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About James666

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    Lego star wars
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Millennium falcon

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  • Interests
    Star wars, sci fi, space


  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Definitely the problem I was having trying to get the scale right but have everything you said in it, you kinda have to make sacrifice some features and that I was definitely not going to do that as the ghost is more than just a ship and that it has meaning etc.
  2. Are you going to create the phantom 2? Just curious if you have fought about creating one or have created one but the size is hard to create as it's abit bigger etc
  3. Can't wait to buy instructions and build this, gonna have great time playing with it haha definitely succeded with everything.
  4. Yes I was, thankyou very good piece use never even thought about technic pieces being used for ships tbh.
  5. The gray circle thingy I don't know the name of the piece but it has the dark bluish gray piece in the middle.
  6. Don't get me wrong but yeah stands great on the landing gear I love the solution for it to stand, very amazing and looks like thats how it would in the show if it had that problem lol. Oh and also whats that gray peice where the docking is?
  7. That's good it's accessible though what I meant was as it is one plate have a couple studs show and then tile so you could potentially move it off then add a locking mechanism so its all sturdy etc, this was just my thoughts anyway amazing build and looking forward for the instructions. Also are the landing gear removable for flying stand as that would be awesome?
  8. This is amazing I had an Idea for you about the cargo place you can't reach you could make it a couple plates (plates meaning tiles and then have something connect to the bottom) then just pull the bottom out so you then can get into cargo area which is now accessible. Also great job on smooth and sleek tiles, you have done an amazing job even with these mad angles man.
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