Everything posted by Gontron
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The minifigure portion wasn't really a vote, more so what "what would you like to see with it". Though, I have a suspicion Mace Windu and a P1 Clone Captain weren't exactly the most requested figures there.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Maybe the Bad Batch Shuttle especially since images are now out in the wild. SW generally leaks last if I remember correctly so it could be another month before we start getting more pictures.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
No mention of the 30$ set, maybe it was the one that got cancelled?
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I'm conflicted. I'm glad we're getting all 5 members plus a gonk droid, but the shuttle itself will be incredibly small assuming the BARC speeder next to it is identical in size to the 501st one. This really could've benefitted from a 20$ increase in price and a removal of the BARC speeder for a bigger ship. Color wise I think it looks fine but man I'm afraid it will be another Night Buzzard situation.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The updated R2 looks good but character builds aren't my cup of tea compared to ship builds. That and I'd rather spend the money on summer sets and the UCS Gunship. As a sidenote, the post is gone so that adds a bit of credibility imo.
What are some Star Wars sets that TLG could never produce?
Not sure if anyone has said it, but a C-9979 Landing Craft will probably never be made outside of mini scale.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I think I said this earlier, but Lego knows any set with Rex or Cody will sell great (just look at the prices for P2 Rex alone). They're saving them for when they have a set they don't think will sell well.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I somehow don't doubt that Lego would skip out on the helmets considering they did for Rex, Gregor, and Wolfe in the Rebels AT-TE set, two of which would've required a new print only.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I think Rebel Friend had some validity for being a promo minifigure considering he was exclusive to the older Lego SW games compared to someone like Jedi Bob. The Luke minifigure is disappointing but its not going to sway me from purchasing the game considering its a bonus.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
The addition of the 2003 CW series to Disney+ and Durge coming back to canon is giving me unreasonable hopes for another microseries CW set.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I mean, you can just slap a paudron and kama on him and he'll be Fordo.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I understand why he wouldn't be included in an AOTC based UCS set but I'm saying he could be slotted into any other CW based vehicle set. We don't see Cody in an episode where something like Z-95 Headhunters appear, yet they could plop him in reasonably if they don't think it would sell well.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Anything, Lego has put Clones that don't fit in a scene in sets before like Wolfe in the Republic Frigate or Fox in the Spider Droid. Lego knows a P2 Cody (or any Clone Commander not named Gree) will sell almost any set off him alone, which makes the decision to not put him in that overpriced Starfighter last year weird.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I mean, they just did here considering the fans voted for a Gunship. At this point I'm convinced LEGO either has no interest in making a P2 Cody or they're saving him for a set they're not sure will sell well without him.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The gunship continues to sound nice, though in David's video he says that Lego will not be making a minifigure-scale Republic Gunship for the next few years which is certainly disappointing. In addition, it sounds like Cody will not be included.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Empire at War (EaW) wave because I've gotten back into it and it features a lot of OT legends vehicles that haven't been made. Microfighters Home One vs. Accuser (20$) -Minifigures: Admiral Piett, Admiral Ackbar -Build is a MC-80 Home One Microfighter and ISD-1 Microfighter Red 5 vs. Tie Advanced (20$) -Minifigures: Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader -To my surprise, we've never had a Tie Advanced Microfighter so I think this combo pack would warrant it and another X-Wing Microfighter Battlepacks Consortium Troopers (20$) Despite having probably the most infantry options in the game, the Zann Consortium really doesn't have any standout options for a BP (No Ewok Handlers for obvious reasons) -Minifigures: Defiler, (2x) Consortium Grenadier, Consortium Assault Trooper -Build is a Consortium MDU which can have its main component swapped out for a turret or a sensor scrambler Dark Troopers (20$) Dark Troopers but the EU ones. I think a brick built Dark Trooper Phase 3 would be better scaled instead of a minifigure -Minifigures: (3x) Mk1 Dark Trooper (Brick built), Mk2 Dark Trooper (Minifigure) -Build is a small repair station and a Mk 3 Dark Trooper. Rebel Infiltrators (20$) The Rebellion has a few unique minifig options including more fleet troopers, however I'm going to go with Infiltrators due to them not being made in Lego yet -Minifigures: (3x) Rebel Infiltrators, (1x) Rebel Fleet Trooper -Build is a DF-9 Turret with Rebel Alliance coloring rather than the standard white System-scale T2-B Tank (30$) One of the few EaW-made vehicles that returned to canon, I think the T2-B is a nice Rebel analogue to similar hovertank models -Minifigures: (2x) Rebel Forest Soldier, Storm Trooper -Build is the T2-B in a similar scale to the recent Saber tank and AAT with a rotating turret. I think someone made a mock up with the stud launchers for the turrets which would be great MPTL Artillery (50$) We don't get a lot of tracked vehicles for Star Wars so I think this one would help shake the lineup a bit -Minifigures: Kyle Katarn, (2x) Rebel Fleet Trooper, Mara Jade -Build is the MPTL Artillery truck with spring missiles serving as the torpedo tubes. A brick built spotter droid would be included Nightsister Attack (60$) I could've gone with the Canderous or Pulse tank, however I think a Nightsister Rancor would do just as good -Minifigures: IG-88, Nightsister, Rebel Fleet Trooper, Rancor -Build is a modified Rancor with a mount for the Nightsister and a Rebel Factory. All Terrain Anti-Aircraft Walker (70$) A new, unique AT variant -Minifigures: Imperial Field Commander, (2x) Storm Trooper, Scout Trooper, Boba Fett -Build is the AT-AA, maybe with spring missiles for the concussion missile launcher StarViper (90$) Out of the few starfighters in EaW that haven't been made already into a Lego set, I think this one is the most popular and deserving. -Minifigures: Consortium Pilot, Consortium Assault Trooper, Buzz Droid, Prince Xizor -Build is the StarViper-class Starfighter, which is almost identical to the Virago, Prince Xizor's ship in the Shadow of the Empire project Skirmish on Carida (140$) Can't make a list without a big playset. -Minifigures: General Veers, (2x) Storm Troopers, (2x) Scout Troopers, Garm Bel Iblis, Rebel Forest Soldier, Rebel Ground Commander -Build is a mixture of three items. The first is a slightly scaled down version of the Gargantuan, comparable in size to the torso?? of the recent AT-AT. Second is an Imperial Hypervelocity cannon with a launcher function. Third is a 2-M Repulsor Tank around the size of the 2017 Saber tank. The Merciless (160$) There are ton of space ships to choose for a set, from corvettes to capital ships, however I think the Consortium's flagship is the best pick for a large ship playset. -Minifigures: Tyber Zann, Urai Fen, Silri, Bossk, (2x) Consortium Grenadier -Build is the Merciless in a similar scale to the recent playset Star Destroyers. The top cannon compartment could serve as the bridge for the ship with the middle being used to store crates or minifigures. The bottom cannon could have a technic launcher (if Lego still makes those). UCS The Eclipse (700$) Being both essential to Forces of Corruption's plot and several legends novels and comics, I think the Eclipse would be one of the better EU UCS set ideas -Minifigures: Tyber Zann, Reborn Palpatine
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Regardless of if it was minifigure scale or not Lego isn't adding in more than 2-3 Clone Troopers, especially since it presents the opportunity to sell even more 501st BPs.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It looks to be a straight PC-to-Switch port like Episode 1: Racer and Jedi Knight were. I highly doubt a Republic Commando set would be considered unless there is a complete remake or retelling of it because the story itself isn't canon.
Future Star Wars Sets
Squadrons really doesn't have anything exclusive outside a few minifigures and places, which wouldn't translate that well into sets anyway. Lego is already hesitant to release an OT X-Wing that isn't Red 5, I don't see any Squadron specific paint schemes coming out soon. Newer Battlefront is mostly the same with a few exceptions, however all three (since the Saber tank isn't listed under it... for some reason) of those sets have been only BPs. Battlefront also sold quite a bit better iirc, which poses the bigger question as to why we don't have the Mantis or a small set with Cal since FO also sold exceptionally well.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I'd argue that the exclusion of a Clone Pilot is a bigger mystery than Cody being absent, if this rumor is true. As for his exclusion from the Grievous Starfighter, I think Lego thought Grievous was enough of a set seller, though I doubt it sold well.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I knew Captain Fordo would win the minifig poll! /s I don't see Lego pushing out a Gunship without a pilot, only reason I can see otherwise is they feel like they can't do it justice with the regular P1 helmet but don't want to make a one off mold for it.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If its a BP, I think it'll either be an Imperial one or a Droid one. I don't think its an army builder though, more than likely an A-Wing or Snowspeeder.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
An AT-AT and Gunship UCS in one year would make up for any lackluster system scale sets, though I think its too good to be true.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The only two sets I could see being 11,000 pieces and only 800$ would be a Death Star or mosaic. There's no way you're reaching that part to price ratio on a Lego Star Wars set unless its full of small pieces.
