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Everything posted by hondohnaka

  1. Oh gross. Wasn’t going to buy it anyway but if they have the audacity-
  2. Looks all right, could be longer and the stand could have been thinner. Still gonna buy it for nostalgia’s sake bc I’m a sucker for anything 66
  3. Wrong forum but as a huge fan of the Classic series HOLY SMOKES BATMAN that will be the first helmet I’ll buy. It really should have been a UCS style set with a place to put bigfig Thanos. It would be absolutely gorgeous and sell pretty dang well I think. It’s been confirmed 30 I’m pretty sure.
  4. I'm guessing they're comics sets? "Lego Super Heroes" is different from "Lego Marvel" being MCU stuff right?
  5. I think it mostly has to do with the fact that the Bad Batch is kind of the one remaining clone special ops unit so people are hoping for Delta Squad because it would be a cool combination. Honestly the Invincible Iron Man helmets wouldn’t be a horrible piece to use. Somehow Lego’s created a piece that’s absolute hot garbage for the character it was designed for but works very well for a bunch of other characters
  6. Go read FalconFan’s post on insta
  7. Stormies, but that’s just bc I got really hard into the Imperials recently. ARC troopers. More mandalorians that aren’t neon colors. Battle droids. FOR THE LOVE OF THE FORCE BATTLE DROIDS. You cannot release 6 clone troopers in a wave and only four battle droids. That’s ridiculous. Battle droid armies are meant to outweigh the clones by orders of magnitude because of how they were produced.
  8. Turns out, surprise surprise, @MandRproductions was full of shit on the CMF thing. Cue three pages of argument on the subject and the mods locking the thread.
  9. incoming “OnLy ThE bEsT iS gOoD eNoUgH” I won’t be buying it but I never wanted it either way lmao
  10. If there was going to be a CMF it wouldn’t be on those shows. They don’t have any specifically unique and iconic characters, unlike the Marvel CMF, several characters from which will probably never be made in a set due to their places in the narrative (Throg immediately comes to mind, as does say Zombie Cap). CMFs have always been primarily unique characters; that’s the drive for them. Almost all of Mando’s characters have been made or will be made, Andor’s stuff was all made in the Rogue One wave, Bad Batch is really just the five main clones we’ve already gotten and Omega and Fennec who we will get sooner rather then later, and do I even need to explain why Kenobi doesn’t make sense for a CMF? It’s going to be him crying in his hut between beating up Sand People and stormies.
  11. While we’re on the subject of fennec this is a pretty good custom that with a bit of fiddling (maybe a narrower, closer-to-the-head lower half) could work for her.
  12. When do we usually get reveals? I know this question is asked too much but seeing Marvel and Ninjago get reveals is getting me antsy (granted they're coming out in a week in those strange locales known as Not America) so I was wondering.
  13. If DC ever gets their act together and does another Dark Knight-level movie they could win but I highly doubt that'll happen if Joker didn't win.
  14. I'm guessing the Sanctuary will have minfig Thanos, right?
  15. They've already made the piece so if they use that excuse for no molded Darksaber I'll be very annoyed. That being said I don't think, if they ever make it, that we'll see that piece in the Mandalore Duel set. They'll definitely want to keep that an exclusive piece. On that note, I feel like we're already getting a few new pieces this wave: Gar Saxon/Armorer, Tech's helmet, Wrecker's armor, probably a Dark Trooper head...the darksaber definitely feels like something they'll cheap out on at the end of it all.
  16. Also, the thing I'm worried about with the arm printing thing is that from a sales standpoint it makes a lot of sense to make the arm printing exclusive to ToT knowing a lot of people would wait for the Cruiser and then end up having to buy ToT for the proper printing. People would still buy the Cruiser as well as ToT for the printing. Maybe I'm being conspiratorial but after the nonsense with the Shuttle Vader...I don't know, man.
  17. If they go back to not putting arm printing on him imma be pissed. It’s a major part of his costume, and it would be extremely cheap to put it in one set only.
  18. They…released…images…how…exciting…we definitely didn’t see these…two…weeks…ago…
  19. This I do agree with. A tan building would have sucked the colors out of the green characters especially and the red of Carnage, the spiders and DD looks amazing against the grey.
  20. The leg printing really bugs me. 2 out of 25? Seriously? In an 18+ display set? And I'd absolutely trade every single civilian except JJJ for a Deadpool and a few more Spiders. They don't have to do everything but they could have done more then basically throwing in a generic City fig pack.
  21. The problem with Jango’s is that it’s a subplot of a largely disliked film with a few cameos in TCW and hasn’t made a reappearance since. Boba’s is from one of the most popular films and is all over the place in newer media. It’s a visibility/popularity issue more then anything. I would like to see one tho, preferably just a reskin of the 20th Ann. so they go together properly.
  22. Honestly we should be complaining more about the pilot then Cody. Cody is a meme at this point, and no fig we can get would be as good as the customs that exist which would just spark more whining. The fact we don’t have pilots is an absolute travesty; they’re a massable fig that no proper replacement exists for. Also, honestly, I don’t understand people’s obsession with Cody. Did I watch the same TCW? He’s like the less cool Rex that follows Obi-Wan around and does little. On a personal note, obviously I’m biased but if we can’t get a P2 helmet with holes/a Cody fig for the love of the Force Lego give us a molded Hondo. edit: also, there’s still one unrevealed set. Not to be a rumor monkey but it he possibility is still there 🤷‍♂️
  23. Anyone else think the body of the Probe Droid would make a good mini Cloud City with a bit of work? Just randomly looked at it sideways and saw it.
  24. I've only just gotten into DC Lego and honestly, it's pretty freaking bad. Except for the fact that the 66 Batmobile is amazing. I'm glad they got that out before any supposed break but yeah it wouldn't hurt at all. Also DC as a studio is such a disaster but that's just me
  25. The part of me that loves GOTG above every other movie wants the Benatar so badly. The part of me that understands budgets said “sit down, idiot”.
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