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Eurobricks New Members
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  1. Thanks. Real life has been busy lately and my kids cannabalized the last build I was working on. As soon as I finish my introductory builds I'd love to integrate with any established storylines you've got going
  2. Thank you all for the welcome! I would PM some of you with questions but it says I'm allowed 0 private messages per day. Am I too new for PMs? @Keymonus glad that subtlety wasn't lost on ya @Bodi Thank you for the invite to faction PM. As soon as I get some time off of work, I'll get to building!
  3. "I psychí mou kai i ypiresía mou ston Hades" Pierre Caron was left on the steps of an Oleon Monastery as an infant. Raised by priests of Hades, Pierre worked in the monastery cooking and cleaning until coming of age and taking on the monastic mantle and charge. After spending his formative years transcribing and copying the decrees and doctrines of the Order, Pierre became skeptical of the piety of political intrigue and the mingling of finance and faith in the dealings of the Order. But his faith in the Tripartite and desires to serve Hades are strong so he left the monastery to enter missionary service to the isles and seas in the east. Pierre sails to serve Oleon, deliver pure religion to the living, and to shepherd the dead on to the afterlife. Balance, Altruism, Justice. End Story Stuff I'm sorta new to Lego and have been getting into it to have something to spend time with my sons doing. I don't quite understand this game just yet but the idea of LEGO + Pirates + RPG appeals to me. Somebody point me in the right direction so I can contribute haha
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