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  1. Hello, I make some not very nice modifications :) I observe different behavior due to print function or maybe connection with spike app. When i try to use copy paste terminal mode the following error is shown: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "spike/__init__.py", line 1, in <module> File "_api/__init__.py", line 1, in <module> MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 1280 bytes BR, Teodor from spike import PrimeHub, LightMatrix, Button, StatusLight, App from spike.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer import utime import ubluetooth import ubinascii import struct from micropython import const # LEGO(R) Wireless Protocol 3.0 # [0x00, 0x00, 0x00][0x00, 0x00 ... n] # 1. Message Length # 2. HUB ID (Unused, use 0x00) # 3. Message Type # 4. Port ID # 5. - n. Specific Type Codes e_addr = None e_addr_type = None e_state = 0 class PowerUPHandler: """Class to deal with LEGO(R) PowerUp(TM) over BLE""" def __init__(self): # constants self.__IRQ_SCAN_RESULT = const(1 << 4) self.__IRQ_SCAN_COMPLETE = const(1 << 5) self.__IRQ_PERIPHERAL_CONNECT = const(1 << 6) self.__IRQ_PERIPHERAL_DISCONNECT = const(1 << 7) self.__IRQ_GATTC_SERVICE_RESULT = const(1 << 8) self.__IRQ_GATTC_CHARACTERISTIC_RESULT = const(1 << 9) self.__IRQ_GATTC_READ_RESULT = const(1 << 11) self.__IRQ_GATTC_WRITE_STATUS = const(1 << 12) self.__IRQ_GATTC_NOTIFY = const(1 << 13) self.__LEGO_SERVICE_UUID = ubluetooth.UUID("00001623-1212-EFDE-1623-785FEABCD123") self.__LEGO_SERVICE_CHAR = ubluetooth.UUID("00001624-1212-EFDE-1623-785FEABCD123") # class specific self.__ble = ubluetooth.BLE() self.__ble.active(True) self.__ble.irq(handler=self.__irq) self.__decoder = Decoder() self.__reset() def __reset(self): # cached data self.__addr = None self.__addr_type = None self.__adv_type = None self.__services = None self.__man_data = None self.__name = None self.__conn_handle = None self.__value_handle = None # reserved callbacks self.__scan_callback = None self.__read_callback = None self.__notify_callback = None self.__connected_callback = None self.__disconnected_callback = None # start scan for ble devices def scan_start(self, timeout, callback): self.__scan_callback = callback hub.light_matrix.show_image('HAPPY') self.__ble.gap_scan(timeout, 30000, 30000) #self.__ble.gap_scan(6000) # stop current scan def scan_stop(self): self.__ble.gap_scan(0) # write gatt client data def write(self, data, adv_value=None): if not self.__is_connected(): return if adv_value: self.__ble.gattc_write(self.__conn_handle, adv_value, data) else: self.__ble.gattc_write(self.__conn_handle, self.__value_handle, data) # read gatt client def read(self, callback): if not self.__is_connected(): return self.__read_callback = callback self.__ble.gattc_read(self.__conn_handle, self.__value_handle) # connect to ble device def connect(self, addr_type, addr): self.__ble.gap_connect(addr_type, addr) # disconnect from ble device def disconnect(self): if not self.__is_connected(): return self.__ble.gap_disconnect(self.__conn_handle) self.__reset() # get notification def on_notify(self, callback): self.__notify_callback = callback # get callback on connect def on_connect(self, callback): self.__connected_callback = callback # get callback on connect def on_disconnect(self, callback): self.__disconnected_callback = callback # +-------------------+ # | Private Functions | # +-------------------+ # connection status def __is_connected(self): return self.__conn_handle is not None # ble event handler def __irq(self, event, data): global e_addr global e_addr_type global e_state # called for every result of a ble scan if event == self.__IRQ_SCAN_RESULT: #print('IRQ_SCAN_RESULT') addr_type, addr, adv_type, rssi, adv_data = data #print(data) #print(self.__decoder.decode_services(adv_data), addr_type) if self.__LEGO_SERVICE_UUID in self.__decoder.decode_services(adv_data): if e_state == 0: #print('IRQ_SCAN_RESULT state 0') #print('init_addr') self.__addr_type = addr_type self.__addr = bytes(addr) e_addr = bytes(addr) e_addr_type = addr_type #print(bytes(e_addr)) self.__adv_type = adv_type self.__name = self.__decoder.decode_name(adv_data) self.__services = self.__decoder.decode_services(adv_data) self.__man_data = self.__decoder.decode_manufacturer(adv_data) self.scan_stop() utime.sleep(1) #print('SCAN_STOP') e_state = 1 #self.__ble.gap_connect(addr_type, addr) # called after a ble scan is finished elif event == self.__IRQ_SCAN_COMPLETE: #print('IRQ_SCAN_COMPLETE') if e_state == 1: if e_addr: #print('SCAN_COMPLETE - CONNECT') self.