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Bartosz Bulldog

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  1. See, my very first game Shadows came to my DMs with an offer of peace between the scum team and me, the SK. It actually worked. mad props. And yeah I mentioned before but Hink. These MoCs are gorgeous with a capital G.
  2. YOur merest whim is my command Yeah no I had some choice meme ideas when I realized what the settup actually was. 5 was definitely too many but like... we all know that now. I had fun.
  3. I love how Trekkie lived to the end in ALL of these. Also Shadows you played me SO FuCKING HARD with your acting dumb. bruuuuuuh I fucking love you. Are you a con-artist in real life because honestly you are good at it. Not that I was a hard mark tbh. That said, welllll fucking payed. I should have been much more suspicious of someone popping in my DMs tbqh. Like... In the future I'll definitely not take that for granted. I've been out of the game for a while and forgot how scummy that should have pinged to me. ANywhoo I stuck to my guns and hoses and was fairly certain you were Town until well after I died. Here Trekkie: Be proud of me: I do think that somewhere between the 2 games was perfectly balanced game that sadly we'll never play.
  4. Ahhhh! Yay! I was hoping my compulsive refreshing would pay off! borf!
  5. We all have lives, and those come first and this is a fun game and I appreciate you hosting it in spite of hi ow busy you've been. Borf!
  6. Why are you walking around at night?! Night time is when my bin of murky water tells me secret things as I clean! You should be in bed! The bucket doesn't like clumsy hipposes, no it doesnt. Borf. Bor.
  7. The way the trickster role seems designed is that it starts off having MANDATORY handout roles and increasingly fewer. It really would not surprise me if this was designed so that in the beginning the Trickster would have to hide behind one of several non-mandatory roles OR THOSE OF THE DEAD, and as time went on they could claim more and more of the options including those of the dead but also those they simply didn't hand out. As an absorber they could slowly start acruing roles that they can claim which is why I'm very firm now in my belief that she can't assign herself a real role. You don't have to tell me twice! Borf borf! Hmm, but that would be complicated by the hippo's claim of normalizer on Day 1. Did we determine what CAladron's role would have been? I don't think we did, so that would probably indicate she took a page from his book if the Hippo's the Trickster. Anyways I really have to do other things now. Chao! Borf! Final thought: I'd recommend we have the Hippo give her result BEFORE everyone else tomorrow so that we can ensure she's not BSing us. Borf. The Forest God probably hates me for making him retake all his photos hehehehehe sowwy
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong here but no one has actually targetted the Hippo yet so she shouldn't have absorbed anything if she's the trickster. That's probably pissing her off and if I'm right I'm gunna laugh my tail off Borf! My bucket is the people's bucket! It contains multitudes! but... uh yeah It's pretty hard for anyone but me to read... BUT I SHALL GLADLY read ANYONE's Fortunes with it! Borf!
  9. I mean... if a vig fails to kill her in the night that'd be pretty damning, so I'm willing to play my cards the way I've cast them, as you'd say... wait no you don't read cards you read stars. Goodness I get so confused sometimes when I'm not gazing intently into a bucket of gross water.
  10. That's probably all the time I have today to contribute sadly but I'll be gazing into my bucket in hopes of catching scum settling to the bottom all through the night.
  11. I'm ngl Emeric's vote for Francezka has actually held me back from voting for her. I had previously suspected them both of being on the same scum-team. I haven't had the chance to deeply analyze things since day 2, but I'm curious now to see how this lynch turns out because I honestly wouldn't be shocked if his vote was a buss.
  12. Ok this is going to come out of Left Field, But I kinda agree with what's being said since last time I was ... gazing into my bucket. I'll come back to make a case for this, and had considered doing so last night before I... well... gazed too deeply into my bucket... and I want to get this in before the end: Unvote: Hyacinth Hippo Vote: Francezka Fox borf First and foremost, I believe either the Fox or the Hippo could be the Trickster, but I think the Fox is more likely to be scum, which is why I'm voting for her. I have been suspicious of her actions since the beginning and would be fine seeing either hang today. Why I'm choosing to cast my vote for the Fox instead? a few reasons. One: They've both claimed and the Lullaby is the less useful role. Honestly I might propose we TEST Hyacinth and have her track someone like the Raccoon who we assume is Town and trustworthy. The Hippo will report what she tracked beforehand and the Raccoon or whomever can verify that she's at least telling the truth about having and using her action. Two: I feel we stand to learn more from Voting for Francezka. wouldn't have wanted to support her lynch today unless it was a natural majority, and we still may not reach such a thing, but it stands to reason that there's more to analyze wrt voting and overall chatter if we find out how the Fox flips. Three: I am reeeeeally suspicious about whether or not Hyacinth can actually use roles she hasn't absorbed, because I think she's the trickster, but with her now semi-confirmable action, I would be willing to change my beliefs based on evidence of her ability to use the tracking action. Either way, if she is the Trickster we're still better off voting for someone who I think is more likely to be scum.
  13. This is important Omwooom ugh if you weren't such an adorable wee tyke I'd be vexed by this omission! But you're too cute to stay mad at, and the pail tells me that I'll forgive you by the end of this post. Awww, who's a cute wiww dwagon babeee so cyuuute borf
  14. But like also everyone who's voted for the Fox so far is also sus to me, including the Hippo so I feel like her vote is a slightly better litmus test than "Penalty, Penalty, Penalty, 2 ppl" Borf.
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