How to build 《Droideka》
Congratulations hopeso009, this is the best version of the Droideka I've seen so far. I just built one with my son and had a lot of fun with the possible adjustments due to the great number of "hinges" and clamps. Though the screwdrivers are hard to get and quite expensive it's worth every cent. Thank You for this great piece of Lego Art Work KLM
Return of the Jedi in LEGO
@codianer: thanks for the headpiece info. Now there is another reason for me to look after the admiral holdo minifigure ;-)
Return of the Jedi in LEGO
Never being quite satisfied with Mon Mothmas original head piece designed by LEGO and searching for an alternative I was surprised to find one here. Or not so much surprised as codianer pays attention to accuracy in every detail. It's always fund an source of ideas to watch your dioramas and they bring the film scenes to life again in my mind. Could you tell which headpiece you used for Mon Mothma? kind regards KLM
moc Death Star throne room
Of course, from time to time, the emperor comes by to check the progress of the built ;-) Scene1_Bild1_Landeanflug K´s shuttle by Kar Craz, auf Flickr Scene1_Bild3.1_Ausstieg aus Shuttle by Kar Craz, auf Flickr Scene1_Bild4_Ausstieg aus Shuttle von Turmspitze by Kar Craz, auf Flickr Turm Totale mit HG by Kar Craz, auf Flickr Scene1_Bild4.1_Turmspitze von oben unten dunkel by Kar Craz, auf Flickr Turm Spitze mit Himmel by Kar Craz, auf Flickr
moc Death Star throne room
When I saw the first pictures of the new diorama of the final duel on the Death Star made by Lego it came to my mind I have to share my version as work in progress (beginning in 2019) with you. Since I cut some lego bricks for that and let a company cut out the window out out V2A-steel (not yet embedded) I was not shure about presenting it at all. But I don't want to be called a thief of ideas and hope this is soon enough for You to believe I invented it on my own. Hope to present the final version in about a year. _DSC5464 by Kar Craz, auf Flickr
- Harry Potter custom builds and moc's
[MOC] Hungarian Horntail
Absolutely fine version of the hungarian horntail, great work! Could You post an image with with a minifigure to get an idea of the proportions? Did You built it jet? Which one is the piece on the downside of the body? Do all parts really exist in matching color? As I bulit a custom fluffy I'd like to build this one, too but want to make sure not to get disappointed during the collection of the parts. best regards KLM
Harry Potter: the usual homework?!
Sorry for the confusion. I had to fix how to upload pictures. Here it is (and keep my first text line in mind): _DSC6763 by Kar Craz, auf Flickr
Harry Potter: the usual homework?!
Harry (thinking): "Damn, I should´ve listened to Seamus regarding dangerous books."
- Updating Your Harry Potter Minifigures
- Updating Your Harry Potter Minifigures
- Updating Your Harry Potter Minifigures
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