Problem with Ball and Saucer for Ball
this is just something really dumb that LDD does, certain parts exist in the program but are incapable of performing their function, i first noticed this to a limited degree when trying to place a heartstone for a bionicle creation, trying to place 30153 into a standard axle hole, only to find that it just didn't allow for that very basic connection. the inflexibility issue became greatly apparent when trying to use the imfamous rubber treads, and finding theres only like 6 useable parts in the dedicated flexible parts section just added insult to injury. if you've used technic axles enough then you know that the minimum movement increment is often uneven, trying to center the turret elevation mount on striking venom was a nightmare of ocd, speaking of striking venom, its body used a central truss made up of technic bricks, standard beams and several 32555, surrounded by an octagon of various axles and angle axle connectors, but the tollerances somewhere in that construct were ever so slightly off, rendering completion impossible, i eventually forfeit the use of 32555 as it was likely the source of the largest problem, its technic pin conections snapping everything slighly off axis and making the structually mandatory octagon unworkable. also before i forget, ldd not having 11477 and its relatives is unaceptable, the piece debuted 3 years prior to ldds last official update and is extremely common, in 1,506 sets as of this post, ive had to abandon so many builds because of that piece alone, there are many other pieces with a similar problem but this is by far the most egregious.
shaldur started following [KEY TOPIC] LDD New Parts and LDD: problems with angles: parts won't click into place
LDD: problems with angles: parts won't click into place
i have a different type of problem with the hinge tool, im trying to chain together hero factory limbs in an arc but the angle commands are being uncooperative, i spawned in the pieces and attatched them to a base structure, then when i opened up the hinge tool and selected the joint, i saw several decimal angle values already present all random, which in and of itself wouldnt be a bother if it would let me get rid of those arbitrary values, but i cannot, in fact, attempting to change the value to a regular whole number and pressing enter causes the number to rise a small bit over the previous value, and it often skews the other axis' as well, i cannot comprehend why it is doing this, the parts are completely unobstructed and there is no logical reason for this to be happening
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
i followed the given instructions to the best of my ability, but it isnt working, the new part files are present but they have not integrated into ldd, whenever i unzip a file or folder, it creates an unzipped copy of the item instead of unzipping the item itself, i dont know if this is normal but it may be contributing to the issue, i unzipped the new primitives folder inside db and it automatically placed the unzipped copy into the old primitives folder rather than overriding it, now somehow there are 3 folders titled primitives in sequence within each other with massive blocks of part files distributed throughout, none of it interacting with the ldd program, this is my first time trying to set up something like this so i dont know how much of this is normal behavior, being unfamiliar with windows 10 doesnt help either, the folder sequence goes, this pc > downloads > lif extractor win 64bit > lif extractor win 64bit > db > primitives > primitives > db > primitives > lod0 i dont understand, the first primitives folder has a lod0 in it which im guessing is the original, and the last lod0 in the sequence has g1 files in addition to the gcode toolpaths of everything else, when i opened ldd nothing was different except a slightly slower loading time, which could just be a fluke, are there extra steps not described in the above tutorial, because i dont remember seeing any steps that would suggest uploading data into ldd, it just made an accessible copy of the parts list and threw some more parts in that general direction
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