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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Dear LEGO® train fans, dear BSBT fans, We are pleased to invite you to the 5th Bauspielbahn-Treffen. For the fifth time, LEGO train fans from Germany and other countries will meet to build a large community layout together. We also will give space to individual layouts or models. In addition, we also want to give individual systems or models their place. As in the past years, the "Alte Straßenbahndepot Schkeuditz" (Rathausplatz 9, 04435 Schkeuditz) with a total area of about 700 square metres is at our disposal. We, the Leipzig LEN-Eisenbahner, will work out a varied track plan in advance and provide the basic construction for you. Last year's layout We are looking for LEGO train enthusiasts... ... who would like to network and are looking forward to a lively exchange among each other. ... who would like to contribute a landscape to the joint layout. This can be a station, a piece of free track (rail through landscape), a factory, a bridge or a tunnel etc.. An absolut requirement is the ability to connect with other modules ... who are keen to give their locomotives free rein. ... who have built beautiful, realistic vehicles and would like to exhibit them or have them run. ... who can bring buildings, accessories or suitable urban constructions of their own. ... with functional models or exhibits with lights, engines, etc. Interesting individual layout are also welcome. large trains in small scale by Christoph We look forward to your application at Requirements for your application are the following points: - Your models are made with LEGO bricks! (We are an RLUG, so only LEGO bricks are permitted. We ask that you refrain from registering modules with binding bricks from foreign manufacturers.) - For track material, motors, lights and other drive concepts, we are open to products from accessory manufacturers (trixbrix, fx tracks, sBrick, buwizz, etc.) - 3D printed bricks are possible as long as it serves a niche. (rail pieces, connecting rods, wheels, ...) - We want so see and to show a wide range of building possibilities with LEGO, we ask you not to register any modules or rolling stock from purchased sets, but only self-constructions! - A good community layout needs train stations, industrial facilities and free routes. You can never have enough of the latter. - MOCs without track, urban development, houses, streets and infrastructure enliven the layout. - We need your Application with a detailed description, meaningful photos and, if possible, a BBM file (Bluebrick planning program: https://bluebrick.lswproject.com ) - The participation fee is 30 euros. - The minimum age for participants is 14 years. Organizational flow: This year's application period ends on February 28, 2023 Just send us an email and we will send you our planning sheet. After receiving your completed planning forms as an application, we will select the models that are suitable for this year's community system. We will get back to you by March 31, 2023. Expected schedule: Wednesday 9th: Arrival and set-up of the joint layout Thursday 10th: Set-up of the independent layouts, test drives, module presentation Friday 11th: Public visitor day (4-6 p.m.), AFOL evening Saturday 12th: Public visitor day (12-10 p.m.), then night rides (open end) Sunday 13th: Public visitor day (10 a.m.