Everything posted by Brickity
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
I did that in 2020 but now, if I shop from LEGO US it will only let me enter US addresses.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
I appreciate your ted talk. I wouldn’t be too bummed about them slowing down on Hogwarts builds since I can somewhat agree with what you say. Perhaps the next iteration will have the best aspects of the previous 2 (or I wish) I was going to say that we might be surprised by the summer sets but I don’t expect them to be too different from the Hospital Wing, which I don’t adore for talked-to-death reasons. I dream of an even better line than 2018-2020 (). We could have packed interiors without sacrificing the exterior aesthetic, perhaps by not needing to cover every side of every module, and leaving some gaps where possible (a la 2000’s/2021-2022) A mature color palette that doesn’t look boring (the astronomy tower’s palette looked great to me) And lastly, I’m going to sound insufferably picky because I probably am, but more mature looking face designs . And I am not even talking about the exhausted kiddy face topic. I’m probably the oddball here, but I absolutely adore the style they used for 2007 Harry, Snape and Umbridge (although this one didn’t have Imelda’s likeness) I even adore many of the 2010 designs such as Ron, Narcissa, Snape again, Hooch!, Bellatrix.. ugh. You get the drill. I think it’s the space between the eyes and mouth, the more stylized mouths, more stylized eyes, etc. We have many accurate minifigs in this new reboot but this is something that nags me a bit, but it all depends on the designer’s style really. One can only wish
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
How likely is it that they will go for a new Hogwarts style in 2024? (Don’t take out your pitchforks please ) Asking because the first one lasted 3 years. Gotta say, the hospital wing’s style looks a little inconsistent with last year’s sets, meaning it probably already changed. Looking forward to those summer sets.
Lego Avatar 2022/3 - Rumors & Discussion
Seeing how these figures will likely have the woody legs and arms (or at least I hope) the molded heads will help with the overall proportion. They could’ve just made a hair + ear combo if they were going for regular minifig bodies but I believe that won’t be the case.
Lego Avatar 2022/3 - Rumors & Discussion
At first glance the leaked head looked like a duplo piece to me The previously leaked hair piece’s bar at the bottom makes sense now since it could be to attach the bow they use in the movies
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
So we’re still missing info regarding the AC, D2C, the $119 set and SS’s minifigures. Is a fall wave possible?
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
DA expansion sounds the most likely to me too, though the wishful part of me wants to believe it’s something else I probably want it to be something other than DA because I didn’t get the set in the first place, I just have nowhere to put it.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
By the looks of it we will get the hospital wing trio variants and expecto patronum Sirius in both the shrieking shack and Sirius’ rescue. Kinda bummed by the thought of it but that’s just a small bit of the whole wave. I wish they used the new friends beanie for SS’s Hermione 😅
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
If one of the remaining sets is the Durmstrang ship + lake task/Grimmauld Place, then this will be a surreal year for me and will make me glad I ignored last years’ sets. In all fairness, the wave sounds awesome as it is but we definitely need some explaining like many of you said haha. I’m most excited about Dumbledore’s office as the 2002 one was my very first Harry Potter set, after that, it’s probably the shrieking shack. I’m excited to see pictures beyond measure, my eyes are ready.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Exactly. All we needed to know is if we were getting ootp sets this year because the piece is there, and not only it is ootp, it’s the ministry battle.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Naaah you guys above definitely knew about Sirius’ rescue and another hungarian horntail! The list sounds amazing!! Though why another Hungarian Horntail? I’m guessing it will be a proper bigger one without minifigs/builds.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Noooo 3 minutes now.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
You’re all exciting me with your predictions! Ahhh. We should definitely expect a couple of odd sets like brick built stuff.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Less than 15 minutes left! We’re about to discover our fate…
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
I for one wish to be surprised by the unexpected. I love that magical feeling haha. Well except for the shrieking shack and lake task, give us those!
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Yes, we got Gabrielle in 2019 but her variant is different enough in the second task (it’s barely noticeable in the movie but know LEGO uses the source material well) But we definitely could go without her having that face print already. Actually now that you mention it, it’s a good excuse to finally give Ron and Hermione updated expressions. One side sleeping, the other side a brand new expression, though I think the former would be useless for future sets The 4 champions, merperson, grindylow and a couple of students sound the most realistic IF they include side builds to make the set substantially bigger. But even so that amount sounds far-fetched to me.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Yesterday I thought about getting the good ‘ol rescue from the merpeople set but I will wait in case they give us a new one this year I’d be happy with just Harry, Krum, merperson, Gabrielle and a Grindylow. A bigger set with one of those platforms could probably grant us a couple more figures.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Haha I hate myself for forgetting about them. Yes, that sounds more like it.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
AHHH 😍 I really hope it’s literally the shrieking shack. Of course the excitement is about the set but in terms of minifigures, it’s possible we get the same variants from the hospital wing + the existing Sirius + a slightly updated Lupin, if they take the accuracy route that is. Kinda wish they break the rules here 😅
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Oh my I LOVE that Thor, this will definitely be a different year for my purchases. Hello Marvel.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Eh, I guess it all comes down to personal preference IMO the Snape one is more accurate, but sometimes accuracy is boring depending on the piece available.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
That’s why I asked if it had been released already, someone from Mexico was selling several (original) Snape hairpieces in lavender. They are obviously from the factory but whether they’re prototypes or not, I do not know… is order of the phoenix even possible this year in the first place…? Wait……😱
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Oohhh this is hella exciting! On a different topic, I only just found out that Yule Ball Ron’s hair already exists in lavender Has anyone made a custom Tonks with it?
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
I really hope they stop sooner than later. My interest shifted all of a sudden to SW and other themes this year :/ Truth be told I didn’t care much about last year’s sets (I got two and they bored me as soon as I built them) and I feel the same way about March releases, there isn’t/hasn’t been much novelty overall. I’m still very very hopeful about the summer wave though, a part of me thinks LEGO will surprise us all. If the current narrative carries on, then it’s another no for HP this year Saving money = peace of mind. No longer in a relationship with the toxic completionism.
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