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Everything posted by PGBQW

  1. This makes the whole difference for me tbh
  2. I think it looks very tacky and the minifigs look bad, but I'm glad for any of you who like it
  3. Not really, I just don't care much about the set. It's alright, I guess. ??? Unbased opinion
  4. Because it was never rumoured
  5. He also goes to do surf with Batman and sprays ketchup on the outside of the Wayne Manor
  6. That's not what it says in the image you sent, but even if it were. So what? Like what does that have to do with anything? I'm confused. Escort isn't even an *evil* thing. I think it's absolutely mental everyone is acting as if Harriet is a mainstream character your average parent would know about. It's not very interesting to adults either.
  7. Why would you understand that, tho
  8. The man who knew too much (1956) The man who knew too little (1997)
  9. Side note: The Batmobile it's very clearly its own thing, it looks nothing like the Arkhamverse one. The minifigure, however, is indeed Knight's suit.
  10. I mean... We did get a Morbius set. Fair enough
  11. Sorry, I misunderstood. But still no. If they know their movie is bad, they'd doubled down on merchandising to make up for the money. Also, Antman 3 isn't even the worst marvel movie.
  12. Lego doesn't actually care if the movie is going to be good or not, they're a toy company. Like if Lego only made sets based on certified kino we wouldnt've gotten Love and Thunder or Black Widow.
  13. Right? Like people here are acting as if Disney is going to have Deadpool saying the n-word in the movie or something
  14. Not to derrail the conversation even more, but I think you guys overestimate how "angry" (???) people would get over getting Deadpool in an Avengers movie. Who's going to complain? To who in particular? What's the worst thing that can happen? Someone making derranged tweets? Even if strict parents tell little Timmy he can't watch Avengers 17 because Deadpool is there (why? how would they even know?), did you never go to see a movie by yourself or with friends when you were younger? I just wanna grill, for God's sake!
  15. Opp, opp, opp, opp, oppenheimer style! When did you become extremely based? Tbf, I think it's a translation mistake on his end
  16. What was he cooking in his mind?
  17. You caught me Crossing Borders (2006). I guess I shouldn't be surprised at all about this, makes sense people with the same interests would move on the same circles. C'mon, man, you can't just pretend anyone has ever cared about Eternals. The fantastic 4, bad movies aside, are actually iconic characters. Ominous. I like it.
  18. I thought it was always me Forgot Sarah Connor and Ripley!
  19. Why did Mandalorianknight modulate his voice? Is he acoustic? They should do just like they did back in the golden days with The Lego BATman Movie's Killer... *Crock*. Yes and no. Like, I don't know how the process goes, but I assume someone straight up suggested the Shadowbox thing, and TLG and Warner green lit it. It's not like they first thought about doing a Batcave, and then decided which one to make. It's very strange because we learn about the sets through the leaks, hearing about the general concept first and the specifics later, which makes for a very strange perspective. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. Maybe it's just a meeting of iluminati qanon lizard people who just hate the Justice League and think that batman rocks.
  20. I don't think so. Not because the show is rated R, but because we already got Zombie Cap, so I don't think they'd go back to that.
  21. No, but for the sake of argument, let's say Lego does indeed consider the 4+ sets and the system sets to be the same. It's not like they have they have meetings where they keep bringing up ways to avoid making Justice League/Superman/Teen titans sets. Take the Shadowbox Batcave, for example. If we hadn't got that set, they wouldn't design an Arkham Modular or a Daily Planet instead, we'd just gotten one set less. Why can't Mandalorianknight speak? Is he mute? if we believe there's even a one percent chance that's true, we have to take it as an absolute certainty
  22. Not really. It's not "either a 4+ set or a Justice League set", it's "either a 4+ set or nothing".
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