Everything posted by Brickity
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Not on the facades like the retro sets did though, that’s what I meant. They allowed for higher rooms, but I admit they did not look very sightly as display pieces.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I wouldn’t mind them revisiting the 2000s aesthetics a bit (in the sense of not enclosing every room and leaving wall gaps). I think that way we could have more pieces redirected towards the things we care more about (or at least me) such as even more rooms with more space. A very very far-fetched thought, I know.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I like that hair color on hermione, it really suits her year 3+ color. Is it the regular medium nougat?
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I agree. Sometimes the most characteristic aspects they can really take advantage of are the eyebrows, yet they end up making them very generic. In Emma’s case the eyebrows and mouth shape are her main traits. I tried replicating Emma’s eyebrows in a custom a while ago, IMO more accurate than the Carina face:
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I find it odd how they finally gave themselves an opportunity to create a new face for Bellatrix, yet created it based on Mantis. Same for every new face print they’ve made for Hermione. They’re basically new expressions for Carina Smith haha. Regarding the build, it’s so beautiful I would purchase it without needing to get Diagon Alley.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
IMO a special non-minifig head and a belly piece you can put on top of the torso that adds more height (his shoulders hang low anyway) would suffice. I did a quick rough sketch to exemplify:
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I only just watched Zootopia a few days ago, and even though the characters themselves don’t seem very desirable to get in minifigure form, I loved the movie so much I actually want Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde figs! I also really wish we could get Hiro from big hero 6 someday, along with another variant of Baymax in his red armor with more accurate body parts.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
The instagram app updated for me and it only shows the top hashtags of the hashtag I searched, not the recent ones. It sucks so much. Someone share the account name please.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I love the color palette on this one, it’s much much better than the previous one. Again, not a fan of the rooms following the same pattern as last year, but it is what it is. The mirrors in the ground floor look amazing. Shaggy’s hair for Florian, or maybe Fred’s again in brown would’ve been better. That face and hair just make him look like someone used the prince’s body for their custom sigfig.
- LEGO Harry Potter Three Broomsticks Modular Building MOC by Uniqueorn (Pictures)
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
True. Also, Cinderella’s hair although a very good mold, looks a bit odd due to leaving too much of her forehead and temples visible. I think the remaining $100 set can include Belle and Beast but a few other remaining figures as well, and the set could be a mash of iconic scenes from 3 movies maybe. Or.. something completely unexpected such as the set being iconic moments indeed, but focusing on the hunchback of Notre Dame, Aladdin and maybe Hercules or Atlantis? Then the small one could be Beauty and the Beast themed. Granted we’re still missing classic Little Mermaid figures for this year (HER year) just as they will release the classic peter pan set this year along the live action. Something tells me the $100 set can have prince Phillip and a small dragon Maleficent too, and Pocahontas still needs some friends. Mmhm.. In conclusion, besides Belle and Beast I’m sure we will be getting Ariel and Eric somewhere, period. I’m clueless about the rest, except a potential prince Ali or the Sultan in the Agrabah set. Though if the Agrabah set comes with the Sultan, prince Ali should be included in a set 😂
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I think Wendy and Cinderella are reusing the same face.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
The castle exterior looks insaane in that lifestyle image, plus I pretty much like all the minifigures (such a pity for Tiana obviously) Eugene and Rapunzel are incredible, if only Rapunzel had new long hair she would be the best disney princess fig. I better start learning about 3d modelling.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Yeah. They’ve been making more accurate molds for several of the princesses so I was hoping to be surprised. The long hair piece shouldn’t be hard to design, it can just lie flat on the back of the dress piece (when used with minifigs with legs it would look like flowing hair) and have a small gap at the bottom for the floor studs.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Pretty sure it’s exactly the same piece.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
The exterior is beautiful and prefer it over the previous one. Rapunzel with a new hair down mold would’ve been neat as I feel the braid is not characteristic of her, but it’s nice we finally got her and Flynn :) I think Belle and beast SHOULD be released somewhere this year, even though the remaining sets wouldn’t make sense for them.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Pretty sure that is 100% Snow White’s skirt. Belle’s dress has a lot more going on. Snow looked amazing in that low res image, but in reality that torso skirt transition is horrible, and those sparkles really messed it up. Sometimes less is more.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
At first glance it feels like I’m looking at the exact same castle from 2016, sigh. This one is obviously much better and feels more complete with more unique details, but I truly didn’t care about this layout in 2016 nor do I do now. Hooray for tangled figs, so strange they didn’t show the other figures here in case more of them are included.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
So, leaks or not, we are a month away from the official release date! Depending on how the interior looks and the amount of minifigs, I might just go ahead and buy it. Goodbye Hogwarts.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I think Belle and Beast are completely granted, but the couple taking the last spot is debatable since I feel like the presence of both the Aladdin VHS and the Genie Jafar minifigure point towards the inclusion of prince Ali and Jasmine, but so does the little mermaid VHS with human Ariel and Eric. I’m leaning more towards the latter since we don’t have a prince Eric minifig yet + this is the year of the little mermaid + Aladdin could come in the Agrabah set. However, as someone else pointed out, I don’t see them giving us only one non-white couple out of the 6 potential couples. So either the last couple are Ali and Jasmine and the figure coming with the Agrabah set is the Sultan, or we will get a total of 7 couples but that is very unlikely isn’t it? As much as I would love Rapunzel and Flynn, nothing points towards their inclusion in this set.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I’m a bit confused, wasn’t this GWP supposed to be Agrabah?
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
There is something much more vibrant and contrasting about the 100 series, perhaps the character selection and design. Series 1 and 2 look opaque next to the new series, and I’m thinking the inclusion of animal characters and several of their friends (like the mice, ducks and chipmunks) adds to that opaqueness and monotony. Regarding the black lines around their mouths, I actually prefer the older designs without it because they were more accurate. And I agree on Aurora’s face not being great as a whole, she’s probably got the most delicate features out of all the princesses yet she looks very goofy in both expressions. Whoever designed Alice and Ariel would’ve nailed it IMO.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Very good figure. New hair piece, new face, torso and skirt print, along with dual molded arms? Wow. Granted I expected the light nougat color for her hair for some reason, but this color makes sense.
Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
If my wallet is happy, I am happy. Overall a very forgettable wave IMO.
Disney Properties 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
So another set leaked, this time from dreamzzz, and one of those new hair molds looks exactly like Megara’s IMO. What set would she come in though?
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