Everything posted by corsair
[PIRATE MOC] HMS Revenant, my first MOC.
Horatio, I believe you meant to type larboard. The right side of a vessel has always been the starboard (steerboard) side, but it was only in the Nineteenth century did the left become port vice larboard (mainly over confusion with starboard) On a different note, looking forward to the additional pictures Captain Edward. Corsair
Golden Falcon
Sorry for the delay on reposting the pictures, but here goes attempt two. Again on the crimson sea: Side shot: Stern shot: Boat davits: And finally the redone cabin:
Golden Falcon
Seeing that the photos are not taking, I hope with the upload public now that the link will work. I will work on posting photos soon. Brickshelf Gallery
Golden Falcon
Well after several years of not posting nay of my new MOCs I am finally going to post a few of my newer creations. First I updated my Golden Falcon by adding another middle piece, a third mast, and a third course of sails. Here is the new Golden Falcon sailing a crimson sea (my sofa) From the stern The quarterdeck Side shot Her boats swing out and lower Finally a shot of her new cabin I feel I have addressed some of the comments about the old ship and I hope everyone enjoys the new ship. As always I look forward to any comments and improvements people have
How many ships do you have in your fleet?
Here is the list of what I have: Pirate: Black Seas Barracuda Skull's Eye Schooner Renegade Runner (x2 though one has been converted to a merchant) Cross Bone Clipper Imperial: Caribbean Clipper (x3, two of them have been used to build the Golden Falcon along with a WIP merchant) 6271 Imperial Flagship (x3, all of them have been modified) 10210 Imperial Flagship Armada Flagship Plus I have the ship from the Imperial Trading Post
The hull is the big floating hull that is found on the fireboat set, it was also used on the cargo ship in the Nautica theme. It has been the basis of so many ships that I have built, it is by far one of my favorite pieces. *sweet*
V-W-1B I think the sub-theme of Divers has been relatively overlooked. It is one of my favorite themes and I have constantly built ships for them. So here is my latest Research Vessel. It has three decks, in the hull is storage and a lab, on the next level is a cooking, eating, and sleeping cabin, on top of that is a bridge. Behind the bridge is the boat deck with a heavy lift crane. Full Shot of the Research Vessel Aft Deck with secondary crane and submersible Inside the living quarters The Lab in the hull Here is the brickshelf folder Research Vessel Please give me feedback on the overall creation, both positive and negative
HMS Leopard
Simply WOW, I love how you all the detail around the upper decks. I only wish I could build something that big one day. It does look a little tall, but that is a necessary factor with the lego hulls. It looks great and excellent job with the stern.
Golden Falcon
Yes and no Mr Phes, I wanted golden in some part of the name because of the "gold" I used around the stern and I wanted it to be an animal as well. So with the continued use of the Caribbean Clipper's figurehead I decided to use falcon, but the golden part was not because of the bird.
Golden Falcon
I know it would look better with more cannons, definitely aft of the last cannon. I also love the idea of chasers on the forecastle. But I did not have enough cannons to do so and that is also under the deck where the sentries stand, and when I was building I couldn't quite make it work. But it is a good idea for when I go back and modify it with improvements.
Golden Falcon
40b This is my first posting of a MOC, it is not my first MOC, just my first posting. It is a brig that has eight cannons total. It has two cabins in the stern, one for the captain and one for the first mate, or it could they could be for the admiral and the captain respectively. Please give me feed back on the ship, it will be much appreciated. Full Shot Quarterdeck, shows binnacle and wheel Sailors Taking In Sail Here is the rest of the pictures in my brickshelf folder Golden Falcon
Your Dream Pirate Sub-Theme
Hey, Just becuase Scotland is more known for rebelling than the Welsh doesn't make picking on the Welsh fair. Back to the actual topic, Merchants would be the best, but all would be great. I especially think that blacksmiths and other tradesmen would be cool to have. Also big harbors that are not strictly imperial theme to them, like ITP without all the imperial men, more plains clothes.
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