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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by BaalTheBuilder

  1. The failure to mold - or even color-up an existing sword - to create a somewhat realistic darksaber is just laughable. Would have made me overlook the weird ship design choices. Solid droid mold though.
  2. The Shang Chi movie was so good that I just had to give the Shang Chi and Xialing figures just a little extra love. Shang Chi - Added the bare arms from Darth Maul torso (973pb1484c01). Not perfect but it’s a decent representation of the detail on his suited-up arms Xialing - Added chef legs with printed hip (970c00pb0673). Just a little extra for her. Also built her a little rope dart. Keeping the faces for now, curious what Shang Chi’s head looks like with the new Wong but I don’t want that set and I’m not convinced it will look that much better anyway.
  3. I too am interested in any solutions for a Shang Chi figure that better honors the character but not finding much that’s satisfactory in my early searching.
  4. Shang Chi was a GREAT movie and is one of my favorite Marvel movies. Shame LEGO made sets that are just terrible for my taste. Really holding out for a better Shang Chi figure one day. I can’t wait to see his role in the rest of this Marvel phase.
  5. Count me in for interest seeing that on the shuttle….cool find
  6. I was SO pleasantly surprised by EP1 of What If, and recalled there was a “hydra stomper” set revealed. Thought I’d found something else in the Marvel wave to buy! I have no real affinity for NYC, but I would have forked over $25-30 for an olive green Hydra Stomper with “Hello from Brooklyn” stickered onto the fists. But man, that mech looks terrible to me. No sale. Makes me wonder what concept art Lego had to work with, because that Stomper could have been soooo much better looking to this casual fan.
  7. Would love to see some mods of the Shuttle set to expand the cockpit and hull. I like the set and of course the figs but curious what could be done with it…
  8. While I have no interest in purchasing this set, it’s really well done and the designers deserve credit for building a very nice looking model. In hindsight it makes sense to make an all-out-designed Hedwig the centerpiece, just an incredible animal model, which alone could draw some folks. Will the Snitch fit the maxifig Harry’s hand? I haven’t counted the studs.
  9. Great little build! Great details! What a great set overall. It may have been unreasonable to expect some Damascus steel-looking beskar ingots, but dang, I was hoping they’d do it! Maybe one day?
  10. Very excited for Sam, Tchalla, Spidey, Vision, Wanda, and Loki. Great job LEGO. I realllly wanted to like Sylvie, probably will still pick that one up, but man did they miss her “vibe” in those faces. I’ll try to find an alternate head. It may have been impossible to predict Croki’s popularity but man did LEGO screw up there. In a year of some good wins for LEGO, that and the non-molded Darksaber are their two most annoying misses to me personally. I would love to know, if Vidiyo were never launched, would other themes have had more new mold/print opportunities to work with?
  11. I re-entered LEGO fandom after the fan vote so this set news was a pleasant surprise a little while ago. While it might not have been realistic to expect a slightly smaller-scale (eg minifig scale) USC Gunship, I was hoping for one that would more reasonably fit in my smaller home and fit minis. Maybe the ship will be close enough to fudge it as some here wonder. I am certainly less likely to buy one this size. Oh well. It is after all a tool for the imagination!
  12. Thank you….excuse my galactic stereotyping
  13. A while back I learned that during my LEGO dark period, “the guy who flew the falcon with Lando in EpVI” Ten Numb was released in a set. His minifig came in the mail a while ago and I am so excited!
  14. Yes! I also wondered about 88295, the two-sided spiky shoulder pad, in sand blue with brown paint on one side, but that seems odd for Lego and would just hide likely torso printing of the straps. Would be quite fun to use the piece you shared in brown too, owing to that raised accessory appearance it would give.
  15. Trying to envision how the body armor piece that Paz Viszla, Wrecker, and the new trooper in Star Wars have would look on Korg. He does have the shoulder guard on one side and a rocky outcrop on the other shoulder, but I’m not certain the armor piece could recreate that well enough.
  16. OP may know this, but for those who don’t, the Italian word for lawyer is l’avvocato, from the Latin Advocatus! So Devil’s Avocado is not that far off! This mandalorian (the people not the show) minifigure wave has me more excited than any wave in recent memory, love Paz.
  17. The way that YouTube video transitions to another scene (I won’t spoil) at the end is just hilarious
  18. Now YOU can have an infinity gauntlet that gives the middle finger to everyone in the room! I’ll never buy the set, it’s just not for me, but the adolescent in me does love that making the gauntlet give the finger looks possible
  19. Yesterday while recovering from illness I built the 7419 Dragon Fortress, 7413 Passage of Jun-Chi, and the 75292 Razor Crest. Added them to my new shelves. You don’t often get to build on the same day two fun, sizable sets that were released 20 years apart EDIT: I also recently assembled shelves for my sets and am thrilled with how it’s turning out. You may see the album of each shelf here: https://www.flickr.com/gp/191178940@N04/0j8AP3
  20. I had enough VIP points accrue after May the 4th to get a $50 USD voucher for the Bad Batch shuttle pre-order. I’m very happy getting those figs alone for $50, the money off gives me cash to buy bricks for potential shuttle mods. Very grateful to be able to do this pricey hobby.
  21. That price would be my barrier too...agree with your thinking
  22. Petition to start calling it the BARF speeder
  23. michael_bricks_f0rever has the best look at the Wrecker armor I’ve seen on Insta for others searching. It looks like a traditional armor piece with a thin chest plate as described here but still hard to see the connector. Really does a good job representing his size in a way that probably wouldn’t work as well for another muscular character like Marvel’s Drax. Maybe someone else has the same picture too. !!!! Gonna leave that unedited and take the lump
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