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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by jcn

  1. I second this. Surely people should be more concerned at the fact the set likely isn't getting a P2 pilot, which would have made way more sense? I don't even know why anyone was expecting a P2 Cody in the gunship anyways - the consensus seem to be he received a ton in votes on the questionnaire last year, but I don't recall us ever seeing any results in term of minifig suggestions? Likelihood is the small community asking for him was dwarfed by other voters.
  2. I second this. I don't really understand the hate for someone who provides mostly quality info from what I've seen. It seems to me like people dislike him just for the sake of it, or maybe because his content might appeal to a younger audience.
  3. It without a doubt will be much larger. As for a minifig scale gunship I'd suggest looking at Brickvault's version, which is much nicer than any official set!
  4. They stopped making those cartoon-ish figs back in 2014 (I think) thank god
  5. Forgive me if I'm wrong guys but I do recall MandR saying Wrecker will have a brand new helmet mold? Obviously we need to take that info with a pinch of salt, but I'm pretty sure he's claimed to have seen official set pictures.
  6. Indeed famous for the inclusion of obscure characters, and also the failure to ever make arguably major characters (Dryden Vos comes to mind) hence why I'm not counting on a P2 Cody anytime soon. Good point about the Bad Batch though, if he shows up there then we're definitely more like to see him in Lego form, possibly with a new look! Yeah I totally think it would have made sense for him to be in that set - my point was that many of us make the mistake of assuming Lego will make such logical choices in designing their sets, when often times they don't unfortunately
  7. I second this. I don't get why people have had such high expectations for a P2 Cody at any point - even back when people were assuming it would be in the grievous starfighter. Sure it'd be cool and would logically go with the set, but Lego doesn't really work like that as we've seen from years of sets in the past. I wasn't surprised when he wasn't in either set, and won't be surprised if we never get him.
  8. Same issue here mate, not really interested in the final duel set and I don't fancy forking out £25 on BL for him. Fingers crossed this new meditation chamber set has them - It's an 18+ set so I'm hopeful.
  9. The jetpack is green is ESB and blue in ROTJ I believe.
  10. I think those lists were wrong - supposedly MandR has seen actual set pictures, and he has confirmed it's Mando, Cara, Fennec, Gideon, Grogu and one unknown figure.
  11. I highly doubt that pattern was anything other than coincidence anyways. I do hope we get another sometime soon though.
  12. I think this would make a lot of sense - fingers crossed they do this. Also two new clone pilots would be great, certainly no disappointment there for me.
  13. Anybody got any info on whether Vader has arm printing in the chamber thing? I don't fancy spending £25 on bricklink anytime soon but I really want those arms !!!
  14. I agree with you here, it seems the only plausible explanation is that he did just guess them all correctly. Yeah he definitely made up the part about seeing them at Toy Fair... how ironic that a troll attempt for which I assume aimed to spread misinformation turned out doing the opposite. Haha!
  15. This is the post mate, if you check the comments you'll see the OP making the claims. @Mandalorianknight Yeah I suppose that could have been the case, as he didn't mention the ITS. Just seems strange that he was bang on especially about the AAT figs. @Hold0511 Me or the guy who made the reddit post?
  16. Hi all - new here. I've actually made an account just to inform you guys of a weird reddit post I saw a while back. About a week or so before the Monday on which the first set pictures for this wave were leaked, there was a post on the LSW subreddit by some guy claiming to have all the info on the new sets. He listed the exact minifigs which each set would come with, and when questioned on how he knew this information he said he saw them on display at Brickfair. Now when the set pics were leaked on that coming Monday, it turned out he was exactly right about every claim he made. I can specifically recall him being correct about the Ahsoka trooper in the AAT, as well getting an airborne trooper in Grievous' ship. Bare in mind that this occurred some time before the initial set pic leaks, and all information realiable leakers knew at the time was the set numbers and prices - pretty much nothing about the minifigs. I was also checking this post regularly and nobody knew anything. I'm a little confused at what happened there. I mean he could have just been trolling making up the info but the chances of it all being exactly correct are so slim that I doubt it. As far as I'm aware Brickfair was cancelled this year so what could he have meant? I should be able to find the actual post if people are interested, since I actually commented calling him out for spreading fake rumours (oops). Let me know what you guys think.
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