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Everything posted by hondohnaka

  1. Pm’d. this whole snafu is somewhat beneficial to my budget at least lmao. Sigh guess we gotta wait till May 4
  2. But leaping on the tiniest crumb of information and immediately screeching about it to high heaven is this fanbase’s favorite thing to do! (nervously shoves last ten posts under the rug) I really want this set to be good so I hope he’s right and most of the points were garbage but I’m not holding my breath.
  3. Ah ok my bad. Still tho, one new arm mold? Really, Lego?
  4. Yuuuuuuup. Every canon appearance of it is dark grey or black. So Lego naturally said “we paid for the whole color wheel, we’re going to use the whole color wheel.” More sand blue for MOCs would be nice but jeez.
  5. Wasn’t there a thing back in like 2015-16 where Lego pretended they were gonna do more disabled figures, made one kid in a wheelchair and then dipped? Would have been an easy PR win and a more accurate figure but ya know one new mold is SOOOOOO expensive
  6. Oh thank god. Although I say that now and watch it be “yeah it wasn’t garbage ENOUGH the original list gave it too much credit actually the whole ship is lime green and it comes with a single R2 figure and that’s it” lmao. edit: so stu_.d said “squad leader” is imperial Crosshair which tbh it’s a cool design that fig would be nice to have.
  7. Maybe he’s in the $30 set? It’s a stretch but let’s summon the resident coy oracle @MandRproductions did I crack it?
  8. This is true, the way the fin is described worries me tho. On the other hand a lime green speeder sounds dope. I’m hoping this means we’ll get at least descriptions of the other sets soon, although I’m guessing this only happened because of its theoretical May 4 reveal. edit: also I’m guessing the Kylo hair is for Hunter and the Doc Ock hair is for Tech?? The others are all bald/VERY short hair and Crosshair isnt in this.
  9. Thanks. Sounds terrible smh. Might actually give this one a miss, was expecting to grab it but SAND BLUE???
  10. 2.5 isnt official I’m just using it for the sort of the transition armor between TCW 7 armor and pure ANH stormies. So basically yeah.
  11. Dude a 24-inch accurate Vader buildable figure that doesn’t use those stupid big Mixel joints but has actual detailing and design…🤩
  12. Yeah I was gonna say I thought it was like 2300 pieces lol. Jeez some people
  13. Um. Is this a life-scale R2 lmao? Bc that’s bigger then the freaking Coliseum.
  14. I want to say yes because it makes sense, but at this point Rex and Cody not being made is lowkey a meme and I have to wonder if Lego is doing it on purpose
  15. Question, and if this is the wrong thread someone yell at me, but does May 4 have double VIP? Also I've heard the gunship is coming out Sep 15, is that correct?
  16. There’s a couple major reasons I’ve seen. 1. He complains A LOT in his reviews. People find this petty and I can see the argument but tbh we are indirectly paying him to review a product (ad revenue) and I’d like to know all the flaws. Some of his criticisms are majorly petty (box art consistency?? because that affects the set??) but still. 2. His campaigns. Personally, I love the 501st pack bc I just got out of my dark ages and just saw TCW so unironically thanks for being a stubborn troll Ryan. I do see how annoying they can be tho. 3. There’s an element of appealing to children. 4. He’s kinda cocky and people don’t like that??? Anyway this whole discussion is so bloody middle school. The set will be what the set is and we’ll find out in a month or three. Chill.
  17. You know what would be cool? We haven’t had an AT TE in a while and they seem to be making an appearance on BB at least. An imperial AT TE would be a dope set. Maybe have both P2.5 clones and true stormies for the transition effect.
  18. This is a legitimate criticism tbh. The secrecy surrounding all this is really bloody annoying for what is, essentially, a child’s toy. Everyone’s still gonna buy it whether we know about it in advance or not, there’s no reason for Lego to be so uptight about what they’re releasing and there’s DEFINITELY no reason for people to play coy with what they know. Either say you know nothing or say what you know. ETA: Lego acts like their releases are some sort of critical secret. I understand this mentality for films, if spoilers get out people are less likely to watch a movie, but for a toy? Come on. It’s dumb.
  19. We know it's a retail exclusive and isn't a battle pack, Obi-Wan's starfighter or Cobb Vanth's speeder. That's basically all.
  20. It’s been really hard to find for a while which is why I brought it up, but yes there is a rumor it will be leaving by the end of the year.
  21. If anyone's still looking for it, the Razor Crest is up rn. Just noticed it and thought I'd mention.
  22. There was an extremely vague rumor at one point that there was the possibility of a sixth figure. The predominant guess at the time was Anakin or Rex, but it was never really followed through on.
  23. There's always a chance, 75303 just simply dropped off the radar entirely, so it could be used for something, but we obviously won't know until further leaks come out.
  24. Yeah this makes sense. Probably available for pre-order or something.
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