Future Star Wars Sets
I thought up of a potential/wishful summer wave for this year taking everything into account (Movies, Mando, etc). Starting off, I think BPs will return. I think the initial wave was built as an experiment wave and I don't think Lego had the necessary production to put them out in time. That being said, I don't see a Clone BP happening any time soon, especially with the 501st one released. Rebel Troopers Battlepack (15$): We haven't had a Rebel based BP in a while and the Fleet Troopers are still sort-of in production. -Minifigures: Rebel Fleet Trooper (3x), Rebel Pilot (1x) -Build could be a small remake of the 2008 BP or something completely new like a speeder Jabba's Henchmen Battlepack (15$): This is the wildcard BP slot, as in recent years we've had more unique/odd picks for BP. In addition, it could work with some of the system sets being released. -Minifigures: Gamorrean Guard (2x), Gran Guard (1x), Weequay Guard (1x) -Build could be a chibi Skiff System scale sets are a bit more difficult. I aimed for around 9, 5 for the main movies, 2 for the Mandalorian, 1 for Bad Batch, and 1 for TCW. Duel Aboard the Arquitens (20$): You would think a franchise that has a description of every background character would be bothered to give Gideon's cruiser a name, but nope. Here's our duel set that was absent from the Winter Wave. -Minifigures: Moff Gideon, Din Djarin -Build could have half the set be based inside the prison room and the other half in the hallway A-Wing (30$): Shocked this ship doesn't get as much flak as Luke's Landspeeder or Snowspeeders, because it gets just as many remakes. With a new scale for ships, an OT version is inevitable. -Minifigures: A-Wing Pilot, Mon Mothma, Mon Cala Mechanic -Build is very similar to the ROS version, maybe scaled a bit down in line with the recent X-Wing and Tie Fighter. A small cargo train could be included. Imperial Troop Transport (40$): Initially appearing in the Rebels Storm Trooper BP, I think this vehicle is overdue for a system scale set. -Minifigures: Imperial Tank Driver, Storm Trooper (2x), Cara Dune -Build is, well, ya know, the ITT. Scale could be similar to the TX-225 tank from the R1 wave. Naboo Starfighter (40$): Haven't seen it in a while, same story. Now it IS possible we could see the Royal Starship instead since it is appearing in TSS, though I doubt it considering many things outside of sets have appeared in games. -Minifigures: Anakin Skywalker (EP1), R2-D2, B1 Security Droid (2x) -Build is the N1 is the new scale, though I think they should scrap the extra side builds for a more detailed craft. B-Wing (50$): The one of the few OT ships I would be happy for a remake. I think its also inevitable since it has not had a remake in years and has been added recently to Squadrons. -Minifigures: Ten Numb, Nien Nunb, Lando -Build is only the B-Wing, scaled in the new style. I could see the wings being the main areas of improvement. First Order AT-ST (60$): Lego can now redeem themselves with this set. Jokes aside, I really can't think of any ST sets that would remake well or haven't been made outside of obscure ones like the UA-TT. -Minifigures: FO Snow Trooper, FO Walker Pilot, Resistance Trooper (2x) -Build is the FO Walker, but with a head this time. Jabba's Sail Barge (90$): Haven't seen one of these in a while so I think its likely, especially with a MBS Jabba's Palace being possible next year. -Minifigures: Jabba, Boushh Leia (I don't know the rules on the "Huttslayer" Leia now, so I'm going to avoid it), Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Max Rebo -Build is a bit smaller to the 2013 version, maybe with a few parts removed to keep the price down. AT-TE (120$): If the rumors are true, we're getting the Republic Gunship this year as our UCS. In every wave, however, a gunship has been released with an AT-TE accompanying it. I think its been long enough for a remake. -Minifigures: Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano (S7), Darth Maul (Siege of Mandalore), 332nd Clone Trooper, Mandalorian Supercommando -Build is based off the S7 appearance of the AT-TE, which indeed looks like an AT-TE. Build could be a bit bigger than the 2013 version, maybe with an expanded interior and spring missile feature. Bad Batch Shuttle (130$): If a Bad Batch set happens, it will likely be this. Not much to say on it. -Minifigures: Crosshair, Tech, Hunter, Wrecker, Echo (5 isn't a lot but they all require new prints or molds, so I can't see there being any beyond the 5). -Build is the shuttle, of course with no nose art because it was cut from the show.
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