Beautiful station! The subdued colors gives some real life looks and some wear and tear.
The outside walls - are they made with the 11211 brick (1x2 with studs on 1 side) and its little brother the 1x1 ?
Those walls ... there will never be a way back
Danke schön Elphiel!
The design created by Elphiel works. Got 2 x 60197 running controlled by my iPhone. I used a simplified version of the codingdesign to get the hang of it, but dont be discouraged by all the buttons and options in the app. To be more precise the description is on page 25 in this thread
I started with just the stuff marked with a orange rectangel which send a start signal to both engines with a predefined speed ... and nothing more. The rest of the drawing is a more gracious start, stop and controllermanagement instead of the mobile phone etc.