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  1. Hi fox, hope you doing well. It's been a year I built my Chiron by following the Pimp up my Bugatti instructions (big thanks to @jb70) However I have an issue now with the gearbox in drive mode. The 4th gear pass smootlhy but the next 4: impossible. Pedal shifter seems to be not strong enough or something happen inside the gearbox. To pass the 4th last gear, I hade to turn manually the gear wheel (normally operated by the pedal shifter) to pass on the 5th gear. After that, I can re use again pedal shifter. The issue seems to be around the gear block. I don't know if I have to disassemble everything or not (I hope nop).
  2. Not it's not my first Technic^^ I have dozen of them. It will be my first modifiction of an official set.
  3. Yes I'm agree with you but I'm not interested by the Hand of God (HoG) steering so how I'm supposed to do ?
  4. I was able to put my hand on a Bugatti Chrion brand new for 250 euros and I'm quite happy and very excited to build it. But I will have to wait Xmas I already bought printed parts from Steindrucker and I'm waiting them. I knew this set suffers from differents aspects, especially gearbox and front suspension and I found this amazing topic with modification made by the entire team and @jb70 (you did an amazing job dude). Chiron must be perfect and I'm considering to buy the necessary parts to improve it but I have few questions: - Here I can see the nessecary parts for the improved chiron. On the left I have 4.8% unique parts and on the right 7.3%. Should I have to buy both listed parts or just one of the two ? (if yes which one, I'm a bit confused) -I think I'm gonna apply two/three major modification of @jb70 : front suspension, gearbox, doors and maybye the rear spoiler. My question is: what is the best way to mix both of the two instruction book (the offical one and @jb70's one ?° Thank you so much for your help. Take care and have a good night.
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