Dacta Control Lab Software
BrickTronic replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, When you check the Firmware-Command-Overview that is part of the SDK (can be downloaded on Philos' Page) then for each command there is stated if this Command is "Direct", or "Program" or both. So most commands can be used inside a to RCX downloaded Program or to be executed imediate after IR-Reception. Therefore a "Reply" is usually specified, that in a Program-Execution is not needed. Jo
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Hello, There are STM included : Part Set HUB Name uC Program Memory Remark 45509 31313 IR Seeker STM8S103F3 Flash 8K 45504 45544 Ultrasonic STM8S103F3 Flash 8K 45505 45544 Gyro STM8S103F3 Flash 8K 45301 45300 Wedo 2.0 CC2540 Flash 128K 88006 17101, Boost Move STM32F070RBT6 Flash 128K 75273 CC2640 Flash 128K 88009 ... City/Train Hub STM32F030RCT6 Flash 256K CC2640 Flash 128K - 10874, Duplo CC2640 Flash 128K 6V Battery 10875, 45025 88012 ... Control+ STM32L431RCT6 Flash 256K CC2640 Flash 128K 45601 45678 Spike Prime STM32F413VGT6 Flash 1M CC2564C - - CC2564 SPI to BLE Bridge 88016 51515 Robot Inventor STM32F413VGT6 Flash 1M CC2564C - - CC2564 SPI to BLE Bridge 45609 45345 Spike Essential STM32F413VGT6 Flash 1M CC2564C - - CC2564 SPI to BLE Bridge 88010 ... Remote CC2640 Flash 128K 6V Battery - 71350, Mario CC2642R Flash 352K 3V Battery 71439 - 71387, Luigi CC2642R Flash 352K 3V Battery 71440 - 71403, Peach CC2642R Flash 352K 3V Battery 71441 - 42176 TechnicMove CC2642R Flash 352K 3,7V Li-Ion Jo
Dacta Control Lab Software
BrickTronic replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, your values looks strange. When you divide Voltage by ADC-Result there should remain Voltage of a LSB : 3rd Line is 1 LSB in mV and 4th Line is LSB * 1024 Full-Scale ... I would have expect 5,00V as ADC-Reference taken from 5V linear Regulator and not less, something arround 4,8V ... Jo
Dacta Control Lab Software
BrickTronic replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, nice update 9,6s / 431 Frames = 22,27ms @ 190 Bit (19 * (1+8+1)) -> 117,23us/Bit => 8530,2Bd but : 50Hz (20ms per Frame) * 19 Byte = 950 Byte/s => @ 8192Byte -> 8,623s so 1s difference seems more than response-time issue because manual start/stop cell-phone timer usage ... Can you measure the real Baudrate (Oszilloscope) and the Frame-Repetition Frqueency ? -> does we really have 20ms per Frame ? OK Your measurement of 3,3ms with 130us is longer than Philo has evaluated for the RCX (3,0ms / 100us) for 10-Bit Values 2 AD-Conversions are necessary (2x 13us * 8-Channel), and there has to be added also overhead in Interrupt Routine (save/store Register; modify DAPR and Multiplexer Register ...) not enough time for all 8 Channels different handling of active and passive sensors might not the case and makes Code more complicated (remind Status-Bit evaluation between Rotation, Light Switch & Temp seem to use same Thresholds) I assume that 130us measurement-slot has offset between previous and next channel => this can be evaluated by Oszilloscope within a 20ms Frame there would be 6 Sensor-Readings but unly 3 increments can be communicated maybe some kind of Filtering ? or to supress spikes (changed Votage only accepted when following measurement is in same range ?) did you measure "after" Bridge-Rectifier (+1,4V = 2x Diode-Drop) at Sensor or was this read from Oszilloscope Screen ? OK Jo
Dacta Control Lab Software
BrickTronic replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, 45 data emissions ???? where does this 45 come from ? 9600Bd is 104,16us per Bit, Start + 8-Data + No-Parity + Stop are 10 Bit per Byte and 19 Bytes (190 Bit). So 19,7916ms for a Data-Frame. -> so 20ms repetition of the Frame 3 detected 1/16 rotations every 20ms (50Hz) is 50*3/16 rotations = 9,375Hz (rotations) or 562,5 rpm Can you tell me how you evaluated 135 of 1/16-ticks per second instead 150 ? Jo
Dacta Control Lab Software
BrickTronic replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, On this Web-Page there you might find detailed information Jo
Dacta Control Lab Software
BrickTronic replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modelingmaybe this info might help you
LEGO Control Center II: Remote control and program download
BrickTronic replied to Toastie's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello Thorsten, Again a great project from you. I like them. Please keep continuing. But in your Matrix-Picture the "ON" Button should be the "B" Button and Cols C18 to C27 seems mirrored to C27 to C18 The only 680x uC in PLCC28 I could find was the MC6805P2FN (Motorola) or EF6805P2FN (SGS later ST) For the H-Bridge marked NOD-1001 I could not find a Datasheet. But this driver seems to be used also in RS232 Interface "B" Jo
[APP] BrickController2
BrickTronic replied to imurvai's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, There are first findings : Pybricks Daniel Benedettelli "toorisrael" Jo
Picture of the inside of bb396c01
BrickTronic replied to CDN_ArmyDude's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, You can try Jetro's Overview or here ... Jo
Native Xbox controller support for LEGO hubs by Pybricks
BrickTronic replied to kbalage's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingOr look at Philo Jo
RC Box - combining PowerFunctions with RC equipment
BrickTronic replied to MisterCreators Custom MOCs's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, When Lego-Servo is working with Lego-IR-Rempte, then PWM of the IR-Remote should be OK In an Youtube-Video (Time-Stamp 0:45) you can find Measured this PWM. There are 3,5 sections of 250us resulting in a PWM-Period of 875us that is about 1,14kHz When you System is using higher Frequency, then the Servo has Problems getting the right %-Value Jo
RC Box - combining PowerFunctions with RC equipment
BrickTronic replied to MisterCreators Custom MOCs's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, PF-Receiver and Lego-Servo are powered by GND/0V and 9V Pins of the Power-Function connector. See here again Picture from Philo : Signals on C1 and C2 at Servo define Direction and Angle A simple H-Bridge-Driver (that is inside the Power-Function IR Remote Receiver) that usually control an DC-Motor can generate this Sinals for the Servo Jo
RC Box - combining PowerFunctions with RC equipment
BrickTronic replied to MisterCreators Custom MOCs's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, Your Statement is valid for many cheap chineese Servo-Clones Beside "Center" the Lego Servo support 7 Positions to the Left and 7 Positions to the Right. In total 15 Positions. Unfortunately Lego uses not the "usual" Servo-Control (20ms Periode and 1,0 to 2,0ms High. Center is 1,5ms and +/-0,5ms for Left/Right (depend on Servo if this result in +/- 270° angle or only +/- 90°) Lego drive C1 = 0 and C2 0 to 100% PWM or C2 = 0 and C1 0 to 100% PWM In an Youtube-Video (time-Stamp 0:52) you can see an opened Lego-Servo and the 15 Positions for Position-Control/Regulation Jo
RC Box - combining PowerFunctions with RC equipment
BrickTronic replied to MisterCreators Custom MOCs's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, I assume, your PF-Adapter wires GND from Bottom to C1 on Top and 9V (BAT+) from Bottom to C2 omn Top, right ? I've borrowed from Philo's Page : So your RC-Box put PWM (lets call them C3 & C4) to the PF-Connector instead GND & 9V. Does you conform ? I would be interested, why your Box is so high ? What is inside ? Jo
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