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Everything posted by Gontron

  1. Even if the Battlefront franchise is dead again I'm glad to see more references and sets based off of it years later. This is great news for those who didn't buy the 501st Legion set due to the higher price because they can finally army build at a reasonable price. I don't think there has been definitive word on Accessory packs next year but I think an Endor Troopers and 212th pack would be the likely options (I don't think we'll know though until December). The Tie Bomber and Speeder Bike chase are also incredibly good OT set picks and a Rex Helmet has been the most request PT helmet from what I've seen. This is sounding like the best winter wave in years so far.
  2. The Clone Trooper Command Station situation is why I don't like Lego's approach to minifigure packs over battlepacks. They end up producing less of them resulting in heavy scalping for desirable army building figures. The only BP that had a similar stock issue was the Mandalorian BP but that was resolved by this time.
  3. I could see some harder to get variants like Geonosis camo, security, or commanders adding value to the BP. Not to mention several droids like Magna Guards, SBDs, and Commando Droids are harder to come by now (especially since B2 legs tend to fall apart/snap). I think a straight up remake of the 2007 one with a commander replacing one of the regular droids and a Magna Guard replacing a B2 would do well.
  4. So the AT-TE is definitely delayed in the US for both online and in-store?
  5. This, its the availability issue more than anything. Not to mention BPs occasionally go on sale, those packs probably won't.
  6. Oh boy, I hope that 20$ price point is a battle pack (preferably a 212th one).
  7. Maybe they're going to fix the printing issue on the helmets? They look kinda wonky in some reviews.
  8. I genuinely hope Lego is going to stick to their guns about no exclusive characters in expensive sets. I can see more detailed versions of existing characters being allowed but figures like Mando-era Ahsoka or Kuiil are way too significant to keep only in a 550$ set.
  9. On the topic of the Clone Commander, I hope we get a P1 Clone Captain re-release soon in more saturated colors like the newer Commander. The P1 Clone Pack is also still impossible to find in person at my nearest Lego store and I've heard people still haven't received their online orders of them from January. I can only imagine how bad the AT-TE will be.
  10. I have been to my local Lego store 4 times this year and have seen the Clone pack once. They get bought almost immediately according to the few employees I talked to along with the new Fighter tank. Meanwhile, there is almost always 2-3 large bins filled with Rebel trooper packs (I cannot speak on the Batman pack though). I know its anecdotal evidence but the Clone pack is in a MUCH higher demand than the Hoth pack imo, which doesn't ever look to be low in stock.
  11. The new AT-TE looks like a re-release just with better figures. I don't think it looks that bad tbh considering the 2013 one already felt great proportion wise and the feet issue looks like it could be solved with a few spare parts. I really hope we get another Clone Battlepack to go with it next year, this time not exclusive to Lego stores or 30$. The Justifier still has yet to justify its price imo.
  12. Lego is really keeping Cody under wraps it seems, hope he or the set don't leak before Lego Con tbh.
  13. Nice to see Scorch and Cody back.
  14. Wow that's.... significantly smaller than I expected.
  15. Same source for the Fighter Tank is confirming a P2 Cody in the AT-TE from what I've gathered.
  16. I'm sure some people are excited but its a set that was expected to happen eventually. Its good for what it is but there's pretty much nothing special about it.
  17. This. They probably only had time to change minifigures which is why a Dwarf Spider Droid could be in it despite not being present. If P2 Cody was to be in a set this is it.
  18. Still a tad too tall but its Lego so modifying it should be easy. Looks like an amalgamation of the legends and canon designs.
  19. I'll wait until I see how of the tank looks from the front and back but the sides look rough and the usage of the X-Wing cabin for the nose is... odd. 40$ does seem fair though given the figure selection and model size. After additional examination this is definitely based off the Battlefront 2017 version rather than the OG Battlefront or Clone Wars Game versions which explains the completely flat sides.
  20. The Trench Run looks the best imo, though I'm a sucker for microscale ships and dioramas. Hoping for pictures of the Landspeeder and TX-130 soon.
  21. Lego REALLY shot themselves in the foot with going overboard in Rebels years before it became popular and liked (though I can see why they did it, the initial TCW sets sold very well I think). I think this is why Lego is hesitant to go all in with brand new SW TV shows for a wave. As for a new Ghost, anything is possible but your best chance is hoping for the Ahsoka show to utilize it.
  22. Sheesh, at that price point the figure selection better include more than two Clone Troopers.
  23. Another TX-130 seemed weird given new BF2 is well past its life cycle but adding in the 187th is even stranger. I can't believe we could be getting them before Cody.
  24. 60$ is hard to swallow. Personally I'm not a fan of how the N-1 is constructed (mainly the wings being so thin) and the only figure I'm interested in is the BD unit, which will probably be included in the buildable figure version.
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