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  1. Never read a truer comment here to be honest. If TLG makes a 42100 it’s to simple with one motor per function as you said. If they make a model with 1 motor and distribution gearbox, the first thing people do is to motorize each function seperately and make it rc. If it’s a high piece count model there are too many pieces. If it’s fewer pieces it’s not detailed enough. Lets not even talk about the wide spread sticker hate going on.
  2. Color variations don’t bother me that much in general but I can agree that it’s an issue in a set and color like the Sian. I will say though, that I have sets going back to -94. I recently rebuilt my 8480 and I’ve had very little issues with parts breaking. Probably 2-3 in total and I’ve never had a set miss a part. I have thought so numerous times though and every time they’re left in a bag in the trash or on the floor...
  3. The piece count is quite different though. The cost/piece is actually the same not even taking inflation in to account. Add the licensing costs to that and I think it’s as cheap as it could get. I’m also quite sure that the next 1:8 car is a red Ferrari so I’m thinking they want to differentiate a lot between those models.
  4. Just found this. Great thread and really makes you view some sets differently. Just started building as an adult again a few months ago and have to prioritize what to try and get a hold of from the older models.
  5. I built it yesterday and really enjoyed it. Lowered the suspension slightly though to get rid of that awkward ride height I think it looks great and can’t really understand all the negative feedback it’s been getting. With regards to stickers I had no issues aligning them and mounted as I went on with the build. Obviously not a 1:8 set in complexity bit something has to set theese apart. I paid like 159 euros for this btw.
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