Everything posted by BrickTronic
Using EV3 motors and sensors with Spike Prime hub
BrickTronic replied to joeh's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, Is it possible to publish more Datails on this emulation ? I've tried to bring this into the following unconfirmed Table : EV3 : emulated Spike/Inventor Devive UART ID Mode Device UART ID Mode Remark Touch analog - Touch 0x3F tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x06, maybe 0x01 used ? Color 0x1D 0x00 Reflect Color 0x3D tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x09, maybe Mode 0x01 ? 0x01 Ambient tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x09, maybe Mode 0x02 ? 0x02 Color tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x09, maybe Mode 0x00 ? 0x03 Ref-Raw tbd 0x04 RGB-Raw tbd 0x05 Col-Cal tbd IR-Seeker 0x21 0x00 Prox Color 0x3D tbd 0x01 Seek tbd 0x02 Remote tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x09, maybe Mode 0x02 ? 0x03 Remote-A tbd 0x04 Seek-Alternate tbd 0x05 IR-Cal tbd Ultrasonic 0x1E 0x00 Cont Dist cm Ultrasonic 0x3D tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x08, maybe Mode 0x00 or 0x01 ? 0x01 Cont Dist Inch tbd 0x02 Listen tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x08, maybe Mode 0x03 ? 0x03 Single Dist cm tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x08, maybe Mode 0x02 ? 0x04 Single Dist Inch tbd 0x05 Cont Dist cm Alt tbd 0x06 Cont Dist Inch Alt tbd Gyro 0x20 0x00 Gyro-Angle Ultrasonic 0x3D tbd 0x01 Gyro-Rate tbd 0x02 Fast-Raw tbd 0x03 Gyro-Rate&Angle tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x08, maybe Mode 0x00, 0x01 or 0x02 ? 0x04 Cal tbd 0x05 Tilt-Rate tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x08, maybe Mode 0x01 ? 0x06 Tilt-Angle tbd Mode 0x00 to 0x08, maybe Mode 0x04 ? Large Motor analog - tbd tbd tbd what Spike-Prime Motor ID used ? 0x30, 0x31, 0x41, 0x4B or 0x4C Medium Motor analog - tbd tbd tbd what Spike-Prime Motor ID used ? 0x30, 0x31, 0x41, 0x4B or 0x4C How Access EV3-Sensor Modes not "translated" ? What is delivered when accessing PoweredUp-Sensor Modes not used for translation ? Jo
Using EV3 motors and sensors with Spike Prime hub
BrickTronic replied to joeh's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, Inreresting module. But I can not see the 6pin Cable to the HUB with its connector. What does you use here and why is it not visible ? What was the reason to use an ESP8266 ? For what does you need WLAN/WIFI ? What happens if you plug in NXT Sensors/Motor ? How did you translate the EV3 UART IDs to PoweredUp-ID numbers ? You also listed the analog EV3 Touch Sensors. How ist it reported to the Hub ? How is translated the IR-Sensor to the Hub ? Jo
Build your LiPo rechargeable battery for Control+ and Powered Up hubs.
BrickTronic replied to Philo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, Does you plan to use a injection-mold housing or still a 3D-printed case for the comercial version ? How many orders does you expect, that a molding-tool would make sense ? Unfortunately I was not able to contact you via your Web-Page. For a comercial Product this and an Impressum should be available Jo
Build your LiPo rechargeable battery for Control+ and Powered Up hubs.
BrickTronic replied to Philo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, This EnBo sounds promissing. What components are used inside (charger, DC-DC) ? Are there availabe pictures of the Top- & Bottom- PCB Assmbly ? A schematic diagram would be great. Jo
Reverse Engineering Lego Super Mario
Hello, Who has this Tiles and is willing to scan them and share the readouts : 3068bpb1883., 3068bpb1910, 3068bpb1914, 3068bpb1918 & 3068bpb1911 ? Maybe by using Pybricks-Code Web-Page and the Mario/Lugi Bricks at Port 1 (Sensor-Type 0x49) Mode 0 (see here) Jo
Measurements on the Lego Mindstorms hub.