-4 p.m.), then dismantling and end of event We ourselves will be on site from Monday 7th to Tuesday 15th . Supporters for set-up and dismantling are most welcome. Audience: The meeting will be open to the public at the following times: Friday: 4pm-6pm, Saturday 12pm-10pm, Sunday: 10am-4pm Admission for visitors: 5 euros / children up to 14 years: 3 euros Further information: There aren't too many accommodations in the area. You will organize some possibilities to sleep. Please ask us, if you need help. Overnight stays in tents and mobile homes in front of the shed are not permitted by the city administration of Schkeuditz. There are no hall opening times for participants: We are allowed in the hall around the clock. This year, too, there will be the opportunity to drive in dimmed lights or in the dark in the evening. / Saturday is night driving action with public traffic. The "BlueBrick" planning software and an integration of the Trixbrix track library can be found here: https://trixbrix.eu/en_US/i/Track-Planning/22 guest driver: As in previous years, the community layout will be made up of many small, personal parts of the landscape that many people have built in great detail in their free time. There are a few rules for using the layout that all participants must adhere to and that will be communicated in advance. We can therefore not organize that guest drivers can drive spontaneously on the layout. (So: as visitors who just bring their own locomotive and jet over the layout.) Review of the BSBT 2022: We look forward to a wonderful railway experience with you! If you have any questions, we are available here in the thread or by email.(Visitor date, the BSBT starts a day earlier, construction workers are welcome from Monday!, more information at https://lbrick.de/bsbt.html ! In german!) your BAUSPIELBAHN-MEETING 2023 organizational team! Florian, Ken, Kevin, Micha, Pelle, Rik, Rio, Stefan and Tillman. All pictures (except the first and last) were provided to us by Thomas:
  2. (this announcment is written in german. the english version will be uploaded as soon as possible). Liebe LEGO®-Eisenbahn-Fans, liebe BSBT-Fangemeinde,wir freuen uns, euch zum erneut zum einladen zu können.Zum nunmehr fünften Mal treffen sich LEGO-Eisenbahnfans aus Deutschland und anderen Ländern, um gemeinsam eine große Gemeinschaftsanlage zu bauen. Daneben wollen wir aber auch Einzelanlagen oder -modelle ihren Platz geben.Wie in den vergangenen Jahren steht uns dafür das "Alte Straßenbahndepot Schkeuditz" (Rathausplatz 5, 04435 Schkeuditz) mit einer Gesamtfläche von rund 700qm zur Verfügung.Wir, die Leipziger LEN-Eisenbahner, erarbeiten im Vorfeld einen möglichst abwechslungsreichen Gleisplan und stellen für euch die Grundkonstruktion. Aufbau im letzten JahrWir suchen daher LEGO – Eisenbahner...... die Lust auf Netzwerken haben und sich auf einen regen Austausch untereinander freuen.... die eine Landschaft zur Gemeinschaftsanlage beisteuern. Das kann ein Bahnhof, ein Stück freie Strecke (Schiene durch Landschaft), eine Fabrik, eine Brücke oder ein Tunnel usw. sein. Wichtig ist, dass es so gebaut ist, dass man andere Teilnehmerlandschaften oder freie Gleise daran anschließen kann.... die Lust darauf haben, ihren Loks freien Lauf zu lassen.... die schöne, möglichst realistische Fahrzeuge gebaut haben und diese gern ausstellen oder fahren lassen möchten.... die Gebäude, Zubehör oder passende urbane Eigenbauten mitbringen können.... mit Funktionsmodellen oder Ausstellungsstücken mit Licht, Motoren, usw.Interessante Einzelanlagen sind auch willkommen. große Loks in kleinem Maßstab von ChristophWir freuen uns auf eure Bewerbung unter Voraussetzungen für eure Bewerbung sind folgende Punkte:- Eure Modelle bestehen aus LEGO Steinen! (Wir sind eine RLUG, daher sind ausschließlich LEGO Steine zugelassen. Wir bitten davon abzusehen Module mit Klemmbausteinen von Fremdherstellern anzumelden.)- Bei Gleismaterial, Motoren, Licht und sonstigen Antriebskonzepten sind wir offen für Produkte von Zubehörherstellern (trixbrix, fx tracks, sBrick, buwizz, usw.)- 3D-gedrucktes ist möglich, sofern es eine Nische bedient. (Schienenstücke, Pleuelstangen, Räder, …)- Um eine breite Masse der Baumöglichkeiten mit LEGO abzubilden, bitten wir darum, keine Module oder Rollmaterial aus gekauften Sets, sondern ausschließlich Eigenbauten anzumelden!