - the Ford Mustang includes two pairs of them. I've found them a welcome addition to the tile family!
  10. If you thought that was impressively small, wait 'til you see what I've got next! This little guy is a Tm'' (or Tm II). It was a shunting tractor built in the late 50s-early 60s that remained in use until about 2010. Despite that designation, though, it was more often used by maintenance crews to travel up and down the network, hauling parts, spares and tools if necessary. I was going to make one or both of its shunting siblings - Tm' or Tm''' - first, as I have more vivid memories of seeing those in train yards. But I haven't been able to find any good type sketches to use as references for those, unlike the Tm''. Besides, chances are I did go past one and I just don't remember it. It was a long time ago, after all... For hauling parts around, I've also built a Ks flatbed wagon. These are still part of the CFF Cargo fleet today, so I'm not sure if the Tm''s would have ever pulled them, but I still think it looks the part... Even if it is a bit flexible in the middle, as this picture shows! I had a blast building this one; it helped that I had the new wedge tiles to hand, courtesy of the Speed Champions Mustang Dark Horse. They're a perfect fit for the lower end panels. It's also surprisingly solid. I've dropped it a few times and the only bit that's really prone to pop off is the running boards!
  11. EB is not a file hosting site - the image size limit is intended for avatars, I believe. You can host the pictures on sites like Flickr or Brickshelf and embed them here using BBcode. But if you want somewhere to upload instructions and/or Stud.io files, then Rebrickable might be your best bet.
  12. Thanks all! 42, 43, 44... I think I'm running low on rivets! it's true that it's less noticeable from a distance. If I ever create the double-decked CFF coach, maybe that will be the time to look at the heights and any possible rebuilds in detail.
  13. Yes, most of the time they end up somewhere around 5.5 studs wide. I've got a thread for it here, which I've just updated with pictures of this troublesome coach: In the end I think I'll stick with the extra plate and just judge it 'by eye'. It occurred to me that the rails will also be quite exaggerated at this scale, and since I can't control the size of those or the wheels, I might as well focus on making everything else look right!
  14. It's taken me longer to update this than it should have done, but I can finally share some photos of the first bit of rolling stock! Naturally, I had to build some coaches for the Re460 to pull along. Or, er, a coach. I actually finished this at the start of the year, but have been on the fence about posting it as is. There are a few things I think could be improved, including the buffers, the flexing sidewalls... And the big one, the scale. I posted about this here last week, but in short, building this coach revealed a short-coming of this scale and its frequent use of the small LEGO train wheel. When I built the coach, the clearance to the track looked totally wrong. So I raised it up by a plate, even though it's now not to scale, strictly speaking. And it had the added benefit of allowing space for the couplings. But next to the Re460, it doesn't look right - the roofline of the coach should be noticeably lower than that of the loco, by about - well - a plate. In the end, I think I'll probably tweak the Re460 to be taller. The rails will also be wildly oversized for the scale, so I figure it's better to make everything above that match, and make the track clearance look 'about' right. I've designed a few more items with the same thing in mind (stay tuned for those in a few weeks!) and it's a reasonable compromise, I think. I was hoping I'd be able to copy-paste this design of coach to make a full consist - until I realised that the second-class coaches have 11 windows, not 10 like these first-class ones! So that will be the next thing to work out. I might even build them in the old dark green CFF livery... If I can afford it!
  15. Fantastic re-interpretation! I like the way the sail has been integrated on its side. The mech crew is also very clever.
  16. I love the design of this! Definitely reminiscent of some of those early space sets with all those play features.
  17. You know, I initially mis-read this thread title as saying "cool train". But to be fair, that's very apt! And appropriate that it's plying its trade on your steep tracks, given it was initially designed as a banking engine Do I also spy an SBB shunting tractor in the fourth pic? A TmIII, perhaps? I was just thinking the other day about making one of those!
  18. Hi all. I've got a more general (and potentially daft) question about dimensioning of train wheels. I'm thinking of what to build next, and in most cases the wheels on the trains I'm looking at have nominal diameters of 950mm (or thereabouts). At the 1:64 scale I want, that works out to about 14.8mm (or, again, thereabouts). Would this diameter be the outermost wheel diameter, in which case the small LEGO train wheel would be the closest match? Or is it the flange diameter, so that the Big Ben XS wheels might be better? I've been using the LEGO wheel so far, which works OK. But I built a coach a few months ago, and although the wheel size looks correct in isolation, when it's on rails, the body looks too close to the track. I think this is because the flange is so much smaller relative to the rest of the wheel. Once I raise it up by a plate, the offset to the rails looks correct, but the height is now technically wrong (and looks off when it's hooked up to a loco, which also uses the same wheels for now). I suspect it might come down to personal preference, but I'd be interested in how others approach this problem!
  19. I like the webcomic style of these! Particularly the A New Hope one. Very creative.
  20. TeddytheSpoon replied to Yatkuu's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Hah! This is great fun.
  21. TeddytheSpoon replied to soccerkid6's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Particularly like the cockpit on this!
  22. The High Republic has sort of had a set already though, in the form of that 4+ one from last year. (I know it's technically YJA but still, it's concurrent with the HR!)
  23. With all the alt builds I've seen from the T6, this surely has to be one of the most versatile sets out there! Your falcon is very cute.
  24. Very nice! I think the T-6 is the pick of the bunch for me. Your comments on the cruiser got me thinking though; how do you decide on the rough size of the models? Do you have a maximum envelope you try to fit them in, or is it just what 'feels' right?
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