BrickTronic replied to fotoopa's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, Unfortunately Lego did a poor Job on Documentation. The BLE/GATT Profile is long time outdated and has big gaps. The UART Protocol is fully undocumented by LEGO and that what is available is Reverese-Engineering from Fans like Philo. About the UART Messages : 0x4C 0x20 0x00 0x93 0x4C -> 01001100b where 01 is a Command-Message 001 is 2^1 = 2 Data-Byte 100 is Command "Write to Sensor/Motor" 0x20 0x00 are the Data-Bytes that has to be "Written"to the Sensor/Moror 0x93 XOR Checksum 1. Data-Byte : 0x20 is the Sub-Command to set the Mode-Combining 2 is the Comand itself (there is told, that the EV3 Gyro knows also 0x11 and/ot 0x88) 0 specify how much Modes has to be combined and mapped Zero mean, that a previous Mode-Combining is removed 2. Data-Byte : 0x00 not confirmed, but maybe Specify the Mapping for Mode 0, starting at 1st Data-Element 0 identify the Mode itself to be used for Mapping 0 identify the Index-Element Data in the Mode --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0x43 0x00 0xBC 0x43 -> 01000011b where 01 is a Command-Message 000 is 2^0 = 1 Data-Byte 011 is Command "Select Mode" 0x00 is the Data-Bytes to which the Sensor/Moror has to switch 0xBC XOR Checksum --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0x02 -> 00000010b where 00 is a System-Message 000 always 0 because System-Commands does not have Data and Checksum There is only 1 exception for future extensions 010 is soecify the Not-Acknowledge (NACK) that is used to detect a Timeout in UART-Communication (Watchdog) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0x5C 0x25 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x50 0x51 0x52 0x00 0xC5 0x5C -> 01011100b where 01 is a Command-Message 011 is 2^3 = 8 Data-Byte 100 is Command "Write to Sensor/Motor" 1. Data-Byte : 0x25 there has to be mapped 5 Data (Data can be Byte, Word, Lomg or Float) 2. Data-Byte : 0x00 map Combined-Mode to Mode 0 3. to 7. Byte specifies the sequence of Data in the Combined-Mode 0x10 Mode 1, Data[0] : Reflect [1x Byte] 0x00 Mode 0, Data[0] : Color [1x Byte] 0x50 Mode 5, Data[0] : RGBI [4x Wprd], so Index 0 mean 1. Value that might be "Red" 0x51 Mode 5, Data[1] : RGBI [4x Wprd], so Index 1 mean 2. Value that might be "Green" 0x52 Mode 5, Data[2] : RGBI [4x Wprd], so Index 2 mean 3. Value that might be "Blue" 8. Byte 0x00 used for Padding 0x93 XOR Checksum Note, that the 4. Word (Index 3) of Mode 5 is skipped (Intensity) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would be interesting what Modes the Force-Sensor would combine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The allowed Modes for Combining of the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is unknown or maybe not sent during the Init-sequence because not available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0x5C 0x23 0x00 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x80 0x5C -> 01011100b where 01 is a Command-Message 011 is 2^3 = 8 Data-Byte 100 is Command "Write to Sensor/Motor" 1. Data-Byte : 0x23 there has to be mapped 3 Data (Data can be Byte (8-Bit), Word (16-Bit), Lomg (32-Bit) or Float (32-Bit)) 2. Data-Byte : 0x00 map Combined-Mode to Mode 0 3. to 5. Byte specifies the sequence of Data in the Combined-Mode 0x10 Mode 1, Data[0] : Speed [1x Byte] 0x20 Mode 2, Data[0] : Pos [1x Long] 0x30 Mode 3, Data[0] : APos [1x Word] 6. to 8. Byte 0x00 used for Padding 0x80 XOR Checksum Jo
Measurements on the Lego Mindstorms hub.