- Eine gute Gemeinschaftsanlage braucht Bahnhöfe, Industrieanlagen und freie Strecke. Letzteres kann man nie genug haben.- MOCs ohne Gleis, Stadtbebauung und Infrastruktur beleben die Anlage.- Bewerbung mit detaillierter Beschreibung, aussagekräftigen Fotos und ggf. BBM-Datei (Bluebrick – Planungsprogram: https://bluebrick.lswproject.com )- Der Teilnehmerbeitrag beträgt 30,- Euro.- Das Mindestalter für Teilnehmer beträgt 14 Jahre. Organisatorischer Ablauf: Die diejährige Bewerbungsfrist endet am 28. Februar 2023 Schreibt uns einfach eine Mail und wir senden euch unseren Planungsbogen zu.Nach Eingang eurer ausgefüllten Planungsbögen als Bewerbung wählen wir die Modelle aus, die für die Gemeinschaftsanlage dieses Jahr in Frage kommen. Wir melden uns bis 31.3.2023 bei euch zurück.voraussichtlicher Ablauf des Treffens:Mittwoch: Anreise und Aufbau der GemeinschaftsanlageDonnerstag: Aufbau der eigenständigen Anlagen, Testfahrten, ModulvorstellungFreitag: Besuchertag (16-18 Uhr), AFOL-AbendSamstag: Besuchertag (12-22 Uhr), danach Nachtfahrten (open end)Sonntag: Besuchertag (10-16 Uhr),16 Uhr: Siegerehrungen, Verabschiedungdanach Abbau und HeimreiseWir selbst werden von Montag bis Montag vor Ort sein. Helfer für den Auf- und Abbau sind herzlich willkommen. Publikum:An folgenden Zeiten wird das Treffen für Publikum geöffnet sein:Freitag: 16-18 Uhr, Samstag 12-22 Uhr, Sonntag: 10-16 UhrEintritt für Besucher:5,- Euro / Kinder bis 14 Jahren: 3,- Euroweitere Infos:Es gibt nicht allzu viele Unterkünfte in der Umgebung. Eine Liste findet ihr anbei.Übernachtungen im Zelt und Wohnmobil sind von der Stadt Schkeuditz nicht gestattet.Für Teilnehmer gibt es keine Hallenöffnungszeiten: Wir dürfen rund um die Uhr in die Halle.Auch in diesem Jahr wird es am Abend die Möglichkeit geben, bei abgedunkeltem Licht oder im Dunklen zu fahren. / Samstag ist Nachtfahraktion mit Publikumsverkehr.Die Planungssoftware "BlueBrick" findet ihr unter oben genannten Link. Eine Einbindung der Trixbrix-Gleisbibliothek findet ihr hier: https://trixbrix.eu/en_US/i/Track-Planning/22 Gastfahrer:Wie auch in den vergangenen Jahren wird die Gemeinschaftsanlage aus vielen kleinen persönlichen Landschaftsteilen entstehen, die viele Leute in ihrer Freizeit teilweise sehr detailliert gebaut haben.Für die Nutzung der Anlage gibt es einige Regeln, an die sich alle Teilnehmer halten müssen und die im Vorfeld kommuniziert werden.Wir können es daher nicht organisieren, dass Gastfahrer spontan auf der Anlage fahren können. (also: Als Besucher, die mal eben die eigene Lok mitbringen und über die Anlage düsen.)Rückblick zum BSBT 2022: Wir freuen uns auf ein wunderbares Eisenbahn-Erlebnis mit euch! Bei Fragen stehen wir euch hier im Thread oder per Mail gern zur Verfügung.(Besuchertermine, das BSBT beginnt schon einen Tag eher, Aufbauhelfer sind ab Montag gern gesehen!, mehr Infos unter https://lbrick.de/bsbt.html !euer BAUSPIELBAHN-TREFFEN 2023 Orga-Team!Florian, Ken, Kevin, Micha, Pelle, Rik, Rio und StefanAlle Bilder (mit Ausnahme des ersten) wurden uns von Thomas zur verfügung gestellt:
  3. The preparations in the depot started at the weekend: Make room, clean a 700 square meter area, mow the lawn, lug sub-construction panels... The first participants and helpers arrived today, and more than 50 more will follow in the course of the week. We are very happy about the railway fans from different countries who are building the large layout with us. This time there will be extensions with FXbricks. Anyone who would like to see whether the different curve radii are something for their own system can not only do so with the BSBT, but also talk shop with the Canadian originator.
