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  1. Anyone grinding marvel rivals for skins Or anyone hasn't tried yet and would use my hero assembly/referral code 1500302867
  2. Given the trend of dc cmf 1 and the marvel cmfs, i think there would be 1 black female like vixen or the other lanterns Tho ofc i would prefer if theres jessica cruz as green lantern Flash may or may not still be there via rebirth wally west Would like if we get doctor fate cos he needs a new mould (as opposed to someone like zatanna, i think i have the best purist version of her actually) And actually absolute bats and ww are indeed extremely recognisable as their characters (as opposed to something like batman bryond) but i would prefer if they gave us a quintessential hush batman and new 52 ww with dual moulded legs. Hush batman would have hush-two-ah coming out Also unlikely theyd do supergirl as red lantern (i feel, at least)- if they did her id prefer linda danvers or just basically the dcau white costume
  3. Comic Cmf 2> dcau/ comic sets with non generic/oc mechs/vehicles>
  4. I don't believe it, we all thought this set was to help bleed figures from the arkham d2c, hard to imagine arkham would be based off of schumaccher, that is a large gamble And apparently the whole forever rumor is just based on the pic used by another leaker
  5. Christmas batgirl? Ashnflash did ones based on the btas christmas episodes when he still used to do those Or christmas green lantern
  6. Wheres the source it still sounds made up I feel like a schumaccer set would disappoint despite what posters here might think.
  7. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Comic, new batman adventures even nolan but noooooooooo Comic cmf 2 only salvation Sounds like a troll, not sure if you or the leaker made that up
  8. How bout nothing at all It's soon time to ghost this thread since we're far away from news but I'd buy a hypothethical bat calendar that contains an expensive set's figures. More so if it came with comic cover prints. COMIC cmf 2 i would buy the whole lot
  9. Not gonna lie if this was the set, it would be an 8/10 for me add new adventures ivy or supergirl and would be a 10
  10. $100 is just enough for a new batman adventures batcomputer, suit rack and inevitable batmobile with nba batgirl "Comic based" I would expect to be some hodge podge of designs
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