__ble.gap_connect(e_addr_type,e_addr) e_state = 2 utime.sleep(0.2) else: print('SCAN_COMPLETE - AGAIN SCAN') self.__ble.gap_scan(2000) e_addr= None e_state = 0 utime.sleep(0.5) # called if a peripheral device is connected elif event == self.__IRQ_PERIPHERAL_CONNECT: #print('PERIFERAL CONNECT') if e_state == 2: #print('PERIFERAL CONNECT in') conn_handle, addr_type, addr = data self.__conn_handle = conn_handle self.__connected_callback() e_state = 3 else: pass # called if a peripheral device is disconnected elif event == self.__IRQ_PERIPHERAL_DISCONNECT: print('DISCONNECT') conn_handle, _, _ = data self.__disconnected_callback() if conn_handle == self.__conn_handle: self.__reset() # called if a service is returned # called if a characteristic is returned # called if data was successfully read # called if a notification appears elif event == self.__IRQ_GATTC_NOTIFY: conn_handle, value_handle, notify_data = data #print(notify_data) print('n') if self.__notify_callback: self.__notify_callback(notify_data) else: print('problem notify callback') elif event == self.__IRQ_GATTC_WRITE_STATUS: print('write status') class Decoder: """Class to decode BLE adv_data""" def __init__(self): self.__COMPANY_IDENTIFIER_CODES = {"0397": "LEGO System A/S"} def decode_manufacturer(self, payload): man_data = [] n = self.__decode_field(payload, const(0xff)) if not n: return [] company_identifier = ubinascii.hexlify(struct.pack('<h', *struct.unpack('>h', n[0]))) company_name = self.__COMPANY_IDENTIFIER_CODES.get(company_identifier.decode(), "?") company_data = n[0][2:] man_data.append(company_identifier.decode()) man_data.append(company_name) man_data.append(company_data) return man_data def decode_name(self, payload): n = self.__decode_field(payload, const(0x09)) return str(n[0], "utf-8") if n else "parsing failed!" def decode_services(self, payload): services = [] for u in self.__decode_field(payload, const(0x3)): services.append(ubluetooth.UUID(struct.unpack("<h", u)[0])) for u in self.__decode_field(payload, const(0x5)): services.append(ubluetooth.UUID(struct.unpack("<d", u)[0])) for u in self.__decode_field(payload, const(0x7)): services.append(ubluetooth.UUID(u)) return services def __decode_field(self, payload, adv_type): i = 0 result = [] while i + 1 < len(payload): if payload[i + 1] == adv_type: result.append(payload[i + 2: i + payload + 1]) i += 1 + payload return result class PowerUPRemote: """Class to handle Lego(R) PowerUP(TM) Remote""" def __init__(self): # constants self.__POWERED_UP_REMOTE_ID = 66 self.__COLOR_BLUE = 0x03 self.__COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE = 0x04 self.__COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN = 0x05 self.__COLOR_GREEN = 0x06 self.BUTTON_A_PLUS = self.__create_message([0x05, 0x00, 0x45, 0x00, 0x01]) self.BUTTON_A_RED = self.__create_message([0x05, 0x00, 0x45, 0x00, 0x7F]) self.BUTTON_A_MINUS = self.__create_message([0x05, 0x00, 0x45, 0x00, 0xFF]) self.BUTTON_A_RELEASED = self.__create_message([0x05, 0x00, 0x45, 0x00, 0x00]) self.BUTTON_B_PLUS = self.__create_message([0x05, 0x00, 0x45, 0x01, 0x01]) self.BUTTON_B_RED = self.__create_message([0x05, 0x00, 0x45, 0x01, 0x7F]) self.BUTTON_B_MINUS = self.__create_message([0x05, 0x00, 0x45, 0x01, 0xFF]) self.BUTTON_B_RELEASED = self.__create_message([0x05, 0x00, 0x45, 0x01, 0x00]) self.BUTTON_CENTER_GREEN = self.__create_message([0x05, 0x00, 0x08, 0x02, 0x01]) self.BUTTON_CENTER_RELEASED = self.__create_message([0x05, 0x00, 0x08, 0x02, 0x00]) # class specific self.__handler = PowerUPHandler() self.__buttons = [self.BUTTON_A_RELEASED, self.BUTTON_B_RELEASED, self.BUTTON_CENTER_RELEASED] # callbacks self.__button_callback = None self.__connect_callback = None self.__disconnect_callback = None def connect(self, timeout=3000): self.__handler.on_connect(callback=self.__on_connect) self.__handler.on_disconnect(callback=self.__on_disconnect) self.__handler.on_notify(callback=self.__on_notify) self.__handler.scan_start(timeout, callback=self.__on_scan) def disconnect(self): self.__handler.disconnect() def on_button(self, callback): self.__button_callback = callback def on_connect(self, callback): self.__connect_callback = callback def on_disconnect(self, callback): self.__disconnect_callback = callback # +-------------------+ # | Private Functions | # +-------------------+ def __create_message(self, byte_array): message = struct.pack('%sb' % len(byte_array), *byte_array) return message def __set_remote_color(self, color_byte): color = self.__create_message([0x08, 0x00, 0x81, 0x34, 0x11, 0x51, 0x00, color_byte]) self.