  4. can be deleted! I moved the article to this place.
  5. Hey, the construction is advancing, we're currently doing the last woodworks to create the area for the actual modules. Slowly we are running out of materials and it's now visible how large tis years layout really is. The tram depot is now filled as it has never been before at the Bauspielbahn-Treffen. Unfortunately some of the exhibitors had to cancel their participation due to Corona and health reasons, thus we had to adjust the released track layout once again. Some parts of the layout now are completely different than they were planned. But since we railroaders are flexible, missing modules are currently replaced by other contents. The first trains will probably run this afternoon. It's already clearly visible now, that this years layout is not only much bigger than the previous ones, but also offer much more variety. I've seen many interesting locomotives, waggons, buildings and railroad systems. For some of the details one has to be a professional railroader to really understand them, but also non professionals will have a lot to discover here. By the way, Grimmona is accompanying us for the whole week. On her channel you can gain insight into the Bauspielbahn-Treffen. I'm looking forward to what's developing there. And as MrMeroh already told, he will also report about the Bauspielbahn-Treffen - maybe even live, if the connection is sufficient. This yeare we have an internet connection for the first time. Let's see what it's capable of. Those who want to get to know the layout and the people behind it, are cordially invited as a visitor on the following days. Due to the currently low incidence, wearing a mask is still necessary, but there is no need to bring a negative test result or a vaccination certificate - as of Thursday, 12th of August 2021. This can of course still change, please regard the current incidence and the resulting corona restrictions for northern saxony! Also consider further information on LBrick.de Kind regards Michael
  6. Dear lego railroaders, I'm proud to offer you our third modular train meeting in Schkeuditz, next to Leipzig, Germany. BAUSPIELBAHN-TREFFEN 2021 august 13th to august 15th 2021 old tram shed Schkeuditz, Germany Since 2019 we invited LEGO train fans and their landscapes modules to the "Old tram shed" in Schkeuditz, a smaller town next to Leipzig. Schkeuditz is famous, because the big airport Leipzig-Halle next to it. Here you can find pictures from our first BSBT-meetings: 2019 - first meeting 2020 - the bigger one - but only for participants The BSBT-meeting wouldn't only be an exhibition, but more it will be a place to bring together LEGO train fans from and give them a place to network. And how can that work better then building and operation a collaborative layout? Also for us it's important to bring realistic models, landscapes and rolling stock, sets aren't allowed this year. You can see that so often in other exhibitions. Nice pictures from past events you can find in the flickr-album from Thomas and from Thomas. This year we started the third version and a lot of people were interested and registered their modules. The old tram shed with 700 squaremeters will be filled very good - but according with the covid-19-regulations. So here we want to show you our this year's track layout: Click here and you'll find it in other sizes. This year we expect participants from 7 countries and a lot of interesting stuff: 15 train stations, several turntables and train shed, a shunting yard, narrow gauge trains, realistic landscapes and rolling stock. The route is built from LEGO and (partially modified) Trixbrix tracks. The latter is absolutely necessary because the latter offer a large selection of track lengths, switches and other track material and unfortunately we couldn't build such a model railroad-like or realistic track plan if we had only used original LEGO tracks. The plan includes a double-track main line, some parts can be driven by PF trains and some by 9V trains. There are also several branch lines, 15 train stations, a shunting yard, narrow-gauge railway with traverse trolley loading, 3D printing, sidings and realistic landscapes, buildings and rolling stock. The meeting is open to visitors on the following days:(Dates are expected. Due to the corona, something can always change): Friday, august 13th 2021: 4pm to 6pm - pre-opening saturday, august 14th 2021: 12am to 10pm sunday august 15th 2021: 10am to 4pm Entry: Adults aged 16 and over: 5 € Children from 6 years of age 2.50 € Location: Old tram depot Schkeuditz Rathausplatz 11 04435 Schkeuditz (near Leipzig) Maybe one or the other will come to us. We would be very happy. Further information is available on our club website LBrick.de, as well as in the relevant LEGO forums 1000steine, Doktor-Brick and eurobricks. Greetings, Michael LBrick e.V.
