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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. yes, maybe next week will be released
  2. in this group you can reach all the characters and colours available ;)
  3. new colours released:
  4. You will have it available with 6 different helmets ;)
  5. In April will be available new trans satin black colour ;)
  6. @pbatey7 where doy you buy them?
  7. First of all, I don't think there are few units, I'm seeing a lot of solid and translucent figures being sold. The problem here is that the second resellers (ebay) are making more than 100-200% profit on their purchase price. Let's give an example with the prices that I have found: Provider: sell to 15-20USD to their local resellers. Dont know how much the profit here is ... 1st reseller (local sellers): buy from the provider at 15-20USD and sell to 25-30USD to local and international users. 2nd reseller (international sellers): buy from the local resellers at 25-30USD and sell to 100USD to the users all over the world. This is the problem, the 2nd resellers are increasing their profit more than 100-200% and the final users are thinking that these pieces are prototypes or rare minifigs due are too expensive, but in fact, the figures are not too expensive in themselves, well, are expensive to be clones, if they really are....
  8. The most logical option is for them to be clones of excellent quality, almost undetectable, but this theory raises me a question: how is it possible that all these clones come from the same country and there are not several resellers of these figures all over the world? I mean, the person who makes them wants to make money, should have many resellers all over the world, right?
  9. I think these are ABS minifigs and real prototypes are PC ones, these is the difference between booth. PC is mre delicate, only focused to made prototypes and not to play with. From my point of view there are 4 options: 1st. These minifig are made in China. But... why all these pieces are only being sold from one country (not china)? If are made in China, some sellers would be found arround the world... 2nd. These are made inside a factory with Oompa Loompas during night shift. 3rd. Are made with autentics molds out of a factory. But... how can be this possible? 4th. Someone have duplicate the minifigs and is injecting abs in the house garage. .... Too many questions without reliable answers, I think never will know the truth...
  10. I've been seeing for a long time in ebay, instagram, facebook, forums, this type of translucent and monochromatic figures of Vader, C3po, Obi Wan, ... that "supposedly" are made by night shifters in a lego factory.... someone knows 100% sure what their origin is?
  11. Hello, I am new here because although I have been a minifigure collector for a few years, I have recently discovered monochrome and translucent figures and the curious history, I love them anyway and I'm here to learn from all of you, teh experts hahaha, about this topic.
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