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Banned Outlaws
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  1. Interlink replied to Interlink's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Yeah. I usually get kudos on the Hapori Blackout. BBHM, people seemed to like that too. And the Mata Nui, well apparently, I overdid the silver and weapons.
  2. Interlink posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    All of my Bionicle Stuff. Here are the Galleries: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=187248
  3. Interlink replied to DoubleT's post in a topic in Community
    I'm 16 and...well....nothing. Shut up....At least I can drive....
  4. Ah ha ha ha ha! Looks like Spongebob finally gets what he deserves.
  5. Interlink replied to legomilk's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Usually TRU (or at least mine) has next years sets around the last week or two of December. Christmas amy be cutting it a little close, but mabye.
  6. Interlink replied to legomilk's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Stauder, I'd appriciate it if you could translate the main idea and other stuff about Bionicle and this "Phantoka" thing. Like, where it tkes palce and who is who and why and stuff. Or, something.
  7. Interlink replied to legomilk's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    BIONICLE: Is that what I think it is...? Anti-Toa?!?! *skull* :-D And they look...amazing....I love them. I'm gonna cry. Those masks look amazing. Are we getting into supernatural-ness for Bionicle 2008?!?! XD Can anyone tell me about this "Toa and Matoran combonation" thing? They really need to decide a color for stone element. Where's Gali, Tahu, and Onua? :-/ Sooo much better than anything from 2006-2007. EXO FORCE: Death machines! Hooray! Damn fine! Don't wanna stop looking at that picture... Keiken looks like he pooped his pants though...Tiny robots, kewl. TECHNIC: Lovin the dirt bike. That dune buggy needs a Technic figure. The truck is okay-ish. INDIANA JONES: Has construction of the 1990's (some of the best lines evah!) sets! STAR WARS: What the crap is a Rouge Shadow? How does that tie into SW at all? And who are those minifig in it? Don't recall any of them...well exept for Vader, but when was he damaged...like that? CREATOR: Could've been better. Another robot one would be nice. A big one too. CITY: Nothin' really new here. Though the yellow plane and van are awesome. RACERS: Nice designs, but not that exiting. IMPULSE: Tiny is perfect for them! BELLEVILLE: Wwwwwaaaaaaayyyyy to girly for me. Pfft. And they can't bring back the Technic Figure why? SPEED RACER: Ooooo.
  8. Interlink posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    And so it is an older MOC, built Feburary 2007. *skull* Gallery: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=240226 Wheels are too small.
  9. Interlink replied to optimus-convoy's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Tss. Photoshop... :-/ Anywho, that sounds interesting....Aviators cap and goggles. *yoda* Hm. |-/ Pfft, my only Technic guy has paint on him because I was stupid enought to paint my super rare 1987 figure....I need to smack myself. I guess I could just find more on the BST forum. Back on topic, nice Death Robot....again. *skull*
  10. Interlink replied to optimus-convoy's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Hm. Wow. I could really learn a thing or two from your Systemized Bioniclizational Technicing. ;-) But how you can just go through Technic dude limbs like that... Still...how? How'd you do this?
  11. Interlink replied to Interlink's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    LThok: Yeah, my user name is Bumblebee. Asuka: It is. Try it. If not with robots then try vehicles or animals. It'd be really cool out of System, with all a Technics details and posability and such. (Oh, and Rythm is pretty much a second version of Bio Machine Shadow ) (Gallery: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=218560 )
  12. Interlink posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    From left to right, H Bio, YT Bio, R Bio, M Bio transform and combine: To form Rythm: Gallery: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=277750 (one little post would be nice)
  13. *Nose bleeds*
  14. Interlink replied to LuxorV's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    You know what name would suit him? Berries and Cream! Berries and Cream! Still good work, and I like his gun, his little fingers, and his chest circle. Berries and Cream Super Robot!
  15. LxV: Yea, he is jumbled. Ask: Thanks. H39: As your little Walrus is a train with quare wheels. No really, thanks. MUS: Thanks as well. Sin: Busy posting, these things are old from BShelf. As for Bionicle, try it, it's fun. Though I keep mine seperate from my System unless absolutely nessecary. I've been into the jointy guys since I got Throwbot Scuba in 1999. Cool stuff right thurr. Still got (most of) that (I have all of TB Ski too). Anywho, try it, but try something crazy and insane. Don't start small (of sorts). A mech for the Fabuland Walrus would be kewl. Nothin like sea animals, little hats, and laser machine guns.( I thnk I have a FL pig somewhere...)
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