  7. That's might be the solution. But I hoped, someone did it before. I will show you my result. Michael
  8. Hi guys, is there someone, who has built a ballast for the trixbrix double slip switch R104 (DSS)? At flickr I found some nice pictures for ballasted R104 switches: Member "José Proenca" has shown (here) this nice pictures, how to put tiles and plates. I search similiar ones for the DSS. Thanks. MTM
  9. Nice. Come and visit us, if it's possible. Three years ago we were part of an exhibition in "Ferropolis", some Kilometers next to your hometown. MTM
  10. Hi. Wow, I am surprised to see so many people interested. This year it will be very full in "our" shed. If I counted correctly, we could have Lego fans from six countries with us. It will be a challenge!
  11. MTM changed their profile photo
  12. No. I didn't pointed at maybe-non-lego parts, but yes I've pointed out the parts that bother me. How else could I have explained what I mean to say? And also I didn't criticize the stacking pins because I know these parts - I used them years ago. Of course it's my own interpretation. I told this in my first post. I told you my interpretation of the rules and ask you about yours. This was the topic of my thread. No more and no less. It's a pitty, that in an forum you only could say: "Everything is awesome." "I like it, everything is fine" "You're the best." "This moc is out of the ordinary". Why it impossible to say that I don't like something? Or as in the headline: I disagree with something.That's not bad. It's my opinion and nobody needs to feel hit. That's why I asked for the opinions of the others. I wouldn't have received these opinions with an email to the organizers.
  13. Oh, wait a moment. I didn't blame anyone. And I checked the details first, of course. Of course, it is the wedge plate 54384 (but I can't see any lego logo at the studs) and I also know, these light gray bars are cutted antennas. It's easy to detect it.. I admitted, it's a very good build with some interesting and genius building techniques, because of this I congratulated him. But: My problem is the amount of stickers and foreign parts (and for me, cutted parts are also foreign parts). And when I first saw it, I saw over 50 parts with stickers - on each side. And I see glue over the red line. It's really okay to use all of these things, especially on steam trains. But when I read the rules, I understood them to mean that these parts should be used very rarely. @SteamSewnEmpire I'm with you. Lego was not very friendly with us train moccers. There're a lot of important train parts missing or very expensive because they are not available. That's a very bad situation and I understand, why people using third party elements. It's okay, because of me. But in a competition it's an imbalance: Some guys try to build with the few parts, lego have give us - and other guys design and print their own parts. I'm not sure, where the focus is. @Daedalus304 "Replacing those with more "purist" solutions would still leave an incredibly impressive model. " Thanks for that information. I didn't see this version. Can you give me a link? MTM
  14. Hi lego train fans, today I noticed the winner of the "Brick Train Award", Ewout Rohling's green steam engine "LNER W1". First: I'm not an envious person and I haven't submitted a model in the competion, because I had not enough time (I tried to finish a "single layout). And, of course, I want congratulate Ewout (I don't know him) for his victory. I like all the curves, I like the clean nearby-studless design. That's nice. But I'm not agree, that this model wins such a competition. So why I'm not agree? The rules for the competition said: This category is for entries of models including any steam-powered locomotive. Entries may make use of some third party elements including: custom bearings and axles custom wheel sets custom printed elements and decals custom rods Yes, the winning model uses this custom parts, Formally, it's allowed. I don't want to argue about the wheels or rods in general. They could be necessary. But for me, in this model, they were used too much. He doesn't want to win a 3D-printing contest or sticker contest. It's a "with-lego-parts-building" contest! The stickers for example (there are so many stickers used). Finally the stickers and the printed parts makes it to a LNER W1. I understand the rule, to use third party elements as an "add-on" or as a subtle decoration (like in the winner model of the categories "best freight wagon" or "best special" wagon. The wagons looks good even without any stickers, but have got the icing of the cake. Would you say, LEGO set 75885 is the best "speed champions set"? It looks so empty without all these stickers. And another thought is: He's using non LEGO parts. I know, the