LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Hey now, Luuke was fine. He's commonly used as a scapegoat by Legends haters, along with Skippy the Jedi Droid and such, but made sense in the story he was in (the original Thrawn trilogy). And Chewie died 20 years after RotJ
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yeah I love the new Clone heads and legs but the helmets and torsos are just awful. I'm really annoyed that they're making all the cool legions now because of the new style. If the 2014 design held on for just a few more years we could've got the 501st, shock troopers, etc. in that near-perfect design. Instead we get them in the awful hybrid style. I don't have much interest in collecting figures that I think look bad so to me that means these Clones might as well not exist, but it's worse than that since if they do (fingers crossed) switch to a new style in the next few years which is more movie-accurate then they probably won't make these guys in whatever style that ends up being since they'd still be pretty recent. Same as how we won't be getting good figures of Fox, Vaughn, Fives, etc. since they've made them now, even though they are pretty bad (not just because of the TCW stylisation in those cases). But yeah even for people who don't mind the new style it's still just so many Clones in a short span of time, especially in an era where system sets are becoming unfortunately scarce.
LEGO Star Wars 2025 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I'm with you on this. Already got the 2010 ARC-170 so from the new set I only really want the new pilot minifigures. The V-19 was made at the time when stickers were terrible and cracked so there's basically zero chance of finding one in good condition now. It definitely deserves a remake, and Ventress and Obi-Wan will be good figures if they do them right (I just REALLY hope they don't do anything stupid with Ventress's eyes. It's fine if they make them white like in the 2015 Anakin's Custom Starfighter set, but I'm worried they'd make them the terrible glowy blue type that they just love ruining figures with these days). Also a P1 pilot. I don't like the new Clone design, so wouldn't care about the torso/legs, but at least with the new P1s their helmets are close enough to the 2013 design (not perfect though; they still managed to make some parts worse) that if the pilot gets a new helmet without the fin (no guarantee but hopefully) I could replace the helmets of my 2013-style pilots. But even if the figures do end up not being great I'd still get the set in some way, maybe just get the build itself cheap on eBay. They got drip
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Tbh I'd rather they stick to how they are in the movie. I want the regular troopers rather than stuff like the Battlefront classes as they did with the 501st or other obscure variants. At least Rex and Fives had theirs so there's some precedent now. Probably no kamas though
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Minor annoyance with today's advent calendar build (22nd)
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Only all of the ones on screen? What about the 456th battalion's elite gunship referenced in a single sentence in The Essential Guide to Warfare? No official visual depictions exist, but that's no excuse for them to ignore what the fans want. It's irrelevant anyway since half of all sets for the foreseeable future will be 18+ buildable Clone Shoulder Armour™️, all the same build but with a few different tiles to make them a completely new character.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The LEGO designers were reading the last couple of pages. Unfortunately, they only speak Danish so when they recognised the word "clone" they immediately started work on 27 new clone sets to take up every system-scale set slot for the next decade. Ugh yeah I hate rubber parts. Fabric capes can fray, sure, but rubber can straight up disintegrate sometimes.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That was my first thought: a midi-scale turbo tank. Kinda weird choice, but it could work. Wonder when the AT-ST will release since we already have the May 4th UCS slot as Jango's Slave 1 and presumably the Death Star in the October slot. (Assuming the brick tap stuff is real)
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
They maybe could've used the First Order Snowtrooper helmet for him if this was a few years ago, though that mould is probably gone by now anyway so might as well make a new one. And yeah as much as I want cloth parts the backpacks are way more important to me. I know the new bracket part doesn't fit with the Snowtrooper helmets, but the Imperial ones we've been getting look terrible without them. Seen on Reddit that it's going to have 813 pieces for $150 (ouch). Source is lego_minecraft_goat; do we trust them? Edit: Ok looks like we do trust them... I'll say again, ouch.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Having thought about it I'm kinda the opposite. Since I'm not a fan of modern Clone figures (hate that they use aspects from the TCW animated style) and already have 2 of the 2018 Ki-Adi, I probably wouldn't have much interest in the minifigures in a Mygeeto-based UT-AT (unless they do a really good job with the Marines) but the vehicle itself is one I've actively wanted for a decade, and I actually have the start of a MOC of one in progress (gonna hold off on that for now since if the set's good it'd be more worth it to buy that than to do a bunch of Bricklink orders for MOC parts). So yeah I was originally hyped for the figures but thinking about it the vehicle is the real main draw for me.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Assuming the UT-AT is real and it does come with Bacara/Marines: I agree with all of these points (sidenote: to this day I don't understand why they made the absolutely terrible 2020 armour style for the Clones. I was a certified "clonebro" back in 2019 when everyone was asking for the 501st pack but the new armour style killed any interest I had in that set, both because it's simply inaccurate and because it's not consistent with the realistic Clones I have. I saw someone mention they wouldn't change the style now for the sake of consistency, but that didn't stop them in 2020 and it didn't stop them from changing the Stormtrooper design multiple times over the last few years either). An important thing I'd also add is that they really ought to have the proper accessories, meaning cloth parts and at the very least backpacks for the marines. Unfortunately knowing LEGO they won't Based on Fives, we should get the shoulder cloth parts but not kamas and Snowtroopers haven't had backpacks since 2017 (I think?). I'd be a lot more excited for this set if we were in 2015 right now. One silver lining at least is that the Marines don't wear standard Clone armour so the 2020 design shouldn't affect them much aside from the torso's belt and back printing (though ideally the latter would be covered by a backpack anyway). Bacara would be affected, but a really good custom of him is super easy to make using a 2014 plain white Clone body with a CAC cloth part and helmet. Again, this is all assuming that the set is even real lol
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Not to wishlist but... UT-AT... Galactic Marines and Bacara coming?
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yeah I know it can be a contentious topic but I hate when characters are locked behind super expensive sets. Having an exclusive version is one thing but having a character's only appearance be in a set unobtainable for most people sucks (e.g. Kuiil and Mythrol in the Razor Crest).
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If we go by retirement dates, the Ewok Village was only 1 year before Hoth. (Still agree that a new Village is definitely way more important, if nothing else due to the brittle brown issues)
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yeah Hoth especially is one I actually want them to remake and also let's not forget that the previous Assault on Hoth retired only 1 year after the Ewok Village (end of 2017 vs end of 2016). That set was just so badly done and was a blatant ripoff of the 1980 Kenner playset, shown by the same incorrect details such as only having 3 disks on the power generator and having a Yavin-style turret (fun fact the designers claimed in the promo video that that was their idea, which seems unlikely to me since it was from that old Kenner toy and there are other similarities to that toy in the set). For me it was those inaccuracies combined with a not-great minifigure selection and a bunch of other issues like how much exposed technic there was which made 75098 a bad set, not the fact that it had a "UCS" label on it. (Also I need a Wes Janson figure that doesn't require me selling a kidney.)
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