Thank You. That does help. I agree. The 8043 deserves to keep the parts in with such a demanding rebuild. As of right now I am doing the 8052 mod. Simple compared to the other bigger sets. I will probably reuse the motors for another set like the 8043 or 8110.
Ok thanks. Yeah I definitely plan on building it. But then Again I would't mind be the first to open it. I like having a set with everything in mint condition, instructions, box, etc. But I agree $475 is outrageous.
After modding any of your technic sets. Do any of you reuse the motors, receivers, etc....or do you leave them in the model set and buy more stuff for the next mod?
I am new to technic. But already want the 8421 crane. With the price of a new rig it's $475. Which is ridiculous but isn't made anymore. Is it worth it to get the 8421 Model vs the 8053. As of right now I have the 8043, 8110, & 8052. My wish list is the 8421 and the 8258. Currently I have only had time to build the 8052 since it was my first set. Thanks