competition is called "brick train award" but, in the text everytime it is readable about LEGO parts (and also the differentation to third party elements). Next to wheels, rods and stickers, you can see more third party elements: the wedge plate in top of the front, the light gray bars at front - what lego part is this dark gray thing above the second axle? A glued lamp (?) at the smoke deflector, a cutted chain in the front, I've got it that way: "Entries may make use of some third party elements including:" In original rule at the brick train award website the word "some" is italic. But, here were used "a lot of third party elements". So for me the first place is disappointing. There are so some entries, were you can see that the builder has given more thought about the use of his parts - like at "Best TFOL steam engine". The decision is a little bit unfair for these great models. What's your opinion about this? Are you with me - or do you see it differently. I'm excited for your answers. MTM
  15. Hello. Perhaps most of the train fans didn't notice our announcement for our train meeting because there is uncertainty about exhibitions this year. So I'll announce it here too. Invitation to the 3rd Bauspielbahn-Treffen in Schkeuditz (Leipzig)) Dear LEGO® train fans, also this year the BAUSPIELBAHN-TREFFEN takes place, the modular L-gauge event. For the third time, train fans from all over Germany and the neighbouring EU countries come together to build a large joint layout. Next to it is place for individual layouts and models. Like in recent years we are provided with the „Altes Straßenbahndepot Schkeuditz“ (old tram depot Schkeuditz) offering a total area of 700sq m round the clock. Beforehand we, the LEN railroaders from Leipzig, create a as varying as possible track layout. The foundation will be provided by us. We want to establish the BAUSPIELBAHN-TREFFEN as a networking event for „L gauge railroaders“, ... ...thus we are looking for LEGO® railroaders ... ... who are in the mood for networking and are looking forward to lively exchange. ... who contribute a landscape to the joint layout. This can be a station, independent track (track through landscape), a factory, a bridge or a tunnel. It's important, that your module is built in a way, that it connects to other modules or other track. ... who want to drive their trains long distances (in august 2020 the maximum driving route was about 400m). ... who built nice, preferably realistic vehicles and want to display or drive them. ... who can bring along buildings, accessories or other appropriate urban buildings. ... who own working models with lights, motors, ... It doesn’t matter, … … whether you’re building with a system (MILS, LEN, …) or not. … whether you’re using LEGO, self-made or third party tracks. … how you’ve build your landscape. Everything can be integrated in the layout, from first work through to professional models. … whether your locomotives are powered by LEGO® 9V, Power Functions, Powered Up, SBrick or Buwizz. We invite all L gauge railroaders to be part of the joint layout: Participants with modules, landscapes, stations, etc. Everyone who wants to participate with one or more modules (stations, free track, bridges, tunnels, railway sidings, …), please sign up with us until April 30th, 2021: Subsequently we’ll send you the registration form and a planning sheet. Please enter your module as precisely as possible into the planning sheet and return the documents until April 30th 2021. They’re essential for your participation in the event and the track layout creation. Those who return the documents are considered as registered and their modules will be integrated in the layout! Please use a separate planning sheet for each module. For large modules please use multiple planning sheets. Do not cheap out on them! The tracks of the joint layout are planned by us including the registered modules after everyone signed up. We’re aiming for a varying vehicle operation. Please keep in mind, that we might place your modules separated from each other in the layout. The participation fee for every participant is 25,- Euro. Every LEGO® train fan from 14 years may participate. Participants with independent layouts / display models Layouts or models, that won’t be part of the joint layout can be brought along, too. Please sign up with us until April 30th, 2021: We will send you the registration form as well. Please enter your model, especially its size and type. Individual models and layouts will be arranged after the creation of the joint layout. Please return the documents until April 30th, 2021! After the creation of the joint layout we will send you the hall plan including the location of your layout. Modules with existing circular layouts won’t be included in the joint