BrickTronic replied to fotoopa's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, Color-Sensor : The 16-Bit Values "Red", "Green" Blue" might be : fraction of RGBI (4x 16-Bit Raw-Values Mode 5) or HSV (3x 16-Bit Raw-Values Mode 6), but your observed Values are strange for HSV Also strange that according to Sensor Init-Data all 3 HSV RAW Values should be in Range 0 to 360° but Saturation and Intensity are according the HSV-Model in Ranhe 0 to 100% To can clarify what exacly is mapped, there has to be evaluated the Write-Command (0x54 with 4 Data or 0x5C with 8 Data) from Hub to Sensor that issues Mode-Combining Force-Sensor : The 16-Bit "ForceA" could be : ForceRaw (1x 16-Bit Raw Value Mode 4) or ForcePeakRaw (1x 16-Bit Raw Value Mode 5) Again here, to clarify what is really mapped, can only be clarified when evaluating the Write-Command (0x54 or 0x5C). Your FPGA is able to also read Data on TXD-Line (Pin 5) from Hub to Sensor. Can you do a record of this TXD-Data starting after switch over to 115200Bd or trigger on 0x54 or 0x5C on TXD Line to evaluate the Combine-Mode Data Jo
Reverse Engineering Lego Super Mario
Hello, At Bricklink there is listed Tile 3068bpb1883. when you zoom the Picture, you will notice that there is no Green-Red Start Pattern. Seems to happen also at 3068bpb1910, 3068bpb1914, 3068bpb1918 & 3068bpb1911 Has anybody more informations about this ? Jo
Measurements on the Lego Mindstorms hub.
BrickTronic replied to fotoopa's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, Does you have records of the TXD-Line (Hub to Sensor) just before observed Values are starting (after initiialisation) ? I think you will get Mode-Combined Data (Mode 6 + 1 + 0) -> 3x Word with HSV Color-Data followed by 1-Byte Ambient-Light (max 100% -> 0x64) and finaly the Color-Index (max 10 -> 0x0A) that would explain the strange max limit of 2660 (0xA64 -> 0x64 0x0A with least significant Byte first) I would expect a Mode-Combining-Command similar to : 0x54 0x23 0x00 0x60 0x10 0x07 or 0x5C 0x23 0x00 0x60 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0F Jo
Measurements on the Lego Mindstorms hub.
BrickTronic replied to fotoopa's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, More Info on the UART Protocol you can find here : and also here Frame 52 00 C2 01 00 6E is the Comand "Speed" with the 32-Bit Valie for the UART Speed of 115200Bd. 6E is the XOR Checksum. Jo
Measurements on the Lego Mindstorms hub.
BrickTronic replied to fotoopa's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, Philo did Reverse-Engineering of the UART Protocol. You can find his results on his Page : There are also Logic-Analyser Records of some Motors and Sensors at Initialisation Phase and "normal" Data-Transmissions Jo
Pybricks Q&A
BrickTronic replied to Pybricks's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingSounds promissing. Is there a description how to get Code and Firmware into Inventor/Spike by USB ? I did not find. On Github I found Firmware-Files only for Control+, City- & Move- Hubs only. Where can I find Firmware for Inventor/Spike ? Is Firmware for Spike-Essential the same as for Spike-Prime ? Jo
Pybricks Q&A
BrickTronic replied to Pybricks's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingIs there planned to support also Prime-Essential ?
Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system
Can you go more into detail, how DCCready will look like ? How can we imagine a PFx Brick as DCC Decoder ? On your Page Brick Dimensions from 2015 there was in interesting DCC concept, but the electronic seems to be much different to the PFx Brick There was also mentioned to charge a Battery to can drive on non metal rails sections too. An Architecrue-Overview (wiring) of the options/possibilities (examples) would be nice. Jo
Control Bricks
Only small remark : PU can have 0/2/4/6 (0=Mario; 5=Control+; 6=Inventor) external Outputs that can also be used as Inputs Beside external Outputs/Inputs there are also availavle internal Outputs (LED, 5x5 LED Matrix, Spealer) / Inputs (Gyro, Voltage/Current Measurement); ...) At BuWizz there are BuWizz 2.0 with 4x PF Ports and BuWizz 3.0 with 4x PU + 2x PF Colored connectors are only at BuWizz 2.0 PU Connectors Jo
BuWizz - High Performance LEGO Power Functions Controller and Battery
BrickTronic replied to Jim's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@Zerobricks can you confirm : BuWizz2 : 1S2P 3,7V 2x 950mAh (7,03Wh / 3,7V / 2 cells) Driver 4x DRV8833 = 4x 1A BuWizz3 : 3s1P 11,1V 3x 800mAh (8,88Wh / 3,7V / 3 cells) Driver 4x ? = 4x 2A + 2x 4A and how is handled balancing at charging / discharging ? For charging you still need an Step-Up Converter/Charger, right ? Can you give here some hints ? Output-Current has increased from 1A to 2A / 4A What Driver are you using for the 2A/4A ? Jo
CADA battery with 4 motor outputs and remote control
BrickTronic replied to Ivan_M's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, In this (german) Video at Timestamp 17:55 there is told, that there are 2 additional Power-Function Connector Pins used. Jo
Raspberry Pi hat
Hello Does you mean by "full documentation" what is there : ? If not, please tell us the Link, because about the serial communication I could not find at the "readthedocs" Page In the PDF the UART Communication is described very limited. On Github is a much better documentation But unfortunately Documentation of the Modes of the Sensor(s), Motor(s) and LED-Matrix and the used Data-Frames are only very fragmented to find. In the PDF there is an example of the List Command that reports : speed PID: 00000BB8 00000064 00002328 00000438 position PID: 00002EE0 000003E8 00013880 00000000 Is this part of the RPI/HAT or from the PU-Motor (Type 0x30) ? On 2nd would be nice to find out, how this was transmitted on rhe UART from Motor to Hat/Hub What would happen with the HAT when using 9V (6x 1,5V AA Cells) ? Would that Toast the HAT, or would the H-Bridge-Driver support this ? Jo
Spike prime/essential/C+ angular motor disassemble
BrickTronic replied to msk6003's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, Impressive pictures. Many thanks for sharing them I assune, that there are used the same chips (uC : STM8S103F3 marking "S103" and unknown 3D-Hall) like in other PU-Motors. Can you confirm ? Jo
Lego - Patent on the orange gear shifter
BrickTronic replied to amorti's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWhen digging in Link kbalage posted, I found nice Info. It seems that Lego has patented also remote controllers in XBOX/PS4 shape and WEE-Format : Why did they not introduce them with BLE and LWP3.0.0 Protocol for use with 42109 and other Jo
Inside of Lego Powered Up Large Motor
BrickTronic replied to zumaidi's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, At Time-Stamp 2:24 you can see the correct alignment of the PCB-Assembly to Cable- & Motor- Connections The pictures from Time-Stamp 12:10 to 12:57 has the assembled PCB put 180° rotated on the Motor @zumaidi Is the PCB on the other side "empty" ? I think, that on the PCB-Part cliped on the white Housing with the red Cross-Axle Bush there will be placed the HALL-Sensor Does you conform ? Jo
Spike prime/essential/C+ angular motor disassemble
BrickTronic replied to msk6003's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, Any Idea how new angular S-Motor can be made so small ? Looks, that there is no place for Motor and planetary Gear itself in "old" Design like M- & L- angular Motors. Jo
New version 1.0.0 of Legoino Arduino library
BrickTronic replied to Cornelius's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, What in the LIB has to be updated to work also on a Arduino Nano 33 BLE (using a nRF52840 ) ? Is there planned an update to support also : Spike Essential Brick to Brick Comminication (by BLE Advertising Broadcast) Luigi Brick Motors & Sensors from Spike & Inventor Sets Jo
[APP] BrickController2
BrickTronic replied to imurvai's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello, You can find here : Jo
New LEGO rechargeable battery spotted
BrickTronic replied to kbalage's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWhat confuse me more is the operation voltage Range of 3,0 to max 6,0V Why, when Spike (Prime & Essential) uses a 7,4V Accu ? Why not design it up to 9,0V to can use it also with the C+ Hub ? Now PWM Range will be reduced tp 0 .. max. 60% at 9V, so regulation will be more limited
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