__handler.write(color) # callback for scan result def __on_scan(self, addr_type, addr, man_data): if addr and man_data[2][1] == self.__POWERED_UP_REMOTE_ID: self.__handler.connect(addr_type, addr) def __on_connect(self): #print('print_connect_callback') # enables remote left port notification left_port = self.__create_message([0x0A, 0x00, 0x41, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]) # enables remote right port notification right_port = self.__create_message([0x0A, 0x00, 0x41, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]) color = self.__create_message([0x08, 0x00, 0x81, 0x34, 0x11, 0x51, 0x00, self.__COLOR_GREEN]) # enables notifier notifier = self.__create_message([0x01, 0x00]) self.__handler.__ble.gattc_write(self.__handler.__conn_handle,0x0B,color,1) utime.sleep(0.5) self.__handler.__ble.gattc_write(self.__handler.__conn_handle,0x0B,left_port,1) utime.sleep(0.5) self.__handler.__ble.gattc_write(self.__handler.__conn_handle,0x0B,right_port,1) utime.sleep(0.5) self.__handler.__ble.gattc_write(self.__handler.__conn_handle,0x0C,notifier,1) utime.sleep(0.5) #print('print_connect_callback') #print(self.__connect_callback) hub.light_matrix.off() if self.__connect_callback: self.__connect_callback() else: print('problem') def __on_disconnect(self): if self.__disconnect_callback: self.__disconnect_callback() def __on_notify(self, data): if data == self.BUTTON_A_PLUS: self.__buttons[0] = self.BUTTON_A_PLUS if data == self.BUTTON_A_RED: self.__buttons[0] = self.BUTTON_A_RED if data == self.BUTTON_A_MINUS: self.__buttons[0] = self.BUTTON_A_MINUS if data == self.BUTTON_A_RELEASED: self.__buttons[0] = self.BUTTON_A_RELEASED if data == self.BUTTON_B_PLUS: self.__buttons[1] = self.BUTTON_B_PLUS if data == self.BUTTON_B_RED: self.__buttons[1] = self.BUTTON_B_RED if data == self.BUTTON_B_MINUS: self.__buttons[1] = self.BUTTON_B_MINUS if data == self.BUTTON_B_RELEASED: self.__buttons[1] = self.BUTTON_B_RELEASED if data == self.BUTTON_CENTER_GREEN: self.__buttons[2] = self.BUTTON_CENTER_GREEN if data == self.BUTTON_CENTER_RELEASED: self.__buttons[2] = self.BUTTON_CENTER_RELEASED # callback the button data if self.__button_callback: self.__button_callback(self.__buttons) else: print('problem bc') def on_connect(): hub.status_light.on("green") def on_disconnect(): hub.status_light.on("white") def on_button(buttons): #print('on button') #print(buttons[_BUTTON_A]) #print(buttons[_BUTTON_B]) #print(remote.BUTTON_A_RELEASED) #hub.light_matrix.off() # a buttons from the remote if buttons[_BUTTON_A] == remote.BUTTON_A_RELEASED: hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(1, 1, brightness=00) hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(2, 1, brightness=00) hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(3, 1, brightness=00) if buttons[_BUTTON_B] == remote.BUTTON_B_RELEASED: hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(1, 3, brightness=00) hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(2, 3, brightness=00) hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(3, 3, brightness=00) if buttons[_BUTTON_A] == remote.BUTTON_A_PLUS: # and buttons[_BUTTON_B] == remote.BUTTON_B_RELEASED: hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(1, 1, brightness=100) if buttons[_BUTTON_A] == remote.BUTTON_A_RED: # and buttons[_BUTTON_B] == remote.BUTTON_B_RELEASED: hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(2, 1, brightness=100) if buttons[_BUTTON_A] == remote.BUTTON_A_MINUS: # and buttons[_BUTTON_B] == remote.BUTTON_B_RELEASED: hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(3, 1, brightness=100) # b buttons from the remote if buttons[_BUTTON_B] == remote.BUTTON_B_PLUS: # and buttons[_BUTTON_A] == remote.BUTTON_A_RELEASED: hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(1, 3, brightness=100) if buttons[_BUTTON_B] == remote.BUTTON_B_RED: # and buttons[_BUTTON_A] == remote.BUTTON_A_RELEASED: hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(2, 3, brightness=100) if buttons[_BUTTON_B] == remote.BUTTON_B_MINUS: # and buttons[_BUTTON_A] == remote.BUTTON_A_RELEASED: hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(3, 3, brightness=100) # combined buttons from the remote _BUTTON_A = 0 _BUTTON_B = 1 _BUTTON_CENTER = 2 hub = PrimeHub() print('first remote ...') remote = PowerUPRemote() remote.on_connect(callback=on_connect) remote.on_disconnect(callback=on_disconnect) remote.on_button(callback=on_button) remote.connect()
  2. Hello, According to Spike istelf :) MicroPython v1.10-1527-g865e961de on 2020-01-23; LEGO Technic Large Hub with STM32F413xx BR, Teodor
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