layout. They are welcomed as individual layouts. Participants without module / only with rolling stock / guest driver Participants without any landscape modules will be treated as guest driver. If there will be limitations due to Covid-19, guest drivers might not be allowed to participate on all days of the event. Please sign up with us by mail, too: We will subsequently send you the register form. Please enter what you want to bring with you. If you have any desired dates on which you want to take part, please enter them in the form as well. Return the register form until June 30th, 2021! We will report back, on which days you’re scheduled. Guest drivers don’t need to pay the participant fee. A small donation is asked for. Expected schedule: Wednesday: Arrival and construction oft he joint layout Thursday: Construction of individual layouts, test drives, presentation of modules Friday: Driving day without visitors, AFOL evening Saturday: 1st visitor day (12pm – 10pm), workshops, locomotive parade, night drives (open end) Sunday: 2nd visitor day (10am – 4pm), workshops, dismantling and return journey We will be on site from Monday to Monday. We welcome any assistance for constructions and dismantling. Audience: We can’t say yet, whether the event will take place with public audience or not. Unlike last year, we schedule to welcome audience on Saturday and Sunday. If this will be possible due to Covid-19 will be announced. Workshops: Just like in 2020, we’d be glad if this year some participants and guests share their knowledge and ideas. Last years workshop topics where for example building techniques, layout digitalization, bridge building, … you can enter further workshop ideas in the registration form. Further information: To show the wide range of possibilities of building with LEGO® bricks, we ask you not to bring modules or rolling stocks from sets but rather self-built models. Participant fee: After last years accounting we noticed that we’ve budgeted too much which is why we have adjusted this years participants fee. If we are allowed to welcome public audience on Saturday and Sunday, a partial or full refund oft he participant fee might be possible. The participants fee is used to fund the halls rent, foundation of the joint layout and non-alcoholic beverages for the participants. Review of BSBT2020: please check out our last train fan meetings: in 2019: review of the BSBT 2019 (only in german, but with a lot of pictures) Video 1 from bananenbuurman Video 2 from him in 2020: review of the BSBT 2020 (only in german, but with a lot of pictures - only train fan meeting, no visitors) "room tour" at the BSBT last year (at instagram or at youtube): tour all over the layout with a BR628/629 railcar at youtube We’re looking forward to a marvellous railroading experience, your BAUSPIELBAHN-TREFFEN team! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us in this thread or by mail. Ken, Micha, Pelle, Kevin, Florian and Stefan
  16. Invitation to the 3rd Bauspielbahn-Treffen in Schkeuditz (Leipzig)) Dear LEGO® train fans, also this year the BAUSPIELBAHN-TREFFEN takes place, the modular L-gauge event. For the third time, train fans from all over Germany and the neighbouring EU countries come together to build a large joint layout. Next to it is place for individual layouts and models. Like in recent years we are provided with the „Altes Straßenbahndepot Schkeuditz“ (old tram depot Schkeuditz) offering a total area of 700sq m round the clock. Beforehand we, the LEN railroaders from Leipzig, create a as varying as possible track layout. The foundation will be provided by us. We want to establish the BAUSPIELBAHN-TREFFEN as a networking event for „L gauge railroaders“, ... ...thus we are looking for LEGO® railroaders ... ... who are in the mood for networking and are looking forward to lively exchange. ... who contribute a landscape to the joint layout. This can be a station, independent track (track through landscape), a factory, a bridge or a tunnel. It's important, that your module is built in a way, that it connects to other modules or other track. ... who want to drive their trains long distances (in august 2020 the maximum driving route was about 400m). ... who built nice, preferably realistic vehicles and want to display or drive them. ... who can bring along buildings, accessories or other appropriate urban buildings. ... who own working models with lights, motors, ... It doesn’t matter, … … whether you’re building with a system (MILS, LEN, …) or not. … whether you’re using LEGO, self-made or third party tracks. … how you’ve build your landscape. Everything can be integrated in the layout, from first work through to professional models. … whether your locomotives are powered by LEGO® 9V, Power Functions, Powered Up, SBrick or Buwizz. We invite all L gauge railroaders to be part of the joint layout: Participants with modules, landscapes, stations, etc. Everyone who wants to participate with one or more modules (stations, free track, bridges, tunnels, railway sidings, …), please sign up with us until April 30th, 2021: Subsequently we’ll send you the registration form and a planning sheet. Please enter your module as precisely as possible into the planning sheet and return the documents until April 30th 2021. They’re essential for your participation in the event and the track layout creation. Those who return the documents are considered as registered and their modules will be integrated in the layout! Please use a separate planning sheet for each module. For large modules please use multiple planning sheets. Do not cheap out on them! The tracks of the joint layout are planned by us including the registered modules after everyone signed up. We’re aiming for a varying vehicle operation. Please keep in mind, that we might place your modules separated from each other in the layout. The participation fee for every participant is 25,- Euro. Every LEGO® train fan from 14 years may participate. Participants with independent layouts / display models Layouts or models, that won’t be part of the joint layout can be brought along, too. Please sign up with us until April 30th, 2021: We will send you the registration form as well. Please enter your model, especially its size and type. Individual models and layouts will be arranged after the creation of the joint layout. Please return the documents until April 30th, 2021! After the creation of the joint layout we will send you the hall plan including the location of your layout. Modules with existing circular layouts won’t be included in the joint layout. They are welcomed as individual layouts. Participants without module / only with rolling stock / guest driver Participants without any landscape modules will be treated as guest driver. If there will be limitations due to Covid-19, guest drivers might not be allowed to participate on all days of the event. Please sign up with us by mail, too: We will subsequently send you the register form. Please enter what you want to bring with you. If you have any desired dates on which you want to take part, please enter them in the form as well. Return the register form until June 30th, 2021! We will report back, on which days you’re scheduled. Guest drivers don’t need to pay the participant fee. A small donation is asked for. Expected schedule: Wednesday: Arrival and construction oft he joint layout Thursday: Construction of individual layouts, test drives, presentation of modules Friday: Driving day without visitors, AFOL evening Saturday: 1st visitor day (12pm – 10pm), workshops, locomotive parade, night drives (open end) Sunday: 2nd visitor day (10am – 4pm), workshops, dismantling and return journey We will be on site from Monday to Monday. We welcome any assistance for constructions and dismantling. Audience: We can’t say yet, whether the event will take place with public audience or not. Unlike last year, we schedule to welcome audience on Saturday and Sunday. If this will be possible due to Covid-19 will be announced. Workshops: Just like in 2020, we’d be glad if this year some participants and guests share their knowledge and ideas. Last years workshop topics where for example building techniques, layout digitalization, bridge building, … you can enter further workshop ideas in the registration form. Further information: To show the wide range of possibilities of building with LEGO® bricks, we ask you not to bring modules or rolling stocks from sets but rather self-built models. Participant fee: After last years accounting we noticed that we’ve budgeted too much which is why we have adjusted this years participants fee. If we are allowed to welcome public audience on Saturday and Sunday, a partial or full refund oft he participant fee might be possible. The participants fee is used to fund the halls rent, foundation of the joint layout and non-alcoholic beverages for the participants. Review of BSBT2020: please check out our last train fan meetings: in 2019: review of the BSBT 2019 (only in german, but with a lot of pictures) Video 1 from bananenbuurman Video 2 from him in 2020: review of the BSBT 2020 (only in german, but with a lot of pictures - only train fan meeting, no visitors) "room tour" at the BSBT last year (at instagram or at youtube): tour all over the layout with a BR628/629 railcar at youtube We’re looking forward to a marvellous railroading experience, your BAUSPIELBAHN-TREFFEN team! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us in this thread or by mail. Ken, Micha, Pelle, Kevin, Florian and Stefan
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